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Рубрика: Градостроительство. Теория развития города. Теория и история архитектуры, реконструкция и реставрация архитектурного наследия


UDK: 725.94:711.68
A.S. Alpatova, V.D. Prasolova, N.V. Ivanova, N.N. Antonova
Results of scientific researches on improvement and design of the architectural environment of the city locate in article by means of structural elements of sredovy design. Architectural and spatial means of small architecture act as elements of an individualization of an architectural landscape of the city, being defined by quite extensive set of specific elements of an urban environment. In work they are presented by means of small architecture, such as to an inscription on facades of buildings and hours. Keywords. Means of small architecture, inscription, hours, shape of the city, the composite effect, explaining inscriptions, design function, inspection, a flower clock, an architectural landscape.
14 pag.


UDK: 711.01
S.G. Artemova, V.V. Bubnov
This article calls attention to new courtyard territories classification from the point of view of parking possibility.
4 pag.


UDK: 69.692.82
P.A. Kazanseva, A.S. Kolesova, E.P. Kuznetcova
Nowadays the problems of economy of energy are very urgent in the world. The requirements of heat cover are also spread on windows, because windows are the main reason of heat losses. The modern ways of energy effective glazing are considered in this article for fighting with heat losses in buildings and structures; their advantages and deficiencies.
7 pag.


UDK: 69.059.7
Y.E.Kurbatov, O.V. Maksimova, A.R. Khamaeva, T.С. Sheptuha
Presents the historical background of the object of historical and cultural heritage, the concept of restoration work, architectural solutions for devices cafe premises
5 pag.


UDK: 69.059.7
N.B. Kurjakova, J.M. Gayfutdinova, O.A. Korjakina, Galimova B.M.
The article describes the situation in the historic center of Perm in terms of its consolidation and modernization. The factors, that slow down these processes, and also the factors promoting rehabilitation of built up territories have been considered. The situation has been considered by builders and specialists in the field of real estate. In these article authors have stated the vision of the problem solution.
6 pag.


UDK: 692.4
Marsov А.А., Shamarina А.А.
The article consider the solution of tasks: management of the territory adjacent to the building, energy efficiency of the underground part of the building and environmental improvement in urban areas. In dense urban areas to create parking spaces in the construction of new buildings there is a need for underground parking. When the device operated on the roof of the underground part of the building can be arranged green areas, promenade, flower beds, playground or outdoor cafe. It is the use of roofing systems, according to the authors, can solve the above problem.
11 pag.


UDK: 624.012.1/.2
Olenkov V.D., Popov D.S., Pronina A.A., Samarina E.A.
The article addressed to issue of the technical condition of Yuruzan (Russia, Chelyabinsk region) church’s constructions and decorative elements. Recommendations for the restoration of this architectural monument are proposed.
4 pag.


UDK: 72.017(470.45)
Prosvirova P.M., Potokina T.M.
The summary In article to be told about колористике as the effective tool in formation of shape of the modern city and one of manifestations of an architectural originality of Volgograd.
4 pag.

Купольные здания

UDK: 69.036.3
Азанова Е.В., Шамарина А.А.
В представленной работе анализируется современная технология строительства купольных зданий. Целью исследования является определение возможности при-менения технологии куполостроения в Пермском крае. Данная тема является актуальной, поскольку в настоящее время наблюдается повышение спроса на заго-родное строительство жилого, торгового и туристического сектора.
8 pag.

Солнечные коллекторы

UDK: 696.48-67
Вихарева Е.П., Шипигусева Е.Ю., Макарова Н.В. Шамарина А.А.
В представленной работе рассматриваются виды солнечных коллекторов, способ работы системы горячего водоснабжения с помощью солнечных коллекторов. Це-лью исследования является выяснение возможности применения вакуумных сол-нечных коллекторов для системы горячего водоснабжения в условиях г. Перми и выявление эффективности от их применения.
12 pag.

Социологические исследования в градостроительстве на примере разработки стратегии развития поселка Новые Ляды

UDK: 31.748
Захарова М.И.
Мастер-планирование заключается в разработке стратегии развития территории, в ходе работы над которой проводятся многосторонние исследования, в том чис-ле социологические. Понять мотивации людей, проживающих на данной территории, выявить ее сильные и слабые стороны, исследовать местные особенности – все это важно для анализа территории, без которого невозможно принимать взвешенные решения о стратегии ее развития.
5 pag.

Концепция развития общественных пространств на территории ИЖС поселка Новые Ляды

UDK: 711.163
Камакаева М.А., Моисеева Ю.Ю., Соколова В.Д., Максимова С.В.
В работе проведен анализ территории индивидуальной жилой застройки поселка Новые Ляды. Предложены архитектурные и планировочные решения общественных пространств.
10 pag.

Планировка городов вчера, сегодня, завтра

UDK: 711.4
Е.А. Каменских, Р.Р.Нуриханов, М.Ю.Овсянников, Е.П. Кузнецова
Рассмотрены пути решения градостроительных проблем, возникающих всвязи с увеличением населения Земли, в разные исторические периоды. Приведены сведения о новом понятии в науке архитектуры – морском градостроительстве.
7 pag.

Этапы реконструкции Пермского Академического Театра Оперы и Балета

UDK: 69.059.7
И.В. Катаева, Н.С. Рачёва, Т.С. Шептуха
Город Пермь называют третьей балетной Меккой, после Москвы и Санкт-Петербурга. В Перми расположен известнейший во всем мире академический театр оперы и балета имени П.И. Чайковского, являющийся одним из старейших театров России. В статье подробно рассмотрена история существования здания театра, его реконструкция и активно обсуждаемые новые проекты реконструкции.
9 pag.

Применение структуры замкнутых кварталов при преобразовании территории поселка Новые Ляды, г. Пермь

UDK: 711.4-112
Кузнецова А.Е.
Мировая практика градостроительства направлена на создание городов с ком-плексным и устойчивым развитием. С понятием «комплексное освоение террито-рии» сейчас часто связывают понятия «квартальная застройка» и «городской квартал». В статье описаны городские кварталы как элементы качественной го-родской среды. Описано применение концепции квартальной застройки в проекте планировки поселка Новые Ляды, для которого был проведен анализ существую-щей застройки и выявлены проблемы в планировочной структуре. Применение системы замкнутых кварталов поможет сделать территорию поселка связной, создать сетку улиц и повысить качество городской среды.
6 pag.

