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Рубрика: Геотехника и геотехнологии


UDK: 624.131.37
Akbulyakov M.A., Sichkina E.N.
In the article the problems of laboratory tests of semirocks (argillites, sandstones, alevrolites) in Perm are analysed. Much attention is given to the review of various techniques of determination uniaxial compressive strength of semirock’s and the received results.
7 pag.


UDK: 624.131
Bezgodov M. A., Kaloshina S. V.
There is the influence of deep excavation on additional vertical displacements of existing buildings depending of the factors such as distance from the pile walls to the existing buildings, the depth of the pile walls, the stiffness parameters of pile walls, struts and «jet-grouting» plate.
8 pag.


UDK: 624.134
Zolotozybova O. A.
the present work reviews up-to-date techniques of stripping by «topdown » «up-down» «semi-top-down» methods and gives the examples of their successful implementation. The aim of the work is to identify the merits and demerits of these methods, feasibility and actuality of their development in Russia. This topic deserves attention due to the necessity of development of underground space in the complex conditions of dense urban building.
4 pag.


UDK: 624.1
Kataeva E.S., Ponomarev A.B.
discussed in the paper the basic classification and methods of construction of underground storage of oil and gas.
13 pag.


UDK: 624.137.2
Kataeva I.V.
We consider the advantages and disadvantages of existing methods of securing slopes and new technologies applied to solve the problem. Comparative characteristics of the considered methods is presented.
4 pag.


UDK: 69.035.4
Kosich A.A., Sursanov D.N.
This paper covers the necessity of strain prognostication of raising and exploiting buildings by means of mathematic modeling methods and modern monitoring systems.
7 pag.


UDK: 624.138.9
D.G. Zolotozubov, A.S. Ovcharov
This article contains the problem of optimal design of soil foundations, reinforced by geosynthetics in the event of vertical strain on the basis of testing materials in the tensile test.
7 pag.


UDK: 69.04
Salimgarieva N.I., Kaloshina S.V.
Today various software packages are widely applied to the decision of problems of building. One of the most popular is program complex Plaxis. In given article the characteristics necessary for reception of the correct decision, two models of a ground in Plaxis are considered: Mohr-Coulumb model and Hardening Soil model.
4 pag.

RESEARCH OF METHODS OF ANTIKARSTIC PROTECTION OF TERRITORIES OF PERM KRAI Optimization of antikarstic actions for various categories of karstic danger of the territory

UDK: 699.8:551.448
Kobyshcha O.E., Botchkaryova T.M.
In the presented publication the urgency of a subject of the research devoted to methods of antikarstic protection in Perm Krai is described. The purpose of researches is the assessment of efficiency of antikarstic action or a combination of antikarstic actions (from considered) for each category of karstic danger (stability) of the territory. This subject is worthy, as in the territory of the region are widely developed карстующиеся breeds, and karstic processes in many regions of edge play an important role population lives. Also schemes are provided in article for the purpose of creation of the general classification of antikarstic actions and identification of effective areas of their use.
18 pag.


UDK: 69.035.4
Tatyannikov D.A., Ponomarev A.B.
In the present study revealed the value of geotechnical monitoring in modern construction, its basic methods and classification. Also provides a minimum list of works included in the geotechnical monitoring, and also considered the most significant examples in the Russian practice.
5 pag.


UDK: 624.154.1
Oshepkova I.A., Sichkina E.N.
In the article physical and mechanical properties of sandstones and argillites in Perm are offered. In the article the results of laboratory tests of semirocks in Perm are analysed. Much attention is given to the influence water saturation to deformation parameters of semirock.
8 pag.


UDK: 624.05
Tsypushtanova A.A.
On slopes of the Tobolsk Kremlin, a monument of history and culture of federal value, erosive processes developed. For the purpose of prevention of an erosion actions of the engineering protection, allowed to strengthen slopes were provided.
2 pag.


UDK: 69.035.2
Fedorovikh J.A., Ponomarjov A.B.
The article aims to analyze the optimal restraint constructions. Its suggested to see various types of retaining structures, the principles of calculation and construction technologies, to identify their strengths and weaknesses.
7 pag.


UDK: 624.13
Shutova O.A.., Ponomarev A.B.
The article considers the issues of wave phenomena, fuss-arising in the ground at the vibrational effects of transport.
6 pag.


UDK: 69.04
Salimgarieva N.I., Kaloshina S.V.
Modern experts carry out calculations in various program complexes. One of popular software products for today is program complex Plaxis. In given article two models of soil Plaxis are considered: Mohr-Coulumb model and Hardening Soil model.
4 pag.

Интерпретация результатов статического зондирования применительно к аргиллитам г. Перми

UDK: 624.154.1
Акбуляков М.А., Сычкина Е.Н.
Статья представляет собой анализ механических характеристик аргиллитов. Основное внимание уделено результатам, полученным при статическом зондировании в г. Перми.
11 pag.

Влияние изменения основных физико-механических параметров грунтов на развитие областей пластических деформаций в основании составного плитного фундамента

UDK: 624.131
Бартоломей И.Л.
В работе приведены результаты решения задачи о регулировании развития областей пластических деформаций в основании системы незаглубленных параллельных плитных фундаментов.
7 pag.

Влияние отношения модулей деформации слоев двухслойного основания заглубленного фундамента конечной жесткости на его несущую способность

UDK: 624.131
Богомолова О.А., Вайнгольц А.И.
Приведены результаты исследования несущей способности двухслойного основания заглубленного фундамента конечной жесткости. Принято, что слои основания при прочих равных условиях отличаются лишь значениями модулей деформации. Установлено, что зависимость расчетного сопротивления от отношения модулей деформации слоев в полулогарифмических координатах с достаточной степенью точности аппроксимируется прямой, угловой коэффициент которой с возрастанием толщины верхнего слоя уменьшается в гиперболической зависимости.
11 pag.

Влияние формы подошвы фундаментов на напряженно-деформированное состояние основания

UDK: 624.131.37
Глушков А.В., Бартоломей Л.А., Глушков В.Е.
Представлены результаты расчетов грунтового основания многоугольных фунда-ментов с учетом их взаимного влияния.Проведен анализ напряженно-деформированного состояния активной зоны фундаментов сложной формы. Ста-тья предназначена для специалистов в области промышленного и гражданского строительства и инженеров-геотехников.
11 pag.

Исследование ленточного свайного фундамента с промежуточной песчаной подушкой с применением програмного комплекса PLAXIS 2D

UDK: 624.154.1
Глушков В.Е., Хабибулин С.Ю.
Приведены результаты численного моделирования МКЭ для ленточного свайного фундамента с промежуточной песчаной подушкой. Выявлены влияния прочностных характеристик грунтов на осадку фундамента и сваи.
4 pag.

