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Рубрика: Инженерные системы. Водоснабжение и водоотведение


UDK: 628.16.067.1
Shchukin I.S., Vasil′ev I.S., Kotegov R.A.
The paper considers the device a mechanical filter with granular media. The basic issues and disadvantages of filter designs, and basic solutions there corresponding
7 pag.


UDK: 532.595.2
Shatilin V.D.,Galiaskarova M.R., Permyakova I.S.
in this work the hydraulic blow in the pipeline depending on a material and thickness of walls is most fully considered. On the basis of the carried-out analysis of one of theories on this problem, the equations were received and dependence between the module of elasticity of a wall of the pipeline and energy of hydraulic blow as in work calculations for used (concrete) materials of pipelines are presented is deduced.
5 pag.


UDK: 628.16.067.3
Galkin A.S., Shchukin I.S.
The article deals with various designs of mechanical filters applied for purification of low water flow rates
6 pag.


UDK: 628.1′16
I. I. Danilov, A. G. Melehin
The article is devoted to water and wastewater systems of factories producing mineral fertilizers. Considered main consumers of water and sources of wastewater at the factories. Offered a division of waste water on a species, depending from a type of polluting components. Describes ways to modernize water systems to provide implementation drainless cycle of water and wastewater.
11 pag.


UDK: 628.16.067.1
Shchukin I. S., Zabolotnykh A. V.
In this paper mechanisms of work and the characteristic of the most widespread catalytic filtration media applied to an deferrization and a demangasation of water are given.
7 pag.


UDK: 628.161.1
O.N. Mazuryak, O.I. Ruchkinova
The following work is analyzing the quality of drinking water in the city Perm. The rates of the quality of water from the springs at the outlet of the treatment plants are analyzed. Also the comparative analysis of water after treatment plants and in the distribution network is given. There is a conclusion about the influence of different factors on the quality of drinking water.
8 pag.


UDK: 628.16.067.1
Odintsova D.A., Amunova T.L., Shchukin I.S.
in this paper the ultrafiltration unit of installations and their operation, the essence of the method of ultrafiltration and its scope, advantages and disadvantages of the method are considered.
6 pag.


UDK: 628.16.0
Leskova E.K., Frolova K.D., Shchukin I.S.
Technology and action of alluvium filters are considered in this paper, essence of method of alluvium filtration is also expounded and a total economic effect is presented from their use.
5 pag.


UDK: 628.161
Pirozhkov N.S., Povaryonkina M.S., Shchukin I.S.
This article describes the essence of the process of natural water coagulation. Most widespread coagulants applied in water treatment technology and their disadvantages are considered. The effectiveness of aluminum polyoxychloride for natural water purification, in comparison with traditional coagulants are analyzed.
6 pag.


UDK: 628.1.033
Tikhonova N.A., Mukminova Ju.N., Ruchkinova O.I.
сonsider bottled water and filter are given their average payments per year per person.
9 pag.


UDK: 628.3
Tretyakov S.Y., Melehin A.G.
This article describes the results of studies of the formation of sulfides in domestic wastewater during transport. The methods and the processing unit to adjust the concentration of sulfides in the pressure parts of the network of pipelines. The technologyimplemented on existing installations drainage systems using reagents produced in Russia.
11 pag.


UDK: 628.315.1
Shukin I.S.,. Melehin A.G.
The paper presents the qualitative characteristics of the stormwater runoff from areas of some cities in Russia. The number of disadvantages of existing runoff treatment systems, which restrict their use is shown. Application of technologies based on abilities of biological systems to natural purification (bioremediation) is a perspective trend in the development of stormwater runoff treatment. Fitofilters have а great potential for the comprehensive stormwater treatment
8 pag.


UDK: 628.355
Schuklin P.V., Romahina E.U., Ruchkinova O.I.
According to the analysis of modern methods of sludge treatment, identified the pros and cons of each group of methods and selected the most suitable method for the solution ofpressing problems at present.
4 pag.

Возможность и способы использования двигателя внешнего сгорания для энергоснабжения зданий

UDK: 697.328
Бурков А.И., Матрунчик А.С.
В данной статье будет рассмотрена возможность использования двигателя внеш-него сгорания для энергоснабжения зданий.
9 pag.