Архитектурная подсветка фасадов и ее развитие в г. Перми

UDK: 69.059.7
Курякова Н.Б., Гладких А.И., Сергеева К.С.
В данном докладе рассмотрены варианты и способы архитектурно-декоративного освещения фасадов, плюсы и минусы архитектурной подсветки, новейшие технологии в данной области. А также авторами проанализирована существующая об-становка в архитектурном проектировании освещения г. Перми.
7 pag.

Возможность возведения нулевых домов в Пермском крае

UDK: 69.001.5
Курякова Н.Б., Панькова А.Н., Пупова А.С.
В данном докладе рассматривается вопрос возможности и целесообразности воз-ведения нулевых домов в пермском крае. Авторами систематизирован и проана-лизирован опыт возведения таких зданий, как на примере западных стран, так и России.
6 pag.

Урбанистическая концепция обогащения облика г.Перми с использованием семиотики архитектуры

UDK: 624.131.37
Курякова Н.Б., Потехин С.В.
В данной статье рассмотрен вопрос формирования единого облика города Перми. Выявлены и проанализированы главные проблемы современной застройки. Представлены возможные концептуальные решения используя Семилтику архитектуры
7 pag.

Реконструкция участка микрорайона «водники» г.Перми

UDK: 711.332.3
М.А. Лазукова, С.В. Максимова
Статья включает в себя краткое исследование, основанное на выборе наиболее подходящей застройки для данного участка. В ходе исследования выяснилось, что наиболее оптимальную комфортную среду жизнедеятельности населения, а также реализацию замысла проекта, представляют здания средней этажности. Планировка территории основана на принципах Нового Урбанизма, который в свою очередь поддерживает стратегию кварталов Мастер - плана г. Перми, а так-же общее видение перспективного развития города.
5 pag.

Эскизный проект благо-устройства школьной территории для детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья

UDK: 711.163
Лаищева Н. И., Селюгина А. А., Сосновских Л.В.
В статье описан эскизный проект благоустройства школьной территории для де-тей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Проект, предложенный авторами статьи, разработан на основе анализа нормативной литературы с учётом всех особенностей проектирования среды для маломобильных групп населения.
6 pag.

Эскизный проект конно-оздоровительного комплекса в микрорайоне Чапаевский

UDK: 694.1
Н.И. Лаищева, А.А. Селюгина А.С. Чепкасова, Е.П. Кузнецова
Статья посвящена созданию эскизного проекта крытого манежа, а так же обуст-ройству окружающей территории. Используя возможные аналоги, а так же норма-тивную литературу был запроектирован эскиз манежа и получен новый вид окру-жающих построек и территории.
6 pag.

Проблемы совершенствования структуры современных студенческих библиотек

UDK: 027.7(045)
Малых И.К.
В данной статье рассмотрены структуры отечественных и зарубежных современных библиотек. Рассмотрены проблемы совершенствования модели студенческой библиотеки.
4 pag.

Оптимизация сети улиц на примере поселка Новые Ляды

UDK: 711.168
Е.С. Мельцова
Оптимизация сети улиц микрорайона для повышения связности и комфорта пе-ремещения по территории пешком и с использованием различных видов транс-порта на примере поселка Новые Ляды в городе Перми.
8 pag.

Расширение материальной базы детского творчества в рамках школьной реформы

UDK: 371(045)
Рогожина И.В.
Дополнительное образование – это самостоятельная часть системы общего и специального образования, включающая процесс и результат формирования лич-ности ребенка в условиях современной среды, которая развивает интеллектуальные, художественные, научные, технические навыки ребенка, предоставляет социологическое, психологическое, культурное воспитание, позволяет ребенку адаптироваться на основе свободного выбора и самоопределения.
4 pag.

Экологически-устойчивая «зеленая» архитектура

UDK: 027.7(045)
Стрюков Д.В.
В данной статье рассмотрены структуры отечественных и зарубежных совре-менных зданий, построенных по принципу «зеленой» архитектуры. Рассмотрены новые технологии строительства, положительно влияющие на состояния эколо-гической среды.
4 pag.

Практическое применение компьютерной программы СИТИС: СОЛЯРИС для расчета шума на территории жилой застройки

UDK: 699.885
Федотова О.С., Гордевич Е.В., Запольских Т.Ю.
В рассмотренной работе проведен расчет шума на данной территории жилой за-стройки с использованием программы СИТИС: Солярис.
5 pag.

Особенности задач проектирования среды водных оздоровительных комплексов.

UDK: 725. 5 + 725.8
Березанская В.В., Шкотова О.В.
В статье приводятся проблемы и задачи при проектировании рекреационных объектов, а также излагаются пути решения проблем на примере водного оздоровительного комплекса «Озёра».
5 pag.

Мониторинг градостроительных решений на основании открытых источников с использованием геоинформационных технологий.

UDK: 721
Ю.В. Бушмакова, Т.В. Гудзь, А.В. Любимов, С.В. Максимова
В данной работе рассмотрены основные положения законодательства в области землепользования и застройки на примере города Перми. На первый план выдвигается задача создания мобильной версии Правил землепользования и застройки г. Перми, которая могла бы обеспечить мониторинг градостроительных решений в реальном масштабе времени с использованием геоинформационных технологий. Описан созданный ГИС проект для мониторинга условно разрешенного вида использования. Представлены результаты экспресс анализа. Ключевые слова: мониторинг, пространственный анализ, ГИС проект, Правила землепользования и застройки, словно разрешенный вид использования, экспресс-анализ, Пермь.
8 pag.

Портал в итальянской архитектуре ренессанса и барокко (на примере Генуи).

UDK: 72.034(450)
С.В. Воронцов, Е.А. Люсова, Н.В.Селиванова, В.В. Серебряная
В статье рассматриваются порталы памятников архитектуры Италии на примере города Генуи. Материалом для написания статьи послужили, полученные знания при изучении в натуре архитектурного наследия в исторической части города во время участия в семинаре в университете Генуи (руководитель профессор Серебряная В.В.), фото фиксация, зарисовки, знакомство с литературой. На основе сравнительного анализа композиции и декора порталов палаццо ренессанса и барокко определена исторически сложившаяся типология входной группы. Выявлены отличительные особенности порталов палаццо. Приводятся натурные фото, авторские рисунки, схемы.
6 pag.