Определение характеристик сопротивления механическим воздействиям геосинтетических материалов

UDK: 624.131.9
Золотозубова О.А., Золотозубов Д.Г.
Использование геосинтетических материалов в качестве дренажных и гидроизоляционных прослоек при строительстве полигонов ТБО, автомобильных дорог, кроме знания их фильтрующей способности, требует исследования таких свойств, как сопротивление проколу, сопротивление продавливанию, так как это влияет на их долговечность. В статье приведены результаты первых экспериментов по испытанию материалов на прокол и разрыв.
7 pag.

Расчетные модели теорий линейного и нелинейного деформирования грунта

UDK: 624.131.54
Золотозубова О.А., Клевеко В.И.
Правильный выбор расчетной модели деформирования грунта одна из важнейших составляющих механики грунтов. Модель теории линейного деформирования грунта наиболее распространена, благодаря простоте и наличию разработанного математического аппарата. Однако применение этой теории ограниченно, что ведет к необходимости использования других расчетных моделей, таких как теория нелинейного деформирования грунта.
5 pag.

Планирование модельного эксперимента по изучению влияния нового строительства на существующую застройку

UDK: 624.131
Илларионов С.О. Калошина С.В.
Представлено описание планируемого эксперимента целью которого является изучение влияния нового строительства на этапе разработки котлована под вновь возводимое здание, применительно к инженерно-геологическим условиям г. Перми.
3 pag.

Подпорные стенки. Расчет подпорных стенок на устойчивость

UDK: 624.152
Илларионов С.О. Клевеко В.И.
Рассмотрены методики расчета на устойчивость при плоском сдвиге и опрокидывании подпорных стен и представлено сравнение методов расчетов подпорных стен.
6 pag.

Определение несущей способности сваи по начальным данным статического нагружения

UDK: 624.15
Каманин А. М.
Рассматривается способ определения несущей способности свай по начальным данным статического нагружения
4 pag.

Анализ методов определения динамических характеристик грунта

UDK: 624.131.5
Козьминых К.В.
Статья посвящена вопросам определения динамических характеристик грунта, рассмотрены методы проведения испытаний и выделены их особенности. Предложен метод получения динамических характеристик по результатам проведения стандартных инженерно-геологических изысканий.
4 pag.

Особенности деформирования моделей армированных грунтовых оснований при циклическом нагружении

UDK: 624.154.1
Мирсаяпов И.Т., Хабибуллин Р.С.
В современных условиях наблюдается тенденция увеличения нагрузок на грунто-вые основания и использования в качестве оснований слабых грунтов. В этих случаях одним из способов увеличения несущей способности является вертикальное армирование грунтовых оснований. При этом такие основания наряду со статическим подвергаются воздействию циклических нагрузок. В связи с этим проведены исследования несущей способности и деформация армированных грунтовых оснований.
6 pag.

Осадки моделей плитно-свайных фундаментов при циклическом нагружении

UDK: 624.154.001.8
Мирсаяпов И.Т., Шакиров М.И.
Здания и сооружения и ихоснованиянарядусостатическимиподвергаютсявоздействиюциклическихнагрузок. Деформирования плитно-свайного фундамента в процессе циклических нагружений практически не изучены. В связи с этим авторами проведены экспериментальные исследования моделей плитно-свайных фундаментов при циклическом нагружении. Проведенныеисследованияпозволилиустановитьосновныезакономерностидеформированиясистемы "плитно-свайный фундамент – грунт межсвайного пространства". Циклическое нагружение приводит к снижению несущей способности на 66,7 % на базе 2500 циклов по сравнению со статическим нагружением.
6 pag.

Определение схемы армирования грунтового основания жесткими несжимаемыми включениями

UDK: 624.131.37
Нуждин Л.В.,Чичинова А.Д.
Приведены основные результаты и анализ лабораторных экспериментов по опре-делению деформаций грунтового основания под штампом, усиленного жесткими несжимаемыми включениями.
3 pag.

Применение технологии информационного моделирования для диагностики технического состояния зданий

UDK: 624.04
Оленьков В.Д., Раменская Л.А., Пронина А.А.
Статья посвящена исследованию возможностей лазерного сканирования для ди-агностики технического состояния зданий и сооружений на примере Челябинской ГРЭС.
3 pag.

Динамические свойства грунтов

UDK: 624.131.5
Медведев Д.П., Клевеко В.И.
В данной работе приведен обзор видов динамических нагрузок, методов описа-ния динамических свойств грунтов и их изменения при различных видах воздействиях.
7 pag.

Физико - химические свойства грунтов

UDK: 552.08
Окунцев А.С., Клевеко В.И.
В статье представлены физико-механические свойства грунтов, а также способы нахождения характеристик, необходимых для эффективной работы системы основание фундамент. Показаны зависимости от минералогического состава и влажности грунта. Сделан вывод о решении использования грунтов на строительной площадке.
6 pag.

Применение геосинтетических материалов для дренажа и фильтрации

UDK: 691.175.5/.8
Окунцев А.С., Офрихтер В.Г.
В статье представлены возможности применения геосинтетических материалов, а так же способы нахождения характеристик, необходимых для соответствующей работы геосинтетических материалов, в результате лабораторных испытаний. Показано практическое применение материала при сочетании дренажных и фильтрующих свойств. Сделан вывод о перспективах использования геосинтетических материалов в строительстве.
8 pag.

Анализ вибрационного воздействия от автотранспорта на жилых территориях

UDK: 624.131
Пономарев А.Б., Шутова О.А.
Рассмотрены основы вибрационного воздействия автотранспорта на городскую застройку и его влияние на здоровье человека. Приведен анализ проведенного эксперимента по изучению вибрации от автотранспорта на жилую территорию г. Перми.
9 pag.

Особенности лизинговых отношений в строительной отрасли

UDK: 624.1
Постникова И.А., Петренева О.В.
В представленной работе анализируются особенности лизинговых отношений в строительной отрасли. Данная тема является актуальной, поскольку в настоящее время в нашей стране наблюдается значительный рост использования лизинга, как способа приобретения строительной техники и сооружений.
9 pag.

Влияние неравномерности нагружения основания на величину осадки сооружения

UDK: 624.15
Пронозин Я.А., Рубель О.Ю.
Рассмотрено влияние характера нагружения на деформации грунтового основания. Выявлено, что при проектировании сплошных фундаментов необходимо стремиться к такому распределению жесткости фундамента и, следовательно, распределению контактных давлений, при которой можно уменьшить значения осадок сооружения.
7 pag.

