Колонка редактора - Eng


Рубрика: Менеджмент в строительстве


UDK: 004.41
E.N. Kadochnikova, V.A. Kharitonov
This paper presents the problem of determining the time when it is necessary to modernize the university LAN. Wednesday the analysis of the problem is Dekon software package. Model estimation is built. With the help of a model the alternatives is counted. The problem is actual. Experts were the conclusions about the need to refine the model. It was decided to make a detailed plan for designing and developing software with which it was possible to assess the relevance of the material base of the university.
5 pag.


UDK: 004.41+51-77
E.N. Kadochnikova, V.A. Kharitonov
There are basic approaches to assessing the reliability of local area networks. Areas of development are mathematical models, models of complex estimation and software. A plan for further work on the thesis is developed.
3 pag.


UDK: 67.01.77
Golubev K.V., Novokreshchenova A.S.
The search and selection of optimal retail shop allocation is the main objective for a retail company in order to found or develop the retail business. Authors examined the methods of commercial space research and analyzed the commercial space for the city of Perm.
6 pag.


UDK: 339.137.22
Spirina V.S.
This article describes the relevance of the definition of competitive advantages of the shopping center. Detail the calculation of the attractiveness of the trade object with D.Huff’s model. We give formulas for calculating the attractiveness of the shopping center and the likelihood of attracting customers to the mall. There were raised questions about the influence of object size on its attractiveness, and to determine the empirical parameter λ. It’s also considered conditions favorable for the location of the object of trade and MSC (multifunctional shopping center); as well as factors that contribute to the attractiveness of the shopping center.
7 pag.

Использование отходов металлургической промышленности при производстве магнезиального бетона

UDK: 691.322
Валиев Д.И., Шутов И.Д.
На сегодняшний день отходы металлургической промышленности являются ценным технологическим сырьем и могут быть вовлечены в производство строительных материалов на основе магнезиального вяжущего. В качестве отхода используется металлургический шлак, который является не только заполнителем в магнезиальном бетоне, но и компонентом, повышающим его физико-механические характеристики.
6 pag.

Разработка состава теплоизоляционного автоклавного газобетона

UDK: 691.332.5
Леонтьев С.В., Голубев В.А., Харитонов В.А.,Сарайкина К.А.
В статье приводятся результаты исследовательской работы, направленной на разработку теплоизоляционного автоклавного газобетона. Полученные в ходе экспериментов образцы имеют низкую прочность. Для повышения прочностных характеристик в состав газосиликата введены нанотрубки и базальтовая фибра. Это привело к дисперсному упрочнению, что подтверждается результатами исследований структуры под микроскопом.
10 pag.

Влияние комплекса ультра- и нанодисперсных добавок на физико-механические свойства ангдритового вяжущего

UDK: 691.5(045)
Головин Д,В, Мустакимов Р.В., Токарев Ю.В.
Рассмотрено влияние комплексной добавки на основе ультрадисперсного магнезита и углеродных нанотрубок на физико-механические свойства вяжущего на основе природного ангидрита.
6 pag.

Возможность использования проникающей гидроизоляции при реконструкции зданий

UDK: 699.822
Плеханова Т. А., Хамидуллин Р.Р.
Рассматривается возможность использования в качестве гидроизоляции проникающего действия составов на основе сульфата алюминия.
3 pag.

Контроль параметров состояния дисперсий многослойных углеродных нанотрубок методом ик-спектрального анализа

UDK: 691-404.8
ПолитаеваА.И., Шайбадуллина А.В., Гордина А.Ф., Пудов И.А., Сеньков С.А.
Исследовано состояние суспензий многослойных углеродных нанотрубок методом ик-спектрального анализа. Установлено изменение состояния суспензии в зависимости от времени диспергирования в высокоскоростном смесителе роторного типа.
4 pag.

Разработка методики оценки эффективности деятельности управляющих компаний в сфере жилищно-коммунального хозяйства

UDK: 332.7
Солдатова А.В.
Определены актуальность и этапы работы по разработке методики оценки эффективности деятельности управляющих компаний в сфере жилищно-коммунального хозяйства.
4 pag.

Оценка конкурентоспособности коммерческой недвижимости

UDK: 332.7
Спирина В.С.
В работе описана и модифицирована модель Хаффа, используемая для определения потребительской привлекательности объектов коммерческой недвижимости. Принципиальным отличием является введенный параметр q, описывающий качество объекта коммерческой недвижимости. Описаны существующие подходы, которые могут использоваться для оценки качества объекта коммерческой недвижимости.
7 pag.

Оценка деятельности компаний в жилищном секторе

UDK: 332.7
Чобан Э.С.
В статье рассматривается вопрос об оценке деятельности компаний в жилищном секторе, как необходимый инструмент для достижения целей управления объектом недвижимости, управления и контроля качества процесса управления, развития рынка управления недвижимостью.
5 pag.

Имитационное моделирование поведения инвестора в строительной отрасли.

UDK: 69.003
Кавиев М.И., Алексеев А.О
Объясняются недостаточные исследования проблемы проявления человеческого фактора в задачах управления портфелем финансовых активов, а также необходимостью повышения степени обоснованности инвестиционных решений в строительстве.
5 pag.

Определение привлекательности объектов коммерческой недвижимости для потребителя

UDK: 339.1+332.7+519.86
Спирина В.С.
В данной статье описываются модели, применяемые для определения привлекательности объектов коммерческой недвижимости. Разработанные модели получены на основе известной модели Хаффа и отличаются тем, что расширен набор учитываемых параметров торгового объекта, используемых при прогнозировании посещаемости. Для построения искомых моделей в качестве математического аппарата были выбраны квалиметрические механизмы комплексного оценивания и матричные механизмы комплексного оценивания, функциональные возможности которых расширены благодаря процедуре нечеткого комплексного оценивания.
7 pag.