Проблема застройки на периферийных территориях на примере жилого района Ива-1 в г. Перми.

UDK: 711.581
А.Р. Габдрахманов
В данной статье исследуется потенциал и потребность в застройке на периферийных территориях и оценивается возможность реализации подобных проектов. Предлагается концепция мероприятий, позволяющих достичь высокого качества городской среды и исключающих негативное влияние нового строительства на окраинах города на структуру города в целом.
6 pag.

Градостроительные и архитектурные аспекты формирования сети причальных сооружений для дирижаблей

UDK: 725.3
О. В. Гагулина
В данной статье рассмотрены проблемы современного градоустройства и предложена альтернативная транспортная система дирижаблепортов. Выявлена необходимость формирования новой типологии объектов, обслуживающих управляемые аэростаты. Выдвинута концепция организации процесса причаливания подобного вида транспорта.
4 pag.

Направление реализации перспективного опыта по созданию безбарьерной среды в г. Волгограде

UDK: 711.142; 711.656
Дудников В.В.
В статье приводиться определение маломобильных граждан, выделяются основные группы, нуждающиеся в создании безбарьерной среды. Рассматривая основные требования, предъявляемые к среде - формируется такое понятие как качества доступности - способность среды отвечать требованиям предъявляемыми различными категориями МГН. На основе качеств доступности, современных тенденций в создании безбарьерной среды и анализа городской инфраструктуры Волгограда, формируется модель безбарьерной среды города. В работе приводятся принципы формирования модели и ее структура. После чего выдвигаются основные направления, по которым необходимо проводить работы по доступности и безбарьерности. Созданная модель, и ее структура является универсальной и может быть использована при создании доступной среды в различных городах.
6 pag.

Общественное участие в принятии градостроительных решений на примере обсуждения проектов внесения изменений в генеральный план города Перми

UDK: 31.748
Т.В. Гудзь, Е.С. Мельцова, М.И. Захарова
Задача данной статьи заключается в анализе качества проведения публичных слушаний, во вскрытии проблем и особенностей процедуры, а также в систематизации и обобщении обращений жителей, с целью выявления и оценки отношения жителей города к предложенным для обсуждения проектам, и их представлений о качественной городской среде.
12 pag.

Архитектура «на страже» экологии. Экологические фасады.

UDK: 624.131
Карелина К.А.
В работе главное внимание обращается на зарубежную технологию очистки воздуха от токсинов и вредных веществ. Описывается структура и работа экологических фасадов. В заключении устанавливаются критерии использования такой конструкции на территории России.
4 pag.

К вопросу строительства малоэтажных жилых домов на сложном рельефе в городе Волгограде

UDK: 711.142; 711.656
Конышева О. В.
В статье проанализированы возможные пути перспективного развития города Волгограда. В качестве основного варианта предложено освоение овражных территорий в границах городской черты. Для их застройки предлагается использование малоэтажных зданий. Обозначены все плюсы данного типа застройки: как с экономической, так и с градостроительной точки зрения.
4 pag.

Казанская церковь Успенского монастыря после реставрации.

UDK: 69.059.7
Н. И. Лаищева., А. А. Селюгина, Т.С. Шептуха
Актуальность проблемы сохранения исторической застройки г.Перми с каждым годом только возрастает. Для оценки качества реставрации была произведена визуальная диагностика Казанской церкви Успенского монастыря.
8 pag.

Предельные параметры как инструмент регулирования застройки.

UDK: 711.01/.09
Т.В. Гудзь, Е.С. Мельцова
Обзор и сравнительный анализ порядка регулирования, состава и воз-можностей применения градостроительного регламента в городах Россий-ской Федерации, а также зарубежных странах. В статье подробно рассмотрен один из видов регламента - предельные параметры застройки, приведена оценка потенциала и методики использования предельных параметров для регулирования застройки.
7 pag.

Исследование уровня шумового загрязнения в поселке Новые Ляды.

UDK: 624.131
В.С. Петухова
В данной статье исследуется акустический режим на территории поселка Новые Ляды, отмечена актуальность контроля уровня шумового загрязнения городской среды. Проведены расчеты различными методами и сбор экспериментальных данных путем натурных измерений уровня шума на исследуемой территории.
12 pag.


UDK: 69.059
L.I. Ivshina, N.S. Bashkova
Necessity for reconstruction or design in system of the residential development the objects of additional children's education substantiate in this article. Conclusions are based on analysis data from the recommended mode of the day for a high schooler, and based on the results of sociological research about the alternative provision of children.
7 pag.

Architecture and planning reorganization of the network sports facilities in the Izhevsk

UDK: 725.8.012
L. I. Ivshina, A.A. Vdovin
The problems of the modern devices network of sports facilities in the Izhevsk describes in this article. The potential of accessibility such sites in the urban areas analyzed. The necessity for the formation of a unified structure of the sports facilities and a new typology identified.
4 pag.

Transfomation of space-planning structure of resedential boxes in seasonal children’s camps (for example children’s camps of udmurt republic)

UDK: 69.059
L. I. Ivshina, M. S. Permiakova
The article explains the importance of children’s camps and the necessity of transformation of residential boxes in structure of their. It contains characteristic of seasonal camps in Udmurt Republic. The article includes methods of transformation of space-planning structure of residential boxes in children’s camps according to regulatory and hygienic documents
7 pag.

Влияние теплотехнических характеристик стен на экономию тепловой энергии здания на примере «хрущёвок»

UDK: 699.865
E.Y. Zagainova, I.A. Khalilov, D.G. Zolotozubov
Construction technology in the XX century differs significantly from the modern requirements of state standards. Large-scale construction of “Khrushchev-era” apartments which are still in use was widespread in 50th. The houses of such type have a few drawbacks. For example, uncomfortable planning solution, bad sound proofing, and high heat loss through the building envelope. Warming of walls during the operation of the building is a common method because of two main aspects: the comfort living of occupants and minimization of heating costs. In this article two methods of warming of building envelope are considered, and also the comparative analysis of warmth loss of different enclosure structures is conducted. Based on these calculations the conclusion was drawn about the most cost-effective method of heat insulation of the building envelope.
8 pag.