Влияние неоднородности сложения и физико-механических свойств грунтов на динамические параметры при сдвиговращательных колебаниях свай

UDK: 624.154.042
Синельникова О.А., Нуждин Л.В.
В данной статье произведен анализ влияния неоднородности сложения и физико-механических свойств грунтов на сдвиговращательные колебания в общем случае и в реальном диапазоне частот колебаний.
6 pag.

Применение численных методов в механике грунтов

UDK: 624.131.7
Серебренникова Д.К., Клевеко В.И.
Целью работы является обзор методов численного проектирования, применяемых в механике грунтов. Выполнен обзор возможностей программных комплексов, применяющихся в геотехнических расчетах.
6 pag.

Механизмы рыночной экономики в строительстве

UDK: 69.003
Соколова В.Д., Петренева О.В.
В данной работе представлен обзор механизмов рыночной экономики в строи-тельной отрасли. Целью является выявление особенностей строительного рынка. Данная тема является актуальной, поскольку в настоящее время строительство бурно развивается и необходимо следить за происходящими изменениями. При-ведены примеры представления информации о работе строительных компаний в г. Пермь.
11 pag.

Расчет устойчивости склоновых участков долины реки Егошиха в г. Перми

UDK: 624.046.3
Сушкова Я.А., Пономарев А.Б.
Статья направлена на освещение вопросов о расчетах устойчивости склоновых участков определенной площадки различными методами и сравнение результатов.
5 pag.

Применение геосинтетических материалов в современном строительстве

UDK: 691.175.5/.8
Татьянников Д.А., Клевеко В.И.
В статье рассмотрена подробная классификация геосинтетических материалов приведена область их применения. Так же рассмотрены различные технологии в которых применяются геосинтетические материалы.
12 pag.

Модернизация очистных сооружений ЗАО «СИБУР-ХИМПРОМ»

UDK: 628.54.
Ромахина Е.Ю., Ручкинова О.И.
Проведено исследование эффективности очистных сооружений и выявлено, что требуется их реконструкция, предложена цепочка новых сооружений.
4 pag.


UDK: 624.131.439
Y.Saenko; A.Baranova.
The article deals with three methods for determination of strength of clay soils: triaxial test, simple shear, direct simple shear. Assessment of impact each methods on soil strength is presented. Results of laboratory tests have a good agreement between triaxial and simple shear tests. Soil strength obtained by direct simple shear has low values.
4 pag.


UDK: 624.132
Zernakova D., Yushkov B.
In the work the question of definition loose soils, the choice of the foundations of engineering structures erected on weak ground, measures to improve the properties loose soils.
6 pag.


UDK: 624.154.1
Ibragimov K.V.
Results of researches of influence of influence of variable cyclic load of model slabby and pile the base are given. When carrying out tray tests a precipitation, tension, deformations in soil and in piles are defined. The appendix of loading is made by cycles with loading change. On the basis of the obtained data dependence schedules a precipitation and tension from quantity of cycles are under construction. The analysis of graphic dependences which shows is provided that tension in soil and piles changes.
5 pag.


UDK: 624.131
Illarionov S.O., Kaloshina S.V.
This article has parameter specification of numerical and model experiment. Experiment’s aim is seeing development effect at exist building. There is compare numerical values of numerical and model experiments of ancillary manufacturing yielding of exist building in the time of stripping.
7 pag.

Технологии ограждения котлованов в условиях плотной городской застройки.

UDK: 624.154
К. Р. Кашапова, О. В. Моисеева, С. В. Калошина
В данной статье представлены современные методы ограждения котлованов, использующиеся в условиях плотной городской застройки, такие как «стена в грунте», шпунтовые ограждения и струйная цементация, приведены области их применения, а также их достоинства и недостатки.
5 pag.

Оценка приведенной жесткости ограждающей конструкции геотехнического барьера, выполненного по технологии струйной цементации грунта.

UDK: 624.131
O.A.Makovetskiy, K.A.Miller
The article gives an evaluation calculation and comparative analysis of the geometrical features of the site geotechnical barrier.
4 pag.

Исследование характера работы ленточного фундамента из перекрестных балок с опорными оболочками.

UDK: 624.157.2
Статья посвящена проблемам фундаментостроения в сложных инженерно-геологических условиях Перми и Пермского края. Проведены теоретические и практические исследования работы фундаментов оболочек с грунтовым основанием. Предложена новая конструктивная форма ленточного фундамента из системы перекрестных балок. Ключевые слова: сильносжимаемые грунты; ленточные фундаменты; фундаменты-оболочки; ленточный фундамент из перекрестных железобетонных балок, уложенных на цилиндрические оболочки.
6 pag.

Применение грунтовых свай в оболочке из геосинтетических материалов для усиления оснований зданий и сооружений.

UDK: 624.154.51
М.М. Огаркова, Р. И. Шенкман
В статье рассматривается проблема эффективности применения грунтовых свай в оболочке из геосинтетических материалов в геологических условиях г. Перми, приводятся общие сведения о системе. Представлен обзор некоторых источников исследований, доказывающих эффективность применения грунтовых свай в оболочке из геосинтетических материалов, кратко приведено описание экспериментов и их результатов, сформулированы направления дальнейших исследований. Ключевые слова: грунтовые сваи, геосинтетическая оболочка, слабые грунты, осадка, экспериментальные исследования
8 pag.

Устойчивость системы «основание заглубленного ленточного фундамента - выработка» во вмещающем объеме связного грунта

UDK: 624.131.7
Павлов Д.В., Подлинев М.О., Богомолов С.А., Калашникова М.С.
Представлены результаты определения рациональных форм поперечных сечений контуров подземных выработок, исходя из анализа их прочности и устойчивости при использовании условия прочности Кулона. Произведены расчёты при исследовании таких комбинаций физико-механических характеристик массива грунта и величины равномерно распределённой нагрузки, при которых на контуре выработки будут отсутствовать такие точки, в которых будет выполняться условие прочности. Выполнен анализ напряжённо-деформированного состояния системы «основание-выработка», приведены графики и формулы, позволяющие определить характеристики устойчивости подземной выработки.
6 pag.

О консолидации слабого грунта под нагрузкой.

UDK: 624.131
Санникова О.А., Юшков Б.С.
В статье изложен метод определения времени консолидации слабых грунтов. При проведении исследований используется специальная установка состоящая из двух ёмкостей для погружения образца грунта, ёмкости для воды, нагрузочного устройства, реперной системы с индикатором часового типа. Показано необходимое время для консолидации слабого илистого грунта.
5 pag.


UDK: 624.131.7
Серебренникова Д.К.
This article deals with the increase in the architectural monuments due to the development of underground space. As an example, the reconstruction of a cultural heritage site of regional significance "escort teams" with an increase in the basement of the existing foundation base below.
10 pag.