Реконструкция водозаборных и водо-очистных сооружений г.Экибастуз

UDK: 628.16, 628.171
Владимирова В.С.,Ручкинова О.И.
В рамках долгосрочной государственной программы Республики Казахстан «Акбулак» на 2011 – 2020 гг. выполнено обоснование инвестиций реконструкции объектов водозаборных и водоочистных сооружений г. Экибастуз. Приведены оценка технического состояния и недостатки существующих сооружений водоснабжения г. Экибастуз. Обоснованы технико-технологические решения по реконструкции объектов и сооружений станции водоочистки. Выполнена оценка производительности основной технологической линии, основанная на результатах рас-чета балансовых схем водоснабжения и водоотведения города, а также водоочистных сооружений. Обоснованы технология очистки воды и выбор современных реагентов. Предложена ресурсосберегающая технология очистки и повторного использования промывных вод. Приведена краткая характеристика выбранной технологии. Дано обоснование выбора основного оборудования водоочистных сооружений (ВОС).
10 pag.

Отведение и утилизация фекального стока на дачном участке

UDK: 628.2 (075.8)
Мелехин А.Г., Бартова Л.В., Надь Д.
Предложены способ и устройство для отведения и утилизации фекального стока на дачном участке. Предлагаемая система позволит сделать отдых дачников более комфортным и использовать фекальный сток в качестве удобрения.
6 pag.

Реконструкция водозаборных и водоочистных сооружений г. Аксай

UDK: 628.16, 628.171
Пирожков Н.С., Ручкинова О.И.
В статье описан план реконструкции водозаборных и водоочистных сооружений г. Аксай. Предложена ресурсосберегающая технология очистки и повторного ис-пользования промывных вод. Приведена краткая характеристика выбранной технологии.
6 pag.

О совершенствовании схем автономных кондиционеров для технологических нужд

UDK: 697.94
Сонич В.Ф., Бурков А.И.
Изложены основные требования к параметрам воздушной среды в аппаратных помещениях. Приведены преимущества и недостатки комфортных и прецизионных систем кондиционирования, описаны возможные схемы применения автономных кондиционеров. Одним из перспективных направлений развития прецизионных кондиционеров является использование низких температур наружного воздуха для естественного охлаждения.
5 pag.

The аnalysis of the calculation of internal sewerage systems on Construction Norms and Regulations 2.04.01-85 and Set of Rules 30.13330.2012

UDK: 628.2
M.A. Avdeeva, Ja.S. Luferchik, L.V. Bartova
The comparative analysis of algorithms of calculation of the maximum expenses of sewage for two normative documents, Construction Norms and Regulations 2.04.01-85 and the Set of Rules 30.13330.2012 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings" is carried out. The algorithm of calculation of the maximum expenses for the Set of Rules 30.13330.2012 is offered. Calculations of the maximum second expenses of sewage for sites of the internal sewerage networks on Construction Norms and Regulations and the Set of Rules for two objects are executed: recreation facility and multisection house. The comparative analysis of results of calculations is carried out. The sizes of the maximum second expenses on network sites received on the Set of Rules 30.13330.2012 there are less expenses received by calculation on Construction Norms and Regulations 2.04.01-85 by 1,7 – 2,6 times. Necessary design data of work of the sewerage system for the expenses received by two ways of calculation remain identical: diameter of a network – 150 mm, a bias – from 0,008 to 0,01. Keywords: internal systems, sewerage, rate of sewage disposal, rated flow, ratios of irregularity.
5 pag.

Fusion power is the energy of the future

UDK: 692.9
K.Iu Akhmetova, N.V. Men′shikova, L.V. Siriachenko
The article presents an analysis of the use of thermonuclear devices in the world, presents the advantages and disadvantages of this technology, describes the causes that prevent the technology is widely spread. The article discussed in detail the principle of the thermonuclear power plant, inside which there is a nuclear fusion reaction, explained the basic processes occurring in the reactor. We consider economic and environmental aspects associated with the creation of a station and use the technology. Fusion fuel is one of the future energy source with great potential. Such fuel economically, safely and is environmentally friendly. With proper design and use of advanced materials it is possible to create power with the cheapest compared to other currently existing generation and clean energy technologies.
5 pag.