The problem of insolation apartments in a residential complex and its impact on energy savings

UDK: 697.1: 692.829
O.S. Karmanova, D.G. Zolotozubov
Currently, the rate of urbanization is continuously gaining momentum. City grows, thickens the existing buildings, and explore new areas for construction of residential complexes. Construction of new homes in an existing neighborhood is perceived as a negative factor, which creates inconvenience for the citizens living in the comfort of nearby homes. Erected buildings violate the penetration of direct sunlight in the living rooms of the existing residential complexes. Insolation most important factor that has a curative effect on the human environment. The calculation of insolation is an integral part of project documentation. Also, every year the natural resources are reduced, and there is a new problem, how to make energy-efficient buildings and facilities. This paper proposes a method to combat heat loss by reducing the window openings. In connection with the change of the window opening, reduced heat loss of the room. This makes it possible to save on heating the apartment and, therefore, save money on this.
11 pag.

Architectural heritage of A.Turchevich "Little Belgium" Beginnings of Berezniki

UDK: 72.025.5
N.B. Kurjakova, I.O. Galyautdinov
The article is devoted to the problem of the architectural heritage preservation of the famous Perm architect A.B.Turchevich. It is considered the possibility of the creation of historical and architectural complex "Little Belgium" on the territory of Soda Plant Township in the industrial area of "Soda-Chlorate" Ltd. in Berezniki city by restoration and reconstruction of architectural monuments across the industrial zone and its further integration into the urban environment. As a result of the work the examined object location has been analyzed and its cultural and historical value has been educed. City-planning and investment potential of the complex have been studied, the analysis of photo and cartographic materials have been carried out, domestic and foreign experience of the renovation of existing industrial areas has been considered, functional zoning of examined area has been realized, the concept of the complex has been developed, and also preliminary 3D model has been received. The aims and purposes of further research have been determined.
11 pag.

Analysis of constructive decisions for replacement of floor constructions in residential buildings

UDK: 692.52
E.D. Osterman
Nowadays exists an increasing need to replace the floors while the reconstruction of old buildings by the fireproof constructions to enhance the fire resistance of the building. In order to reduce the consumption of materials, labor intensity, and ultimately, the cost of construction products when replacing floors is necessary to choose the right constructive decision. In this article three groups of constructive solutions of concrete floors are considered: prefabricated, precast-monolithic, monolithic. The purpose of the work is to establish the advantages and disadvantages of constructive decisions with floors replacement. All of these floor types were examined on seven indicators: types of floor replacement, mechanization of the installation, used mechanisms, the types of elements, basic materials, the complexity of installation, rational ranges of overlapping spans. Mount technology of floors in residential buildings is presented, as well as the detailed classification of applied constructive decisions.
9 pag.

Application of bored piles at construction on soft soils

UDK: 643.01
А.А. Сокил, О.А. Маковецкий
The problem of housing in the Russian Federation today is very serious, despite the pace of construction and new housing. The lack of maneuverable Fund for the resettlement of people from dilapidated housing, the disproportion of growth of new housing and the existing translation in the category of "emergency", as well as the experience of developed countries proves the necessity of extending the service life of the existing housing stock. On the example of Perm, we can note that today the basis of the residential Fund of the city consists of houses built in the 50-70s of the built in "Stalin", "Khrushchev" periods. To date, housing the first mass series is quite popular in the secondary market, has a high dynamics of demand. However obsolescence and physical deterioration progresses from year to year constitutes an increasingly global problem. According to the results of multiple studies, discussions and analysis of profitability of demolitions of industrial housing, it became evident that it is more expedient to reconstruct, to rebuild and strengthen the housing stock of mass housing, thereby to prolong life. To resolve the question of the possibility and efficiency of extending the life of existing urban development done on the systematization and classification of homes of the series "Stalin" and "Khrushchev" time. In the process, there is the collection of design data, characteristics, information on the basis of which will develop the typology of the main defects.
8 pag.

Insulation of outside walls during reconstruction of brick buildings

UDK: 699.86
A.V. Spirin, A.S. Grishina
At the present time it is necessary not only to construct new buildings, but also to modernize and reconstruct existing ones. A lot of civil buildings are characterized by high strength and can be exploited, but do not conform to current standards of thermal protection of buildings. The purpose of this article is to provide a rational decision of this problem. The article substantiates the need for additional insulation of external walls in the reconstruction of civil buildings. Modern technologies for their constructive thermal insulation are presented. Their main advantages and disadvantages are examined. Among all technologies of constructive insulation of buildings ventilated facade and wet facade are particularly common. As an example thermotechnical calculation for several variants of additional insulation of the existing school building in Perm is produced.
8 pag.

Youth sports-game complexes: problems and solutions

UDK: 712.256
D.A. Davydovа, E.P. Kuznetsova
The problem of security and strengthening of growing generation is foreground direction of government’s policy in social sphere. In this article there are irrefutable evidences of our country’s children health worsening during last 10-15 years. Objective and subjective reasons of such a negative phenomena are analyzing here. They are tense rhythm of modern life, genetic factors, ecology, ineffective activity of health saving system. It is noticed, that 50% of a person’s health depends on a person himself/herself and on his/her way of life.Estimated by specialists, risk factor for pupils’ health, except socio-economic difficulties, are reducing of physical activity. Lack of exercise is noticed before school and continued at primary school. It is necessary to have drastic measures to divert children from computers and TV-sets and attract to physical education and sport. But for educational and propagandistic measures, we need to create a netof effectively functioning modern children sports playgrounds and complexes. In this article a general level and quality of children sports playgrounds in our country are analyzing, the output of non-compliance and the backlog from European and world level is making. Based on information about foreign analogies, principles of creating children sports playgrounds and parks, which are fitting to psychophysicalspecialties of children are formulating.
13 pag.