Расчет армогрунтового устоя моста

UDK: 624.164.3
Соколова В.Д., Клевеко В.И.
: В статье представлен расчет армогрунтового устоя по предельным состояниям согласно положениям действующего нормативного документа СП 35.13330.2011 «Мосты и трубы», а также основным положениям европейских норм.
9 pag.

Исследование взаимодействия геосинтетических материалов с грунтом

UDK: 691.138.9
Татьянников Д.А., Клевеко В.И, Драчева Е.О.
В статье рассмотрено проведение испытаний на сдвиг для армированного грунта, а так же испытания на выдергивание геосинтетического материала из грунта. Испытания проведены согласно немецким стандартам DIN 12957-1, DIN 60009. Полученные в ходе испытаний параметры представляют особый интерес при проектировании различных армогрунтовых конструкций, поскольку позволяют вести расчет согласно европейским нормам EBGEO.
8 pag.

Расчет откосов методом круглоцилиндрических поверхностей.

UDK: 624.131
Фоминых М.С., Юшков Б.С.
В работе затронут вопрос об устойчивости высоких насыпей, расчете откосов методом кругло цилиндрических поверхностей.
8 pag.

Несущая способность и осадки армированного вертикальными и горизонтальными элементами грунтового основания

UDK: 624.154.1
Шарафутдинов Р.А.
Приводятся результаты исследований влияния воздействия поэтапной статической нагрузки на модель грунта с вертикальным и горизонтальным армированием. При проведении лотковых испытаний определяются деформации грунта. Приложение нагрузки производится поэтапно с изменением нагрузки. На основании полученных данных строятся графики зависимости осадки от количества этапов. Приводится анализ графических зависимостей, который показывает, что деформации в грунте изменяется.
6 pag.

Сравнение отечественного оборудования для погружения свай с зарубежными аналогами

UDK: 69.002.5
Колечкина А.Ю., Калошина С.В.
В статье приводиться сравнение отечественного и зарубежного оборудования для погружения свай по их основным техническим характеристикам. Подробно рассмотрено оборудование для забивки, вибропогружения и вдавливания свай. Выделены основные отличительные особенности аналогичного по действию оборудования. Ключевые слова: оборудование для погружения свай, дизель-молот, гидравлический молот, вибропогружатель, вибромолот, сваевдавливающая установка (СВУ), свайный фундамент.
8 pag.

The influence of new construction on additional vertical displacements of existing buildings

UDK: 624.131
Bugaev S.L., Zaharov A.V.
The article is devoted to the problems connected with influence of new construction on additional vertical displacements of existing buildings. Theoretical questions of emergence additional vertical displacements, classification of additional vertical displacements and the reasons of their emergence are reviewed, and also standardization of additional vertical displacements is given. The description of the conducted researches on a problem is provided. The direction of further researches is defined.
3 pag.

Evaluation of carrying capacity and device ground anchors.

UDK: 624.137
Didorenko I.A., Dunauskas Y.V.
In consideration of the work refers to the ground anchors and provided the calculation of bearing capacity of the anchor.
4 pag.

Influence of lateral earth pressure factor on the value of the calculated resistance base and base bearing capacity

UDK: 624.131
S.A. Kalinovsky, E.V. Tsvetkova
It is determined that the calculation of the bearing capacity of the base recessed strip foundation methods, based on the analysis of the stress condition of core soil mass should be considered as one of the design parameters that determine the stability of the foundation base, the coefficient of lateral earth pressure ξо. It is it is shown that the coefficient of lateral earth influences significantly the formation and development of plastic deformations areas in the base of the foundation and, as a consequence, the estimated value of resistance and maximum permissible load.
7 pag.

Method of installation factory pressing piles in clay soils and ways of its de-velopment

UDK: 624.151.2
A. Polyschuk, S.Nuykin
The method of pressing installation factory concrete piles. Main advantages and disadvantages of the method are analyze, defined the scope of application. Authors give recommendations of using installation in clay soils for construction-confined projects. In the publication, there are constructive units, elements and components to improve this method.
6 pag.

Numerical modeling of stress-strain behavior in the soil around driven piles

UDK: 624.154.1
Saenko Y. V., Rakitin A. A.
The paper presents the determination of stress in the soil around driven piles using PLAXIS 3D Foundation program. The results of modeling and static load tests are compared
6 pag.

Evaluation of the possibility of changing soil properties when interacting with leachate landfills of municipal solid waste.

UDK: 504.05
M.V.Viskov, D.G.Zolotozubov
The article provides information on the landfill disposal of solid waste in the construction of the geomembrane. Chapter reviews the types materials for the construction of screens. The results of the analysis of research on the interaction of seepage water from soils.
5 pag.

To the question of forecast sediment and bearing сapacity of piles in claystone

UDK: 624.154.1
Volgareva N.L., Sychkina E.N.
The article is devoted to the design of pile foundations, the bases of which are claystone. The results of field static test piles at the pilot site in the city of Perm were observed. Recommendations on the calculation of the sediment and the bearing capacity of pile foundations, the basis of which data are used as primers, are done.
7 pag.

Study of supplements repellent For water resistance and strength of piles Made by technology jet grouting ground

UDK: 624.1
V.V. Galimova, K.A. Miller, V.I. Kleveko
This paper presents the results of experimental studies of the effect of water-repellent additives for water resistance and durability of piles made by technology jet grouting soil.
5 pag.

Mounting walls of trenches using ground reinforcement methods

UDK: 624.138
A.A. Zalyubovskaya, V.V. Lageryok
This article represents the process of reinforcing ground. It describes several methods of mounting walls of trenches and slopes for improving the properties of ground by reinforcing elements during the construction works. It also reviews the main areas of application of these technologies.
6 pag.

To the question of clays microstructure influence on its building qualities

UDK: 624.131.2
Zubairov R. I., Okuntsov I.I., Sychkina E.N.
The main types of microstructures of clay soils are considered in the article, given its characteristics. Analyzed the clay soils of Perm city and revealed its microstructures.
5 pag.

Сar parks design in difficult engineering-geological conditions using geosynthetics

UDK: 625.712.63
L. Igosheva, V. Kleveko, O. Petreneva
Currently, the level of car ownership is growing rapidly population, and parking is not increased. The shortage of parking exists not only in big cities but also in small towns. The main objective of rational use of vacant land, but often have difficulty with complex engineering-geological conditions. Provide high quality road surfaces is very important for the city. Improving the reliability of the subgrade is an important issue in the construction or reconstruction of the road. Given the fact that in Russia (Perm region) territory with poor soils predominate, the primary concern is to ensure the required strength characteristics while reducing time and cost of operations.
10 pag.