Using the wind for home’s heat system

UDK: 620.92
I.A. Beliaev
This article discusses the prospects for the use of facilities using renewable finite resource - wind energy. It presents the advantages and disadvantages of this technology, as well as its relevance to different areas of Russia. For example, the use of wind energy plant for heating residential houses in rural areas without electrification in the Primorsky Territory is considered the economic and technical component of the matter: the main challenges faced wishing to use this technology people, the size of the capital cost of the system unit. During calculations derived economic indicators, including the costs of the heating system and the payback period of the wind power plant. The conclusion about the prospects of this technology in areas outside of the Primorsky Territory on the example of the Perm region.
5 pag.

A road surface waste water

UDK: 628.212.2
A.M.Veremeev, A.A. Tomilov, O.I. Ruchkinova
Auto transport has one of the strongest influence on the environment. One of the main problems arising from the operation of vehicles, is the discharge of heavily polluted surface waste water from roads in the surrounding area and the nearby water bodies. Among the main causes of the environmental problems can be identified normative literature irrelevance and lack of control over the observance of the recommendations. This article studied the results of studies of Russian and foreign specialists in the composition of waste water from the roads, the basic methods of treatment prior to discharge. Also presented formulated in the course of research possible solutions.
10 pag.

Application for copper pipelines for in-house gas supply

UDK: 696.2:673.15
E.P. Vihareva, T.N. Beloglazova
There are high demands of reliable operation for the gas supply system in the house. The article deals with three types of inner tubes for gas pipelines, steel, copper and metal-polymer. Pipes from different materials have different characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. The using of pipes for the installation of domestic gas pipeline should meet the requirements of safe operation. The study evaluated the work associated with the installation of pipes of different materials. There was regarded an example of the using of copper pipes for gas supply in-house in the Perm region. There was also analyzed the possibility of using copper pipes for outer gas pipelines. The using of in-house pipeline of copper pipes reduces installation time and provides high-quality gas supply system.
7 pag.

To the question of the application of biological solar concentrators

UDK: 620.91
А.В. Гришкова, А.С. Сальникова, К.Е. Канаева
Due to the need to find new technical solutions for the use of renewable energy sources has been analyzed existing information to create settings to use solar energy efficiently. The article transfer method discussed in detail sunlight into chemical energy by using the smallest puroidoza Chlorella algae, which allow to carry out this method of energy conversion. The information about the kinds of biological data, the topic covered in detail reproduction of chlorella, an event by re-dividing the first chromatophores and then the entire contents of each cell into several equal parts. The question of the use of biological concentrators to generate biofuels from carbon dioxide, as well as the ways of its further use. The conclusion of the applicability of this technology in Russia.
5 pag.

The need to close open heat supply systems

UDK: 697.34
M.A. Zakhvatova, A.V. Grishkova
In connection with the release of the Federal Law of 27 July 2010 "About Heat Supply" №190-FL of the Russian Federation, which governs "from 1 January 2022 the use of the open central heating systems (hot water) for the needs of hot water supply, carried out by the selection of the coolant to the needs of hot water, are not allowed ", the object of the study are two types of heating systems - open and closed. The aim of the article is to conduct a summary analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the two systems, based on the previously written articles and reviews, and to draw a conclusion about the advisability of transfer of open system to a closed circuit. The study will be offered the option of further exploitation of an open system that solves the main problem of this scheme to date.
6 pag.

Adaptation of split systems to the negative temperature in the Perm region

UDK: 697.94
E.A. Kondratiuk, A.I. Burkov
This article provides basic information about the use of air conditioners during the transitional temperature period. More work is considered conditioners split systems, describes the possibility of this system during the winter season at subzero temperatures, are the key potential negative consequences for the equipment. The article compares the cooling systems of data types from different manufacturers of equipment. Set out the advantages and disadvantages of the use of "winter kit", is considered part of the standard installation and components described technology based on the use of the condensation heat to maintain optimum ambient air temperature in the immediate vicinity of the outdoor unit. An example of a conditioning system in real conditions: cooling of the system considered. The conclusions about the prospects for the use of this system in the Perm region.
7 pag.