The technology of monolithic construction of multi-storey buildings in the tunnel formworkAnalysis of assumptions and choice of European level etnokomplex location «Ёma-Ёmushka» in the Perm region

UDK: 69.059.7
N.B Kuryakova , K.S Koryakova
Abstract. The article gives a detailed analysis of the prerequisites for the construction of all-season recreation centers of European level. Moreover, the article has an information about a recreation centre location choice of the type etnocomplex “Joma-Jomyshka”. It is known that there are many sport and health recreation centers in the Perm region but there are no cultural and historical recreation centers. That’s why one of the objectives of this work is the development of an all-season recreation center concept. Much attention is given to the researches that includes an opinion poll, SWOT-analysis, territory assessment and retrieval of documents with the program of tourism development. According to the research results, the list of tourist attraction places was compiled. Than appropriate and meets all criteria for construction etnocomplex place was chosen. It is spoken in detail about reasons for choosing this place for building. Besides, a list of buildings and entertainment draws our attention that will be take a place in the etnopark. Also the text gives valuable information about main idea of complex, its formation and justification is described. The idea connects with favorite character of Russian fairytales. It is Baba Yaga or Joma by Komi-Perm. The article is of interests to a wide circle of readers and experts working in the given branch.
8 pag.

Modern buildings of preschool educational institutions: a comparison of trends in the development of architecture in the domestic and foreign practice of building

UDK: 725.57
E.P. Kuznecova, A.Je. Sadykova
The article notes the importance of the design and construction of modern children's educational institutions. Considered several locations for the kindergartens and the comparative analysis of these premises. It is noted that to date, the majority of domestic kindergartens for various reasons do not meet modern requirements, but outlines some positive developments. A promising approach in the field of construction of children's educational institutions may be the construction of a complex of educational buildings. Analyses the main modern tendencies of development of architecture of DOW in Russia and other countries. A comparison of the main approaches in the design of children's educational institutions in us and abroad. The conclusion about necessity of application of advanced technologies and ideas of foreign colleagues in the practice of design and construction of buildings of preschool institutions, based on the requirements of normative documents on construction of our state.
9 pag.

Determination of heat losses of enclosing structures of buildings of Perm universities

UDK: 727.3
N.B. Kuryakova, T.Y. Zapolskikh, A.V. Pirutskaya, I.A. Balashov, Z.D. Popyvanova
In the article, an experimental method for determining the heat losses enclosing structures of buildings using the thermal imager is considered. Relevance of determining heat losses enclosing structures of buildings is proved. Relevance of the problem of comfort educational buildings of higher educational institutions and the impact on her indoor climate and heat losses the building envelope is proved. Certain object of study - educational buildings of Perm universities. Subject of research is the heat losses of enclosing structures of buildings. The purpose of research is formulated as a definition of heat losses enclosing structures buildings universities of Perm experimental method using a thermal imager. Thermal imaging survey chosen buildings was conducted between December 2015 on February 2016. Conditions of thermal imaging survey buildings are presented. Survey results are presented and analyzed. The largest the heat losses are observed through the windows.
6 pag.

New bus station construction in the city of Perm

UDK: 727.3
N.B. Kuryakova, M.A. Merkusheva
The article presents new bus station construction concept in the city of Perm. There is the relevance of this object realization on the basis of the city master plan and Strategic master-plan. The aim of the study to which the present article is devoted is to develop the concept of the bus station building. The paper describes the main points of perspective documents of the city development, involves the project "Transformation of the Territory of the Station Perm II", designates some transport problems of the city and also shortcomings of the existing bus station and its location. There were made the review of historic facts of transport connection of the city and the basic concepts were defined. The analysis of the domestic and foreign objects-analogs construction was carried out, their architectural and planning solutions, the composition of the premises were noted. It was determined number of storeys designed building, functionality and structure of the premises.
10 pag.

Analysis of preconditions and possibilities of the recreation of the European level in the Perm region

UDK: 727.3
N.B. Kuriakova, Iu.M.Shaikhislamova
In the article the authors raised the problem of meeting the needs of visitors recreation centers in the Perm region. The urgency of the problem: of the quality of services, the problem of modernization of material-technical base of leisure facilities in the scope of the Perm region. Marked preconditions and possibilities of recreation European level in the Perm region. Тhe authors proposed the concept of a modern model of the recreation of the European level, as well as mandatory components of such a facility on the basis of an analysis of the competitive market. Selected on the basis of surveys conducted in accordance with specific criteria, an approximate location of the modern model of the recreation center in the Perm region. In the future, the authors suggest more research by the disclosure of each factor in the formation of modern recreation center on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the competitive market and foreign experience and, as a result, produce a rational model of a modern recreation center in the Perm Territory in accordance with the climatic characteristics, mentality and traditions of the inhabitants.
7 pag.

Analysis of the current requirements for the placement of air terminal complexes by the example of the Bolshoe Savino airport

UDK: 624.154.5
R.V. Nigmatullina, L.V. Sosnovskikh
В статье анализируются факторы, которые необходимо учитывать при размещении и проектировании аэропортов. Для оценки параметров будущего аэропорта важно спрогнозировать уровень развития обслуживаемого региона с учётом его демографической структуры, географического положения, наличия альтернативного транспорта, данных о воздушных перевозках за прошлые годы. При прогнозировании пользуются демографической структурой региона, географическим положением, наличием альтернативного транспорта, социологическими и политическими факторами и данными о воздушных перевозках за прошлые годы. При выборе места расположения аэропорта необходимо наличие большого свободного участка земли, расположенного в достаточной близости к городской черте, а также наличие наземных транспортных связей с городом. При этом необходимо учитывать влияние эксплуатации аэропорта на окружающую среду, его шумовое воздействие. Важным требованием является также беспрепятственность полетов. Международный пермский аэропорт Большое Савино, построенный в 1952 году как военный, с 1967 года осуществляет пассажирские перевозки. За последние 10 лет он существенно расширил географию своих полётов. Значительно возросший пассажиропоток в ближайшие годы по предварительным прогнозам увеличится более чем вдвое. Анализ современных требований к размещению и проектированию аэровокзальных комплексов, рассмотренных в статье, позволяет понять существующие проблемы в эксплуатации пермского аэропорта Б. Савино, а также учесть их при проектировании и строительстве нового аэровокзального комплекса.
11 pag.