Features of engineering foundations on subsiding soil

UDK: 624.159
E. Isakova, V. Kleveko
In this article we can see features of engineering of foundations on subsiding soil (loess). Also we can see specificity of calculation limit design and changes of calculation limit design. The classical structural schemes are showed. A new struc-tural of reduction settlement scheme is showed.
6 pag.

Experiment according to influence of density of soil on the degree of frost heaving.

UDK: 624.139
P.A. Kazantseva, S.A. Sazonova.
The planning of experiment according to influence of density of the soil massif on degree of a frost heaving is carried out. For achievement of the purpose the task of the analysis of coefficient of consolidation on relative deformation of frost heaving is set. The strength properties, deformation properties and the frost heaving properties of the seasonal freezing of soil is presented. Conclusions about the possible directions of further researches are drawn.
7 pag.

The analysis of slope stability in Ordzhonikidze district of Perm city

UDK: 624.131.537
O.S. Karmanova, V.I. Kleveko, V.O. Pikuleva
This paper analyzes the stability of the slope in the construction of a residential building on it in Ordzhonikidze district of the city of Perm. Analytical calculation was performed slope stability based on the additional load of a residential building under construction. It is concluded that a stable equilibrium, the optimal slope and type of foundation building..
7 pag.

Methods of determining the properties of soils that is under dynamic in-fluences

UDK: 624.131.5
A.S. Kolesova, A.S. Grishina
This article describes the behavior of soils which are under the seismic, vibrating and shock loads. There are given field and laboratory methods of determining the dynamic properties of soils and physical models with their partial description. Also the new methods were proposed to track changes in properties of soils caused by the dynamic load.
9 pag.

Problems of highway construction on soft soils

UDK: 624.135.5
D.A. Komarov
During the construction of linear facilities such as roads, construction workers are often faced with the problem of embankments on weak grounds. In this article, the definition of a weak base and a weak base, the basic methods of solving the problem by increasing the bearing capacity of weak soils in the subgrade.
6 pag.

Analysis of test results full-scale drilled piles static load in clay soils

UDK: 624.155.533
P.A.Liashenko, O.A.Shmidt, D.V.Gokhaev
The analysis of static testing of full-scale drilling piles in clay soils. A general-ized curve of displacement on the load (during loading and unloading piles), and depending on the increment of displacement per unit of applied force. As a result, the range has been revealed pinch efforts, which have seen an increase in resistance to indentation piles.
6 pag.

Influence of transport vibration on buildings and structures

UDK: 699.842
Mashina I.R., Koryazhmina Y.A., Sychkina E.N.
traffic flow has increased in modern cities. It transmits vibration that affects the constructs of buildings. This article is devoted to studying the impact of transport vibration and its consequences.
4 pag.

Road embankment calculation on the weak base by the analytical method and the method of finite elements

UDK: 625.731.1
O.V. Moiseeva, K.R. Kashapova, V.I. Kleveko
The results of the calculation of road embankment on soft ground in specific geotechnical conditions. The calculations were performed by an analytical method based on benefits to the SNIP 2.05.02-85 and the finite element method in the program PLAXIS 2D.
6 pag.

Reconstruction of the rubble stone footing of residential buildings for the purpose of more rational use of underground space.

UDK: 624.159.4; 69.059.7
K.O.Mukhin, D.G.Zolotozubov
Most of the buildings built during the 40s-60s of the XX century has tape rubble foundations. During reconstruction of buildings foundations are in most cases require major repairs or reconstruction. When choosing a method of repair or reconstruction is first necessary to assess the condition of the Foundation. In the reconstruction are the most common methods of broadening the Foundation, the use of inclined or tapered piles. To select more rational decisions necessary to conduct the trial design.
5 pag.

The analysis of results of model tests and mathematical modelling of cylindrical covers on the bases subject to karstoobrazovaniya′s processes

UDK: 624.157.2
V. V. Novikov, T.M. Bochkaryova, V. I. Kleveko
The calculation of the bases in carstified territories on a method of final elements realized in the Plaxis 2D personal computer is presented. Calculations of the tape base and base cover on the basis with a karst cavity are executed. The comparative analysis of results the shtampovykh of tests with results of calculations on the basis of schedules of dependence "pressure deposit" is carried out. Isolines of the maximum vertical tension under a sole of the bases are given.
8 pag.

Calculation of the flexible grillage using geosynthetics in the construction of road embankment on the weak basestrengthening grouting elements

UDK: 624.138.2
V.O. Pikuleva, O.S. Karmanova, V.I. Kleveko
This article presents the calculation of flexible grillage road embankment by creating geomassiva on weak basis in accordance with the provisions of relevant regulations. The calculation was selected the most appropriate version of a flexible raft foundation.
10 pag.

Theoritical bases of calculation of soil piles in the composition of the foundation

UDK: 624.154.51
S. V. Piskotin R. I. Shenkman
Conditions of use of ground piles with geosynthetic membrane as hanging piles as part of the foundations, analysis and design of this system. This article provides an overview of the research on the development of analytical methods of calculation as the stress-strain state of soil piles with geosynthetic membrane, and as the stress-strain state of pile foundations with a different type of piles
9 pag.

Verification of simulation results in the software package Plaxis

UDK: 69.04
Rumyantsev S. D., Birin A. S., Sychkina E. N.
Now most of the calculations are performed of usage software packages. One of popular software products for today is program complex Plaxis. In the article reviewed various verifications methods available for ordinary users.
5 pag.

Interaction of a long bored pile with a soil

UDK: 624.154.5
A.S. Hodyrev, A.A. Semenova
The author considers methods of an assessment of the intense deformed condition of soil, necessary for the scientifically based choice of designs of the pile bases, including diameter and lengths of piles, distances between them depending on the engineering geological conditions of a building site.
5 pag.

Analysis of external stability of retaining walls, reinforced by geogrid.

UDK: 624.164.3
K.L. Sinani, O.V. Solov′eva, V.I. Kleveko
Calculations for design of retaining wall’s reinforcing by geogrids are presented in this article. Calculations are accomplished on the basis of a method of the external stability’s analysis for reinforced soil walls. Results of reckoning open special aspects and adaptability of method.
7 pag.

Study of soil features applications eluvial as the base foundations for structures

UDK: 624.154.1
Smirnov R.S., Gorodnichenko V.O., Sychkina E.N.
The article is dedicated to the issue of eluvial soils. The authors mention on following problems:1 physical and mechanical properties of soils of eluvial; 2 characteristics of the soil in Perm; 3 emergencies arising on eluvial soils. Much attention is given to eluvial soil properties. It is reported that eluvial soils are complex profile, as well as a complex structure. The article is of interest for organizations that are building on the eluvial soils.
5 pag.