Application of purification technologies of household sewage to be used for potable water supply

UDK: 624.154.5
A.A. Kochenkova
The article deals with three sewage treatment way for reception of potable water: with the help of membrane technology, waste recovery system Janicki Omni Processor and microbial fuel cell. Application experience of membranes in concrete inhabited locality and also appraise efficacy them work is put case is adduced. Working principle of recently designed system of utilization by company Janicki Bioenergy is describe, possibility and basic characteristics this device are elucidated. Microbial fuel cell are developing purification technology that can be used both for waste water processing in potable and for power production. Basic tendencies its future improving are shown. The comparative analysis this methods is made, identified the advantages and disadvantages any one of them.
7 pag.

Wastewater treatment of dairy plants

UDK: 628.31
O.N. Mazuryak
This paper analyzes the methods of wastewater treatment, coming from dairy plants. Presented indicators of specific polluting components that affect the choice of treatment method.After analyzing the various methods of wastewater treatment from dairy plants, concluded that the appropriateness of each.For wastewater of the dairy industry is characterized by high concentrations of BOD, COD, suspended solids and fats. To choose the optimal technology of wastewater treatment scheme, which provides the quality of treated water is below regulatory requirements. The adopted technological purification scheme is based on two main methods of treatment: physical and chemical methods, flotation reagent and method of biological treatment. As a post-treatment, two-stage sorption filters taken with the load of crushed klinoptilalit and quartz sand.As used decontamination installation ultraviolet irradiation wastewater. Keywords: wastewater, dairy plants, pollution, concentration, wastewater treatment, methods of wastewater treatment, biological treatment, organic dirt, grease,BOD, COD, flotation.
9 pag.

Prospects of photovoltaic cells use in the world

UDK: 620.92
A.A. Minin
This article is devoted to modern environmental problems and their solutions. The issues involved was held in 2015, the year of the 21st session of the Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention in Paris on climate change issues and government programs on Russian energy and resource saving. We consider the theoretical material on the use of solar energy as a form of alternative energy sources. The question of the volume of solar radiation received at the Earth's surface. The main types of converters, using solar energy as a source for the production of electrical energy, considered their advantages and disadvantages, are presented in more detail photoelectric converters. The variants of the use of solar energy in the home of man. Particular attention is paid to the situation in agriculture is analyzed the current situation, the shortcomings of existing methods of energy now remote areas, considered the prospect of using solar energy for such identified locations are diagrams of possible technological installations using energy from the sun. The conclusion is drawn on the prospects and possibilities of using this technology, and provides suggestions for further development of solar energy.
7 pag.

Variable pore microfilters for water purification and sewage treatment

UDK: 624.154.5
T.S. Museev1, K.V. Soldatov1, I.I. Danilov2
In the article there are microfiltration technology with variable pore structure designed to purify water from the insoluble particulate matter. The technology is of particular interest to design engineers reservoir pressure maintenance systems of oil and gas, water treatment, sewage treatment, industrial enterprises in various industries. The principles of operation microfilters with variable pore structure and their main structural elements, the technological scheme of work. In writing the article used by both domestic and foreign sources of information related to the subject of this article. The article written by the method of comparing the scientific consideration of object of research with existing analogues, analysis of information, making inferences. On the basis of the material presented conclusion about the prospects of the use of microfilters with variable pore structure for mechanical treatment of water. To determine the feasibility of this technology in industrial enterprises of the Russian Federation to carry out additional experimental research is needed.for water treatment and wastewater treatment
6 pag.

Carbon fiber sorbent application prospects

UDK: 69.059.25
S.V. Novikov , M.S. Pletneva
Adsorption is a universal physico-chemical method, allowing practically completely to remove the organic impurities from a gas or liquid medium. It is not surprising that the study of adsorption process is the subject of lots of scientific papers. However, most studies on the use of adsorbents in the field of deep water treatment on various aspects of production and application of activated carbons (AC), which is one of the most common adsorbents. This article discusses the potential of using non-woven carbon fibrous sorbents, whose production is based on sintering and subsequent activation of the cellulose fibers with special methods. Studies of sorption of water purification in a laboratory setting using simulation solutions. In the form of tables presents the results obtained. Conclusions are made about the use of ASM material as the filtering element.Class article applies to research. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the formulation and solution of a new problem. The reliability of the results is not in doubt. The article has a practical significance. The style of presentation is good, informative tables, figures acceptable.
6 pag.