Design quality public space based on the formation of the functional content (for example, Extreme Park in Perm)

UDK: 711.558
А.K. Trofimova
The article discusses the features of the public space, as well as the criteria for determining the quality of public space. Particular attention is paid to filling the space functions. It determines the nature of the functional content of the processes occurring in the public space, as well as the dynamics of the life of the territory. The object of investigation was selected Perm Extreme Park as an area having potential for development, as well as the opportunity to become a bright symbol of the city. The aim of the study was to identify the main and related functions for the area, which will help to attract more athletes to improve the quality of this unique public space, as well as revitalize the territory, which is empty most of the year. To answer the questions of a sociological survey method was applied, which was conducted through questionnaires in the Internet space. The bulk sample were young people who are fond of extreme sports. The article presents the results of the survey, the findings of the parameters of the existing and the desired use.
8 pag.

From «smart home» to «smart city»

UDK: 004.8
L.V. Sosnovskikh, E.V. Shaidurova
The desire to create a comfortable living environment is characteristic of man since ancient times. This article is devoted to the possibility of «smart home» system, which is gaining popularity in Russia. At the present time the owners of houses and apartments have problems, which the high-tech systems such as the «smart home» an solve. This article describes the variations of the system, their advantages and disadvantages, shows the approximate cost of installation. «Smart home» shows an example of a wide remote monitoring network - a «smart city». This article discusses the concept of «smart city» as the main direction of further social and economic city development, which can lead to a high quality of people’s life with a modified work of municipal administration. The system of «smart city» monitors urban infrastructure, from roads and to important architectural structures. The purpose of the system is providing the safety and properly allocating resources of program of the city development. The system of «smart city» is considered in the article as well as in a general sense, and in the example of the Russian project "Ilinskoe-Usovo". The planned neighborhood originally aimed to comfort, pays considerable attention to the interests of local residents. Author of the project - a group of companies "Morton", organized an open contest for the best architectural and planning decision of neighborhood "Ilinskoe-Usovo". After public hearings and public discussions, the designers have made significant changes to the original plan of the residential complex, for example they have reduced the number of storey’s of buildings up to 7-9 floors, have transformed the transport system in accordance with the wishes of residents. "Ilinskoe-Usovo" is one of the largest residential complexes in the group of «Morton» companies among suburban projects. Experience of introduction of systems of «smart home» and the «smart city» in Russia will allow to analyze their advantages and to consider disadvantages. As international experience shows, these systems are able to provide a new quality of life for the population.
10 pag.

Building problem underground parking in the city of Perm

UDK: 624.1
M. Baidak, D. Sursanov
Every year the number of motor transport promptly grows in the large cities of Russia and with respect thereto sharply there is a question of placement of motor transport within the city, in particular about house adjoining parking for inhabitants of apartment houses. As well as in former years in the city high speed of construction of new housing remains, however only 35 objects built with an underground type of a parking as one of the most progressive and rational methods of the problem resolution of house adjoining parkings that constitutes only 14% of total number of the built housing in the city for the last 6 years.
8 pag.

Why pedestrian street didn’t take place in Perm city?

UDK: 711.01/09
D.A. Davydovа, E.P. Kuznetsova, S.V. Maksimova
In the article circomstances and reasons owing to which Permskaya street in Leninsky district of Perm city didn’t take place as a popular pedestrian zone are giving. The place and an important meaning of public spaces and pedestrian streets in a city’s structure are describing: influence on city’s brend, demand among the tourists, development of the local business. Necessity in estetic embodiment of public spaces and careful relation to historical cultural heritage are pointing. The aim of the article is to understand the reasons of unsuccessful experience of pedestrian zone on Permskaya street creation and to give recommendations on how to eliminate theese reasons. In the article there is a short information about Permskaya street’s history and architectural monuments. History of creating and functioning of pedestrian zone on Permskaya street since 2011 to 2016 have described. The main reasons why Perm’s Arbat didn’t become popular are determing: climate’s specifics, not profitable position in the city and transportation, infrastructure, which doesn’t suit citizens’ needs, the lack of individuality, which contributes to appeal and demand. At the end there is a conclusion, that Permskaya street could be popular pedestrian zone in a case of filling its existance of sense, uniqueness of an idea and a balanced approach of accepted decisions.
10 pag.

Ways of reconstruction of the housing estate

UDK: 69.059.7
N.E. Zaynakayeva., V.I. Yamov
The article gives an analysis of the main ways of reconstruction of residential buildings. Reconstruction of buildings and structures is one of the most important problems of a developing city and its infrastructure. It helps to maintain the modern architectural appearance of the city, the high level of housing conditions and the level of comfort. The main thing in the reconstruction of the urban environment is the increase in the reliability and durability of buildings whose service life exceeded the initial estimated period of operation. Particular attention is paid to the main methods of reconstruction of serial residential buildings. Also types of the newest materials which allow to carry out repair of designs, increasing their service life in times are resulted. The following conclusions are drawn: reconstruction of apartment houses of the first mass series will make them morally and physically obsolete, into modern, highly comfortable buildings with good living conditions. The reason, slowing the reconstruction, is the lack of investment, and the foreign practice in the financial participation of residents practically does not take root in our conditions because of the social status of citizens with low incomes.
6 pag.

Analysis of the development of the sector of civil construction of the Perm region for 2016 year

UDK: 69.01
Y.D. Kazakova, M.E. Polovnikov, O.V. Petreneva
This article analyzes the statistics in the construction sector in the year 2016 Perm and the Perm region. These are used in the publication are collected by the territorial body of the Federal Statistics Service, in the period from 2012 to 2016. The analysis of the pace of housing construction both individual and large developers, property prices are determined at the end of the year. Statistics Presented city, on the main indicators assess areas in terms of population of the city of Perm. Presented by rating the reliability of builders. Presents trends in the development of construction in 2016, and demolished roads and landscaping problems and dilapidated housing.
11 pag.