Using the finite element method for modeling reinforced soil retaining walls

UDK: 624.164.3
V.D. Sokolova, V.I. Kleveko
The paper presents calculations reinforced soil retaining wall analytical methods and the finite element method using the software package PLAXIS.
12 pag.

The analysis of traffic circle in the Leninsky district of Perm.

UDK: 711.73
V.G. Telegin, V.I. Kleveko
The paper deals with the traffic circle in the Leninsky district of Perm near Sosnovyiy bor. The evaluation of this junction against capacity requirements of traffic flows and safety of traffic for all road users was held.
10 pag.


UDK: 624.164.3
A.Z. Chepulis, V.R. Shahverdieva, V.I. Kleveko
Results of calculations of reinforced ground retaining walls on influence of roll’s vertical loadings during compression of backfill are presented in this article. Calculations are accomplished on the basis of a method of the internal stability’s analysis for reinforced soil walls. Also possibility of application of this method in case when the soil wall is reinforced by geogrids are analyzed in this article.
8 pag.

Тhe question about use the geosynthetics to improve the mechanical properties of clay soils

UDK: 624.131
T.B.Yushkov, A.V. Mashchenko
This article is devoted to the study of clay soils. The authors note the following issues: 1) the physical and mechanical features of clay soils; 2) the characteristics of the soil in Perm; 3) reinforcement of geosynthetic materials of clay soils. Much attention is paid to the features of clay soils. It is reported that clay soils have complex profile, as well as a complex structure. The article is of great interest for organizations that are involved in building on clay soils.
5 pag.

Application of geogrid in the construction of temporary roads on soft soils

UDK: 625.814.3
K.R. Kashapova, V.I. Kleveko, O.V. Moiseeva
This paper presents a calculation of the temporary road construction reinforced with geogrid, on low ground. Powered by geotechnical modeling of framing grid in a difficult terrain heavy tracked and wheeled vehicles.
10 pag.


UDK: 625.74
Lavrikov M.N., Shutova O.A.
The present article aims to review the most frequent examples of road interchanges, both flatten and multilevel.
11 pag.

Research into the causes of anisotropic properties of natural soils

UDK: 624.131.4
Bobeshko E.S., Zakharova M.S., Sychkina E.N.
: the article focuses on the anisotropy. The authors analyzed the causes of the anisotropic properties of natural soils, characterized types of anisotropy and pro-vides a method to assess it.
7 pag.

Application PC MIDAS GTS for modelling work singly standing basement of reconstructed building when strengthening by injection piles

UDK: 624.159.4
Considers the basic stages the modelling work singly standing basement of re-constructed building when strengthening by injection piles. Developed a design model of the «base - combined foundation». Installed the influence of boundary conditions on the movement of singly standing basement of reconstructed building when strengthening by injection piles in clay soils.
3 pag.

Question of seismic reinforcement in reconstruction building after its conser-vation

UDK: 624.151.2
N. V. Komendant
Results of survey the unexploited residential building whose construction was stop from his subsequent conservation. On basis of summarizing material and the technical condition of the building, were get recommendations for its recon-struction, in view of actual seismic situation at the construction site.
3 pag.

The research of vertical deformation and load-carrying capacity of foundation reinforced by horizontal elements under cyclic load

UDK: 624.131.542
I.I. Alyushev
The article introduces the research findings of the influence of static and cyclic load exposure on the model of soil reinforced by horizontal elements. On the basis of the data the graphs of settlement on the load and number of cycles are constructed.
7 pag.

Advances of the methods of wave analysis of soil stratification

UDK: 624.131
V.V. Antipov, V.G. Ofrikhter
Modern nondestructive methods of investigation of the low-velocity zone are actively advanced today. In the absence of necessity to perform borings labor expenditures and cost of the operations are reduced significantly. Accuracy and correctness of the final results which are obtained by non-destructive methods is almost the same as when using destructive methods. The purpose of this article is to review multi-channel analysis of surface waves (MASW) and additional tool called Back-Scattering Analysis (BSA) for detecting anomalies in low-velocity zone. The procedure of MASW method is considered in detail at every stage of the work. The passive types of MASW are considered in details: common passive, passive roadside. Examples of the resulting images are also presented in this article. The principles of Back-Scattering Analysis are described in details.
11 pag.

Causes disruption of footing

UDK: 69.059.643
А.S. Asanova, D.G. Zolotozubov
Issues related to strengthening and reconstruction of footing of buildings and structures that are relevant, as in the construction practice, such situations are common. Due to the complexity and diversity of processes of soil bases and footing in the process of operation, a significant impact on the choice of methods to address the adverse situations. This article details the reasons for the disruption of the footing structure. The classification of major disturbance in which there is a division into two types. To identify the factors that influence their occurrence. Describes the characteristic features for each item.
6 pag.

Analysis of methods of soil densification in building and construction work

UDK: 624.138
A.V. Buravskaya, O.A.Makovetsky
The problems of the weak soil base densification are acute both in the Perm Territory and in the Russian Federation. One of the most effective methods of soil densification is the so-called method of injecting, or jet grouting. Cement grout jetting enables to create a geotechnical barrier and reduce soil subsidence. The technology is widely spread in Russia, as well as in foreign countries due to its economic and technical efficiency. In this article we go through the way the geotechnical barrier is structured. Moreover, it shows possible solutions used for soil densification by means of jet grouting. The article shows the perspective of using the technology that is on par with jet grouting for making geotechnical barriers. The technology suggested by the authors is connected with the pilot drilling and using bentonite clay, which is impacted by means of high pressure. Such a high pressure jet of waterbentonite makes the soil mix with the solution. It helps to get a more solid material.
5 pag.


UDK: 624.134
E.A. Gaikov, A.O. Zubov
In this issue the results of laboratory investigation of soil compression phases with consideration of various granulometric composition are presented. Considering grain-size distribution allows to refine technological requirements for artificial soil structures, backfills, sand beds. Further studies could be used for developing standard documents, SP45.13330.2012 in particular. It is shown, that soil density is correlating with deformability parameters only for the same grain-size distribution. Basing on the test results it is shown, that compaction ratio is not sufficient for deformability estimating without grain-size distribution taken into account. Experimental soil box with microscale video recording for compression phases studies is described. Photo and video materials showing the differences of microscale particle movements were obtained for non-cohesive soils with different grain-size distribution. Analysis of the compression tests results and elastic and plastic deformations separation allows to identify each compression phase.
7 pag.