Experience in the use of software for the engineering of heat supply system and heating system of buildings

UDK: 004.451.44 (697.1)
A. R. Nurmukhametova, A.I. Burkov
The development and progress of contemporary society poses in front of engineers a new task are becoming more complex. Moreover, the time to solve a new task is decreasing. However, at the same time achievement of civilization in the area of information technology and software greatly simplifies and speeds up the design process. Therefore, novel engineer activity is very closely linked with computer technology and software products. This article considering several types of software for plan engineering systems of buildings, such as heating supply network and heating system of buildings. The purpose of this article is to reveal the series of possibilities and so to assess the advantages and disadvantages of software products for the design heating supply network and heating system of buildings.
10 pag.

Energy-saving technologies in water supply and wastewater systems

UDK: 620.9.004.18
E.O. Petuhova, O.I. Ruchkinova
This article describes and analyzes energy-saving technologies that can be used in water and wastewater sys-tems. It listed the main problems of this sector. An overview of the main measures to improve energy efficiency in housing and communal services of water supply and sewage systems by the management companies and from con-sumers taking into account the possible economic effect. For outdoor water supply and sewerage systems contains detailed classification of organizational, technical and technological energy-saving measures, depending on the cost of their implementation, taking into account the payback period. Obtained solutions about major problems in the field of water supply and sewage. The result of the work are the findings about the prospects of the use of energy-saving technologies in the sphere of housing and communal services.
10 pag.

Application of a benchmarking in the sphere of water supply and water disposal

UDK: 628.14
L.V. Pleshkova, S.V. Novikov, O.I. Ruchkinova
Article is devoted to a subject actual today – application of a benchmarking in the sphere of water supply and water disposal. The concept of "benchmarking", his types, the purposes, and also his benefit reveals. The benchmarking technique in water supply and water disposal is considered. Examples of use of the tool of a benchmarking in foreign countries and in Russia, in such cities as Yekaterinburg and St. Petersburg are given. The main groups and indicators of system of a benchmarking of the American association of the enterprises of a water management are allocated. In Yekaterinburg – a benchmarking of a financial and economic condition of the enterprises of the sphere of VKH. In St. Petersburg – a benchmarking on "target" indicators. On the basis of all above, are revealed indicators for a water utility of the city of Perm are recommended for application. And the conclusion is also drawn on such tool important today as a benchmarking for increase of management efficiency of the enterprises in the municipal sphere.
13 pag.

Application of heat pumps to reduce the temperature of return water in heat supply systems

UDK: 697.34: 621.311
I.S. Soboleva, E.V. Yur′eva, M.E. Orlov
The article deals with problem of increasing the efficiency and economy of the heating system from the CHP. The possibilities of reducing the return water temperature to increase the thermal electric power generation at thermal consumption are discribes. Particular attention is paid to the possibility of using low-grade heat sources. To solve this problem technology of thermal power plants with the use of heat pump systems that reduce the return water temperature returned by consumers for thermal power plants are proposed, it is useful to use the heat for pre-heating the air supplied to the boiler furnace combustion. Also it proposed to use the heat of the circulating water used in the condensers of steam turbines. The result of the proposed technologies is to reduce fuel consumption, improve the efficiency and reliability of thermal power plants.
7 pag.

Obtaining electricity from living trees

UDK: 692.9
M.A. Subbotina, A.V. Kungurova
The article analyzes the method of obtaining electrical energy from living native wood by using a potential difference within the ground and within wooden structures. The American company MagCap Engineering took up a new project for the production of electricity. As a result of experiments, the engineers made sure that can be extracted from a living tree a few fractions of a volt. Using the described method, and using low-cost in terms of electricity consumption LED lamps, there is an opportunity cost and the clock warning fire alarm system or lighting park walkways and streets of the city without any harm to the environment, consisting in the fact that in this case will not be used combustible fuel, used for the production of electric energy in the urban environment of centralized power systems.
4 pag.