New bus station concept in the city of Perm

UDK: 725.3
Kuryakova N.B., Merkusheva M.A.
The article presents the urban situation in the area of ​​the railway station Perm II. The object of research is the new bus station. The relevance is in the need to implement a master plan strategy. Specifically, there is the need to create the modern bus station that can become an impulse to the territory of the Perm railway station II development and logistics and improve the quality of transport services for the people arriving in the city. The aim of the work is to develop the concept of a new bus station building in the city of Perm. The paper analyses the initial data for the construction of a new bus station, the question of the building integration into surrounding building and landscape is considered both from a position of observance of standard requirements, and from the esthetic and composite point of view. It was described the process of creating the building shape in plan, volume and spatial parameters and its appearance.
7 pag.

Construction of wooden apartment houses: problems and prospects.

UDK: 624.154.5
L. V. Sosnovskikh, E. V. Nazarova
The timber multistorey construction in Russia lags far behind the developing world trends of this industry. The experience of wooden multistorey house-building in Russia and abroad is reviewed. The article presents the foreign experience of multistorey building construction using wooden constructions. The main causes of limiting wooden construction in Russia are analyzed. It describes the advantages of wooden buildings, and also some prospects for manufacturing wooden techniques, which allow to increase their strength and fire resistance. The study of Russian normative texts and the analysis of discussions held in the mass media make it possible to conclude that the restrictions on the implemention of multistorey wooden building construction in Russia are largely unfounded.
7 pag.

Designing of an air terminal complexes that has a requirement to accommodate people with disabilities

UDK: 624.154.5
R.V. Nigmatullina, L.V. Sosnovskikh
The problem of providing a barrier-free environment has been paid much attention to people with disabilities in our country in recent years. Accepted design solutions in accordance with applicable regulations, provide access to limited mobility populations in public spaces. The article presents an example of the definition of space-planning decisions of the airport complex, designed in the city of Perm. Defined area of protective zones for people with disabilities, dimensions of escape routes, settings, control zones and zones of specialized services in accordance with the specified parameters of the functional process. The substantiation of the location of elevators, ramps, escalators, stairways, providing safe evacuation of people with disabilities, described the special equipment of premises. The activities proposed by the project contribute to the unhindered movement of people with disabilities over long distances. The technique for determining the parameters of the barrier-free environment described in the article can be used to develop other similar projects.
8 pag.

Analysis having a compare of fiberglass and metal for the device of bay of overhead pedestrian crossing

UDK: 624.21
E.D. Osterman, O.A. Shutova, V.I. Kleveko
It is often necessary to overlap very large bays in the device a ground pedestrian crossing in the conditions of city building. Also It is needful to very carefully approach the choice of material and how to seek economic benefits, and to ease the process of installation. Thus, In order to choose any material to bay the pedestrian bridge, it is requisite to consider in detail and analyze a few options. This article have a analysis of possibility of applying the structures of metal and fiberglass for the device of footbridge bays with a length of 40 m. Object of research are the construction materials of bays pedestrian crossings. The aim of this work is to identify the most efficient material for the device bays with a length of 40 m. This article have the settlement scheme in the program "LIRA-SPAR", the calculation of the deformation, the calculation of strength and stability of elements, and local cost estimates. The analysis of materials have been did according to the criteria of economy and workability,and have been identified optimized option.
12 pag.

New library building in the historical development of Perm

UDK: 719:72
A.A. Shamarina, Y.A. Pavlova
As the title implies the article describes an example of integration of a modern building with a public library historic building and with a historic development of Perm. Much attention is given to facade design which has to cause visual interaction with the object of cultural heritage, and also has to conform to the requirements of heritage preservation. Recommendations are given on the development of the territory of the cultural heritage. The goal of the work is to add a new object to a historical development and determine its impact on the perception of the urban environment. The objectives include the development of recommendations for the preservation and development of the territory of the cultural heritage object; selection decisions of the facade design, that has to be visually connected with the cultural heritage object and the surrounding area; the analysis of the impact of the new building on the territory.
6 pag.

Trends in the development of parks

UDK: 712.253
A. V. Парфиевич
Urban parks and green zones until recently received considerably less attention than the country natural areas with special status and protected areas. However, this attitude is changing rapidly, and parks in our ever-urbanizing world of green spaces and parks with different themes be of strategic importance. The importance of social, cultural and environmental problems determine the urgency of development issues associated with the trend of network development of parks districts and cities. Their characteristics, creating a comfortable and pleasant conditions. as well as issues of reconstruction of the historical, memorial, thematic, and natural forested areas [1]. Modern urban parks of culture and rest required to enjoy a comfortable and aesthetically appealing to modern requirements of the recreational areas, with a fairly high level of maintenance and carry out the basic tasks: 1. Appeal to local cultural traditions and values; 2. The organization works year-round Park space, holding a variety of full leisure of local residents and guests from other regions; 3. Organization of safe recreation and the preservation of personal property; 4. Organization entertainment related and necessary for vital services.
12 pag.

Landscape analysis of commercial center «Iceberg Modern

UDK: 711
O.N. Popovtseva, S.V. Maksimova
Landscape analysis is a special research that determines the space-planning decisions of new construction and reconstruction in a way they do not conflict with the existing buildings. The article studies the site of Popova Street between Lenina Street and Lunacharskogo Street. Analysis is based on initial data of the area and materials that obtained by making photos, measurements and observations. The object of research is a building of the shopping center Iceberg Modern, located at Popova Street, 22. The subject of the study is a composite and visual relationship between the object and surrounding urban area. The ultimate goal of the analysis is to develop recommendations for the visual solutions of Iceberg Modern building facade.
10 pag.

The rationale for energy efficiency and cost effectiveness of the construction of the buildings of the poultry farms with low power consumption in the Ural region

UDK: 69:[620.9:662.6.004.18]
S. Yu. Pleshkov, S.A. Biryukova, Ju.O. Klimantova
This paper describes the project of modernization of thermal insulation of the buildings of the poultry farms located in the Sverdlovsk region, the organizational part of the integrated poultry farm "Sverdlovsk". We prove the advantage of this construction technique in the climatic conditions of the Ural region from the point of view of a substantial increase in thermal performance, energy efficiency and a significant reduction in heating costs compared to the existing variants of buildings, made according to standard techniques. Explains the profitability of the proposed project in the application of energy saving technologies in the region with a cold climate. The authors have calculated the reduced heat transfer resistance of individual walling proposed to use the buildings of the poultry farms for the climatic conditions of the Ural region in accordance with the requirements of the normative literature. The relevance of the study is emphasized by the announcement in Russia to 2017 – the year of the environment.
10 pag.