Methodology for determining the level of professional competence of bachelors in the field of construction

UDK: 624.154.5
E. M. Zhartayev, L.I. Mironova
The article examines the competence of bachelors in the field of construction, regulated by the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education (FSES HE). A tiered approach is proposed to assess their formation (low, medium, basic, high). The essence of each of the levels is presented. Using the example of research and design activities of the future bachelor-builder, the application of the well-known mathematical method for standardizing ranks is considered, which allows obtaining numerical intervals for assessing the level of professional competence in the professional field in question. The proposed approach can be applied to production and technological and production-management activities, experimental research activities, installation, commissioning and service-operational activities; bisnes activity, regulated by FSES HE in the direction of construction. Practical application of the developed methodology assumes the automation of the process of assessing the level of the formation of professional competence in a particular field of activity through implementation in the form of an interactive software module and the development of special educational, methodological and control materials that demonstrate the future bachelor-builder the availability of practical experience in the investigated fields of activity.
8 pag.

Analysis of methods risk assessment of supply selection

UDK: 69.009
Ju.V. Vedernikova
This article is about risk event which is in the basis of construction operations. In the article the author describes several methods that are most interesting and suitable for modification, in his opinion, developed and used both in Russian and foreign practice. These methods have affected such areas as construction, housing and utilities, energy and public procurement. For analysis, all methods are summarized by the author in the general table, a rating of frequency of occurrence of those or other criteria is made. The review of methods for assessing the risks of contractors showed that the overall criterion for all methods, as expected, was the cost of work or the "price of the contractor", in addition, the qualifications, reputation, material and technical base of the contractor, the duration and quality of work, etc. were taken into account. Work in the modification of the most appropriate, in the author's view, the method is expected to use such criteria as the customer's experience with the contractor, as well as the labor intensity of the project.
7 pag.

Technology of grounding the real estate concept

UDK: 69.003+ 519.814+ 330.16
A.O. Alekseev, K.S. Koskova, A.A. Kharitonova,
Technology of conceptual design of residential properties is suggested. The concept of the property defines a set of properties that should be possessed by property, e.g., location, infrastructure, engineering equipment, decoration, layout, etc. Are methods of modeling consumer preferences, allowing to form the shape of the future building, satisfying most of the needs and desires of the real estate market.
6 pag.

A mechanism for the comprehensive evaluation of contractor organizations

UDK: 69.009
L.D. Samoсhkova
This article describes risk event, obtained by efficient methods for the selection of contractor, a set of convolution matrices which describes the importance of the considered factors. It is a proposition of decision tree and the system estimation of complex estimation of contractors, availability of construction equipment and facilities for the production of the materials, components and structures, qualifications of the personnel of materials; the complexity and duration of the project, as well as experience with the contractor. The following is an excerpt of the questionnaire to define construction of the matrix convolution. The questionnaire is designed so that the survey can participate, respondents who are not familiar with the methods and tools for integrated assessment.
6 pag.

Comparison of pricing in construction in Russia, Europe, the USA and China

UDK: 69.003
E.V.Shaidurova, O.V.Petreneva
Studying foreign experience is impossible without the use of an estimate and regulatory framework. It is necessary to constantly improve the pricing system of Russia for its further development, improvement and normalization of the system. The basis of estimated prices in Russia is an estimate and regulatory framework, the main structural element of which is the estimated norm. The article compares the pricing systems of Russia and Europe with the example of Germany, the United States and China, reveals the main advantages and disadvantages of the Russian pricing system. The pricing system is one of the main components of the management accounting system. Such a system not only establishes prices for construction products, goods, services, works, but also controls the process of creating and improving regulations regulating the price in various situations. Therefore, the development of the pricing system should be accompanied by a thorough study of foreign innovations.
8 pag.

Investment analysis of the real estate property development projects

UDK: 69.003+330.322.5
A.V. Karakulova1, M.A. Naidanova2, A.O. Alekseev2 1LTD, Analytical center"KD-consulting",Perm, Russian Federation 2Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
The task of investment analysis of real estate development projects is being investigated. The accuracy of assessing the economic efficiency of the investment project is significantly affected by the correct choice of the discount rate. As the most preferred method of justifying the discount rate, the method of cumulative construction is chosen. The main components of the cumulative construction model of the discount rate are considered and the methods for their determination are substantiated. A modified method of cumulative construction of the discount rate is proposed. It is distinguished by methods for calculating the timing of exposure in the markets for sale and lease, which are necessary information sources for determining premiums for risks of low liquidity and ineffective management. The task of predicting the timing of property exposition is solved with the help of systemic-cognitive analysis and universal Cognitive analytical system "Eidos".
7 pag.

Scenario forecasting of the real estate market of Perm city and Yekaterinburg city

UDK: 332.72
V. L. Yasnitskiy Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
The development of social and economic processes in territorial systems poses the task of improving forecasting methods in conditions of uncertainty. The scenario forecasting model developed on the basis of intellectual analysis of "what if" data shows how changes in managing economic factors of influence affect the market value of residential properties of local markets, which can be used to support the adoption of decisions aimed at the development of real estate markets of territorial Systems in the target direction. This forecasting approach can be used in calculating market development scenarios for directed economic impacts, which expands the scope of existing decision support systems in the tasks of real estate development. Within the framework of the research, the analysis of the influence of the volumes of housing crediting and the volume of commissioning of new residential objects on the market value of real estate in the local markets of Perm and Yekaterinburg is carried out using the developed mathematical model and intellectual analysis of data.
6 pag.


Руководитель секции: к-т экон. наук, доцент Алексеев А.О

36 pag.

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