The advantages and disadvantages of green roofs

UDK: 72.01
E.S. Tokareva, A.A. Melehin, O.I. Ruchkinova
The article describes the advantages of the technology, including economic, environmental, and engineering, as well as drawbacks: the conclusion of the impact on the architectural and planning solutions structures on the basis of information, design features, the cost of construction and operation of "green" roof. We analyze the use of the discussed technologies abroad, are some experimental data on the performance data of roofs. Details compared characteristics of intensive and extensive roof greening systems for plant type, the type substraktov, the ratio of minerals, and other components, the difference in the scheme of the device (architectural and technological), the result of comparison is the figure the cost of these systems. Examples of devices and implementation of sports and children's playgrounds, places of recreation in the city of Perm with the use of technology "green" roofs.
8 pag.

Current state and development of internal water supply and sewerage systems of cultural heritage sites in the city of Perm on the example of a building along Lenin Street, 56

UDK: 628.24+628.14
I. V. Vagina, A.A. Rzaeva
The object of the study is the internal water supply and internal sewerage in the cultural heritage building of Perm on Lenin street, 56. The purpose of the study is to create axonometric schemes of cold utility water supply B1 and domestic sewerage K1 and K1-H1. And also to identify the design features of internal water supply and sewerage in such buildings. During the research, measurements were made of water mains, sewerage, pipe diameters and analysis of the obtained axonometric schemes. The result of the study showed features, complexity and not a standard approach to the design of in-house water supply and sanitation in an existing building.
7 pag.


UDK: 628.3
D.V. Klemeshov, M.S. Novikov
The method of application of a waste coffee thick in purification of the production sewage polluted by oil products and ions of heavy metals is considered in article. Results of laboratory researches on definition of effectiveness of purification of model sewage with a getter method are given. Getter water treatment by a waste coffee thick is perspective technology of cleaning which can serve for removal from the trade waste effluent both ions of heavy metals, and oil products. Theoretical justifications of results of a research are given. Conclusions are drawn on opportunities of further modifying and use of this getter material.
9 pag.

Systems of gas supply optimization

UDK: Systems of gas supply optimization
A.A. Nartsysova
The object of the study is the existing system of gas supply. The purpose of the work is to search for options for optimizing gas supply systems in terms of structure, materials used, the degree of mechanization of work and the equipment used. In the process of work, the scientific literature on this topic was analyzed and the material characteristics of gas networks of low and medium pressure were calculated. As a result of the study, the appropriate conclusions were drawn: for the gasification of the residential quarter, it is economically more expedient to use a single-stage medium-pressure system with the introduction of house gas control systems. The design of inter-settlement gas supply systems should be carried out with due regard for the proper economic justification. It is recommended to provide all options for connection to the existing network and compare construction costs. Polyethylene gas pipelines are widely used as an alternative to steel underground pipelines.
8 pag.

Technical and economic comparison of microclimate provision options using the latest equipment

UDK: 697.94
A.A. Nechaeva, A.I. Burkov, G.S. Mishneva
This article considers 2 options for providing a microclimate in the conference hall of a public building with the use of a high-efficiency climate beam and a multi-split system. The designed system must meet the requirements of an energy efficient building, providing flexible use of available space and comfortable climate parameters. When designing, options are considered that take into account the productivity, investment value and operating costs in each case. Air conditioning systems that work with climate beams, as an alternative to traditional air conditioning systems, have been used extensively in Europe and North America since the 1990s. They make it possible to provide thermal comfort, low sound pressure level, energy saving and efficient use of space in buildings of various types. The cooling systems under consideration allow to control a comfortable climate in each room, managing the comfort modules for cold or warm air as needed. The brief review and operation principle of SWEGON cooling beams and multi-split systems of DAIKIN Company is presented. Calculations have been performed to identify an economically viable option.
8 pag.

Investigation of the process of heat exchange of the vapor phase of the propane-butane mixture with the surrounding ground massif in the underground reservoir, taking into account its exploitation

UDK: 536.244
N.N. Osipova, I.M. Bychkova, A.A.Poberiy
In the article the paper presents the results of studies of heat exchange between the vapor phase of a mixture of propane-butane located above the mirror of evaporation in an underground reservoir of liquefied hydrocarbon gas and the surrounding ground massif. The criteria influencing the heat exchange process are established, the values of the heat transfer coefficient from the massif of ground to the vapor phase and the magnitude of the heat inflow to the vapor phase of the propane-butane mixture are determined depending on the changing physical properties of the liquid and vapor phases of the liquefied hydrocarbon gas and the temperature operating conditions. On the basis of research it was established that as a result of the heat exchange of the vapor phase of the propane-butane mixture with the surrounding ground, the superheating of the vapor phase will be from 1,94 0C to 13,3 0C.
7 pag.