Analysis of methods of reconstruction or capital repair of underground parts of buildings of residential buildings of the mid-20th century in the city of Perm

UDK: 624.1
A. A. Sokil, K.D.Karpinskiy
Despite the rapid pace of construction of new housing, the secondary continues to be the market is rapidly growing. The basis of the residential Fund of the city of Perm in the secondary market are homes built in the 50-70s. It is therefore necessary to focus on the physical deterioration of these houses, with the aim of increasing their service life. Often the reconstruction or repair is considering the restoration of the only above-ground structures of houses without affecting geotechnical problems. However, the solution of geotechnical problems with developing reliable measures for the preservation of the strength of reason, limiting the settlement to a permissible value, to avoid the development of deformations of buildings and, in the performance of preventive and repair work will contribute to the further reliable operation of system "base-Foundation-building". The paper discusses and analyzes technological solutions for capital repair and reconstruction of underground parts of buildings, the comparison of options to identify the most reliable and cost-effective in terms of the existing residential development Perm.
7 pag.

Transformation of green areas of the former military town in Brest

UDK: 712.253
E.A. Tokareva, S.V. Maksimova Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation;
The article discusses the neighborhood "Red yard" occupies the territory of former military unit located in Brest, Belarus. The company "Saint-Gobain" held an international competition to develop the concept of this site. The proposal concept has a number of advantages, the major drawbacks are lack of green spaces, allowing you to create a full-fledged urban environment, does not take into account the recreational potential of the area and ensures the availability of the river for all residents of the planned residential district. One of the main ideas is preservation and development of existing green frame and the banks of the river Mukhavets. This strategy could help to developing territories with existing landscape. Riversides is planned to be transformed into a park with different parts connected by pedestrian paths. Each of this parts has own function: active and quiet recreation, children's playgrounds, sports facilities, amphitheater, BBQ facilities, car parking. The improvement of the coastal territory will create certain urban structure and improve quality of surrounding areas. The new park will be a center of attraction for people and an attractive target for the whole city. Rational use of the territory will prevent chaotic use of shore, will retain the green belt of the city, will reduce the damage to the environment in terms of active construction.
6 pag.

Modern methods of renovation on the example of Rem Koolhaas project "Garage

UDK: 725.91
K.A. Azanov Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
The article discusses the issue of preservation of cultural heritage the method of their conversion. The object of study is the renovation of the former cafe "Vremena goda" in Moscow. The work purpose - studying of modern methods of renovation. In the process the work was carried out theoretical research of modern trends in the functional conversion of buildings and their introduction in the existing urban environment. A brief overview of the history of the café. Special attention is given to analysis of the work for renovation of the facility. In conclusion it is emphasized the possibility of the application of given methods of renovation in the Russian reality.
5 pag.

In-depth public spaces of atrium-type

UDK: 69.035.4
L.V. Sosnovskikh, А.А. Olenyova Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
As the world experience shows, the underground space development makes it possible to solve the problem of construction in cramped or restricted conditions. Increasingly, there arises the necessity to "fit" a building into the historical center or add the new volume to the existing structure without disturbing the visual perception of the surrounding urban environment. The rational penetration of new volumes under the ground, carried out in compliance with all regulatory requirements, gives public buildings a special charm, grants them a "new life" and attracts visitors of various social groups. However, in the normative documents on territorial planning, many issues related to the erection of such structures have not been regulated yet. The article deals with the experience of in-depth public spaces of atrium-type both in Russia and abroad; the authors describe space-planning and constructive solutions for such objects. The review of normative documents on this subject is performed. The tasks for further research are set.
9 pag.

Transport Network Case Study section of the street Chkalov city of Perm from the intersection with the street Kuibyshev Street to the intersection with Geroev Hassan

UDK: 625.712.14
M.V. Khmyz, S.I. Vakhrushev Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
The article deals with the question of transport networks high efficiency and safety ensuring. This question is relevant because most of the large cities are faced with the traffic jams formation problem. The article investigates the transport network of the street Chkalov city of Perm. The data of the analytical center of the Permian traffic information "Radar" on the traffic volume on the busiest sites on the street Chkalov. The aim of the study is to provide a safe and efficient transport network in the street Chkalov city of Perm. The most loaded section of the street Chkalov, from its intersection with the street Kuibyshev to the intersection with the street Geroev Hassan was selected to study. The comparative analysis of the bandwidth and speed of traffic calculation was conducted. Spend a patent search traffic light cycle regulation, the density of the flow control systems as well as systems of multi-level transport interchanges for urban development. Based on the study, it is found that the transport network of the street Chkalov is unable today to handle traffic flow passing over it. As a solution to this problem have been proposed the following solutions: increase the number of lanes to four, the use of innovative technologies for the control of traffic light cycle, depending on the workload of the street, as well as the construction of multi-level junction instead of existing traffic interchanges.
11 pag.

Sochi Olympic facilities: yesterday, today, tomorrow

UDK: 721
L.V. Sosnovskikh, M.D. Cherkasova, N.V. Sirina, A.I. Usynina Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
During preparation for The XXII Winter Olympic games in Sochi 800 capital construction projects have been built, among them there are unique sporting venues and infrastructure facilities. For the first time in the history of the world Olympic Movement all sports constructions and hotels for athletes and guests have been located in one city. Scales of the transformations which are carried out to the Olympic Games are surprising and delight both to Russians and to world community. The actual costs of objects of the Sochi Olympic Games have significantly surpassed the expected sizes. Paybacks of invested funds are a controversial issue for all Olympic capitals among which Sochi isn't an exception. In article the sporting and infrastructure facilities built in the course to preparation for the Olympic Games-2014 are described, the reasons of their high cost are analyzed, the prospects of effective using of Olympic venues are discussed. Construction of the Olympic Sochi has allowed to get vast experience of construction of unique objects which can be used further by the Russian town-planners, architects, designers, builders.
10 pag.


Руководители секции: Максимова С.В., Сосновских Л.В.

46 pag.


Рукводители секции : проф., д. т. н. Максимова С.В., доцент, к. т. н. Сосновских Л.В.

112 pag.

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