Research precipitate raft-pile foundations under the regime of cyclic and static loading

UDK: 624.154.1
R.R. Galiullin1, I.Т. Mirsayapov1
Abstract: The results of the impact studies of the effect of regime of cyclic and static loads on the model plate-pile foundation. Determined rainfall, voltage and ground forces in piles. The analysis of a graph which shows that stress in the ground and the efforts to change the piles.
6 pag.

The study of interaction of raft foundation with grouting strengthening piles

UDK: 624.138
N.Z. Gotman, M.N. Safiullin
The article is devoted to the design methods for strenthened foundation based on the actual stress-strain state of bases and foundations. Numerical study of the interaction of raft foundation with grouting strengthening piles. There are some regularities recommended for strenthened foundation design.
9 pag.

The strength and deformability of clay soils under triaxial compression under cyclic loading.

UDK: 624.131.43
A.V. Derevyannykh, I.T. Mirsayapov
This article presents the results of experimental studies of the strength and deformability of clay soils under triaxial under cyclic loads, conducted in the laboratory of the department of bases, foundations, structural dynamics and engineering geology KSUABC. New data on the development of linear and volumetric strain corresponding modules clay soils strain with increasing stress and time of action static loading. Revealed the nature and mechanism of destruction of samples of soil, patterns of change in density of the soil in the typical areas of samples.
7 pag.

Influence of module deformation of foundation on the bearing capacity of single CFA conical and cylindrical piles in clay soils.

UDK: 624.154.1
N.G. Kazhentsev, D.A. Chernyavskiy, O.Y. Eschenko
The article discusses the analysis of the impact deformation module studies on clay soils bearing capacity buroinektsionnyh conical and cylindrical piles under static loads. The object of research is the bearing capacity of conical and cylindrical piles. The aim of the research is determination of deformation modulus influences on the bearing capacity of a single buroinektsionnoy bevel helical piles of the same material consumption. A comparative evaluation of the bearing capacity of single buroinektsionnyh conical and cylindrical piles of different lengths when changing module clay soil deformation. The study used numerical methods. Models of tasks created in the program complex Midas GTX.
6 pag.

On the question of eliminating non-normative bank building with adjustable bases in geological conditions Perm

UDK: 624.151.2
A.D. Kazakov, E.N. Sychkina
The article is dedicated to the issue of elimination of regulatory differential settlement of building by means of adjustable foundation. The article represents a review of the problem of alignment of buildings, methods and ways of eliminating differential settlement of building in the geological conditions of the Perm city. The authors mention on following problems: 1) definition of a sequence of works; 2) selection of the most optimal design of the adjustable foundation; 3) make recommendations eliminate differential settlement on the object. Much attention is given to the method of aligning the building and the search for the most suitable model and method for the adjustable foundation dislocation. The article reports the sequence of removal events for a non-normative settlement: 1) the determination of the parameters adjustable foundation; 2) the need to strengthen of base; 3) depth of strengthen base; 4) technological aperture dislocation and the necessary equipment.
8 pag.

The results of model experiments of retaining wall with sandy soil backfill

UDK: 624.137.5
K.R. Kashapova
Retaining structures are the most common structures to protect the soil from collapsing. The article presents the results of the series of model experiments to determine horizontal displacements of the retaining wall. The object of study was thin-walled retaining wall. As the backfill was fine-grained sand, dried to air-dry state. Horizontal displacements were measured from the constant load, expressed of its own weight of soil, and a temporary load on the prism of collapse. Backfilling was performed by the method of layer-by-layer compaction, temporary load was applied incrementally, until the stabilization of the soil. Horizontal displacements were measured in five different points of the retaining wall with the same step of height. The results of the model experiments are presented in tables according to displacement of the height of the backfill soil and applied temporary loads.
7 pag.

The results of the deformation characteristics of reinforced soil foundation express method

UDK: 624.135.5
V.I. Kleveko, D.A. Komarov
Most of the city of Perm has a complex geological condition and is composed of soft soils, which do not allow construction without the use of special measures. One way to improve the properties of soil is different soil reinforcement geosynthetics. The development of technology in the chemical industry in recent years, the market appears a large number of new geosynthetics. This requires research aimed at understanding the work of the new geosynthetic materials in the construction of embankments and their interaction with the ground. The purpose of the test is to study the possibility of using the device "Measuring the dynamic elastic modulus of soil DPG-1.2" to determine static modulus Est and dynamic elasticity modulus Ed, as well as determining the impact of soil reinforcement geosynthetics to change the static modulus of elasticity Est and dynamic elasticity modulus Ed. The reinforcement geosynthetic material has been used wireframe mesh KC-16 production of JSC «Krasnokamsk Metal Mesh Works».
9 pag.

Increasing the energy efficiency of buildings through the use of low-potential energy

UDK: 697.7
А.Ю. Колечкина, А.В. Захаров
Currently, there is a tendency to improve energy efficiency of buildings. The greatest preference is given to the use of alternative sources: wind, water, sun and soil. This article discusses the increase in energy efficiency of buildings through the use of ground power, low-grade geothermal energy. This energy can not be used directly, so for heating buildings should use a heat pump system. This system consists of a primary circuit (ground collector) of the heat pump (TN) and the secondary circuit (system of heat consumption). The aim of this work is the study of heat pump (the history of, the design features, the operating principle, species) and various systems of heat consumption. Produced review of Russian companies Commodity producers. As heat consumption systems considered floor, wall and ceiling systems.
11 pag.

Analysis of rainfall during the test-driving of static load

UDK: 624.131.439
P.A. Lyashenko, P.E. Babkin
The article provides the description of the method of data analysis soil tests vertical static load on the injection bored piles. The settlement of piles has been obtained after the application of the steps of the impressed vertical force, which had been assigned equal to 1/10 of the calculated expected resistance. Each subsequent step of the pressed force was applied after stabilization of the settlement from the previous stage, i. e. when the value of displacement not exceeding 0.1 mm for the last 30 min of observations. Analysis of the relative displacement increment (the rate) showed that it changes unevenly. In was found that variation of the settlement rate occurs naturally i.e. its growth decreases when the characteristic value of the impressed forces, constituting a certain part of the calculated resistance. In the clay soils characteristic of this impressed force corresponds to the settlement, equal to about 3 mm. Suggested that this characteristic impressed force is the stabilization point of the resistance of piles on the lateral surface. It stops growing, and further growth of resistance of the pile due to the increase in the resistance of the soil to the lower end of the pile. This analysis of the field tests helps to clarify the value of the resistance of the soil on the lateral surface of the pile.
5 pag.