Ways of protection steel pipes from corrosion.

UDK: 62-761
E.O. Petukhova
This article defines the root causes of the development corrosion of steel underground pipelines. In addition, the article presents types of soil corrosion and corrosive properties of tap water. Special attention is given to the study and comparison of different methods of fight against corrosion. Every method described affects to protect the internal/external surface of steel pipelines in its own way due to use of special reagent and their physical properties.
10 pag.

The device «floating» hatches in the urban environment

UDK: 628.25
M.A. Avdeeva, Ja.S. Luferchik Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation;
The article describes the technology of the «floating» hatches, which is widely used abroad. In Russia this technology is just beginning to gain popularity, and in a number of cities experimental «floating» hatches are installed. The article presents and describes the design of «floating» hatches, as well as its peculiarities and differences from the design standard flanged hatches. Presents the manner of installing «floating» hatches with a detailed description of the steps scheme. Describes the advantages and disadvantages of the technology. A comparative analysis of technology devices with «floating» hatches and flanged housings, as well as their condition in operational period are made, results are summarized and presented in table form. Scoring of the analyzed parameters are developed. Presents the company that manufacture «floating» hatches.
9 pag.

Clearing snow from the roadway and sidewalks

UDK: 624.144.53
A.M. Veremeev, A.A. Tomilov Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
Snow is a major weather phenomenon, which has a significant effect on urban infrastructure. It accumulates a lot of pollution, takes a large amount, makes it difficult to transport vehicles, can cause collapse of structures and lead to human injuries. The currently available methods and legal documents on the disposal of snow in the Russian Federation rely mainly on its export and do not solve some of the problems that may arise, which can lead to environmental damage. In this article, the main provisions on the composition of snow, the reagents used, and the regulatory provisions in the winter maintenance of road network facilities in the Russian Federation are reviewed. A comparative analysis of the main methods for cleaning the streets from snow has been carried out for our country.
8 pag.

Problems in the systems of natural ventilation of residential buildings

UDK: 697.952.2
A.A. Minin Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the problems of ventilation of houses, old buildings. The principles that play a significant role in the work of ventilation are stated. The basic schemes of the device of ventilation channels are given. The basic schemes of air movement in a ventilated room are given. The article is based on the results of the examination of ventilation in the houses located at the address: Perm, Lenina 83. The main sanitary and hygienic conditions of the air are described. The data of expertise of ventilation in the houses located at the address of the city of Perm, Lenin street 83 are analyzed. The variants of the solution of the problem revealed during the examination are found and offered.
5 pag.

Forecasting of thermal loads, for optimization of CHP equipment

UDK: 620.92
A.V. Nechaev, A.V. Grishkova Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the issue of forecasting thermal loads of CHP plants, for choosing the optimal composition of the plant's generating equipment, as well as for forming the most profitable strategy of generating companies in conditions of market pricing for electric energy. The mechanism of pricing "on the day ahead market" is considered. The issue of fuel supply for power plants is touched upon. The basic laws of changing the loads of the heat supply system were obtained in the autumn-winter period. A model is proposed for predicting thermal loads in conditions of an unstable heat transfer regime.
9 pag.

Ways to clean air in spray cabinets

UDK: 62-784.23
Y.O. Papko Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation;
Every year, the issue of environmental protection is becoming more urgent. In large-scale production, the harmful substances emitted from the painting chamber cause great harm to atmospheric air and people living in nearby areas. Therefore, according to Article 16 of the Federal Law of 10.01.2002 No. 7 "On Environmental Protection", the installation of purification devices at industrial enterprises is mandatory. The article deals with modern methods of cleaning air removed from the painting chamber, contaminated with solvent vapors and colorful dust. The review of the constructions is made: Pazkat, gas convector Yatagan, air cleaner Aerolife, ABHU and their schemes. The advantages and disadvantages of methods are revealed. As for the consumption of the vapor-gas mixture, which must be cleaned of the hazards, the equipment was selected and a conclusion was made about the choice of the installation in the painting chamber.
10 pag.


Руководитель секции: д-р техн. наук, проф. Ручкинова О.И.

47 pag.

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