The study of the soil destruction forms if indentation in it of the pile foundations models

UDK: 624.131
P.A. Lyashenko, I.O. Eshchenko, P.E. Babkin, Y.S. Safronov
This article provides an experience indentation in the clay soil pile foundation model. The experiment was conducted in the framework of the scientific-pedagogical practice at Masters of Civil Engineering Faculties of theta Kuban State Agrarian University in the Department of bases and foundations. The following tasks were set before the Masters: 1. To study the forms of soil destruction indentation in his models of pile foundations. 2. Compare the visible destruction with record rainfall patterns. 3. Formulate a working hypothesis about the causes and mechanism of the destruction of the soil at the going-Lebanon in his model. All objectives were met. Description of the experience and the findings are presented below.
8 pag.


UDK: 624.138
D. Serebrennikova, E. Bogdanova, E. Luzgina
In the design of underground reinforced concrete tanks requires attention to a comprehensive assessment of the factors affecting the stability of the system and calculate the projected building as an interrelated system "soil – reservoir - surrounding development" and not a single contact problem. The need for an integrated analysis of underground structures, and consideration given to changes in physico-mechanical properties of soils in the process of construction and operation is emphasized by the fact that increasingly there are situations damaging the structures, which lead to the reduction of operational qualities of buildings or emergency situations.
7 pag.


UDK: 624.138.1
O.Makovetskiy, D. Serebrennikova, E. Bogdanova, E. Luzgina
The article provides an example of the use of jet grouting for soil stabilization of nonuniform sediment high-rise buildings based on folded weak soils. The evaluation of engineering-geological conditions of the construction site and the necessity to use artificially enhanced base "structural geomassiv". Describes the principles of modeling, design and implementation on a construction site hard gruntovedenie elements. Analysis of the results of geodetic monitoring of sediment showed the validity of the proposed design solutions.
6 pag.

Organizational and legal and methodological problems of the geotechnical forensic enquiry in the civil and arbitration procedure

UDK: 624.131
О. Makovetsky, E. Ezhova
Ensuring the safety of the construction and operation of buildings and structures is a priority in the construction industry. While often during the technical examination the greater emphasis lies on overhead part of constructions, at the same time the safety of «construction-basis» of the system is no less important. The practice of justice system shows that the findings of forensic experts become priority evidence in civil and court cases. Currently, however, technical expertise of geotechnical situation, considered one of the most complex expertise problems, is not systematized. The article focuses on the problems of organizing and carrying out construction and technical expertise (including addressing issues related to the foundations, the underground parts of buildings and structures, geotechnical situations), carried out in the framework of legal proceedings. The purpose of the article - proposal of solutions aimed at the efficiency improvement of construction and technical expertise, whose subject is geotechnical design of buildings and structures. Analysis identified the need to develop theoretical approaches and guidelines for arrangement, production and formalization of construction and technical expertise of the geotechnical situation.
8 pag.

The impact of the separating sheet-piling wall, arranged between foundations of the operating buildings, on their settlement

UDK: 624.137.7
A.S. Mezhakov
Offered a model of strip foundation exploited buildings on clay soils for the assessment of his work with the bases loaded adjacent closely spaced foundation. Accepted a constructive solution of the separation sheet piling of CFA piles (vertical and inclined), arranged between the foundations. Calculated the settlement foundation of the existing building, their increments and assesses the results.
6 pag.

The calculation of the construction of a pedestrian crossing of corrugated metal structures using finite element method

UDK: 625.745.22
O.V. Moiseeva, K.R. Kashapova, V.I. Kleveko
Question safety walking road users every day it becomes more acute due to the increase in the number of accidents involving pedestrians. One solution to this problem is the construction of pedestrian crossings, construction of which does not involve a direct crossing of pedestrians and vehicles flows. But often, the idea of the construction of such transitions reject because of the high cost. For a more economical construction of a pedestrian crossing structures are increasingly used metal corrugated construction. Companies profiled in the manufacture of corrugated metal structures, offer several types of sections, each of which is used in a particular area. Choose the most optimal cross-section of the device for a pedestrian crossing of corrugated metal structures. The calculation of the construction of a pedestrian crossing the finite element method in the software package PLAXIS 2D.
9 pag.

Strength and deformation of clay soils under triaxial modal cyclic loading

UDK: 624.131.43
I.T. Mirsayapov, H.M. Sharaf
Abstract: The paper presents the results of experimental studies of strength and deformation of clay soils under traixial modal cyclic loading performed in the laboratory of the Department “of Foundations and Structural Dynamics of Engineering Geology.
8 pag.

Application of bored piles at construction on soft soils

UDK: 624.159.5
R.I. Sofin, R.I. Shenkman
One of the main problems in the reconstruction of buildings and structures is to strengthen the foundations. Foundations of buildings during the operation lose strength: a partial destruction, cracks and other defects. This is due to natural or man-made factors such as differential settlement grounds, wooden elements rot, corrosion of reinforcement beams, undermining the bases of buildings. Unacceptable damage to the foundation may result in dangerous accidents. The purpose of this article is - the study of technology to strengthen the foundations of the reconstructed building with the use of injection piles. This method of strengthening the foundation is used as abroad and in our country, but is poorly studied and difficult conditions applicable in weak clay soils. The article presents an overview of the injection piles, the problem of their application in complex geological conditions of the city of Perm. A review of patents on this topic, consider the advantages and disadvantages. Briefly describes a method for calculating injection piles in weak clay soils to strengthen the foundations of reconstructed buildings. The authors briefly been considered practical experience of using injection piles in Russia and abroad. The scientific novelty of this study to assess the possibility of using such piles in geological conditions of the city of Perm. The urgency of the research topics disadvantages of injection piles in soft soils are described. The basic goals and objectives for further research on a selected topic of research..
15 pag.

Analysis the stability of slopes consisting of claystones

UDK: 624.137
A.A. Timshina, E.N. Sychkina
The article is dedicated to the problem of construction on slopes consisting of claystones. Purpose – analysis the stability of slopes consisting of claystones. Besides the authors assessed influence of physical flooding on properties of claystones, specifically: specific cohesion is reduced about 7 times, angle of internal friction and deformation module - more than 1.5 times. More than that, in the article. The authors presents the results of calculations of the stability factor. Results showing a decrease slope stability when the strength characteristics of claystones is changing. In the article the authors identified the main causes of the emergency. Besides, in the article is offered recommendations to address the emergency, such as: organization of surface and groundwater runoff, filter reinforced concrete retaining wall.
8 pag.

Load-carrying Capacity and precipitation reinforced vertical and horizontal elements of the soil foundation

UDK: 624.138.2
R.A. Sharafutdinov, I.T. Mirsayapov
Abstract: the results of research of influence phased static load on the soil model with vertical and horizontal reinforcement. When conducting the flume tests defined deformation of the soil. Load application is made in stages with the load changes. Based on these data, a graph of the dependence of precipitation on the number of stages. The analysis of the graphic dependencies, which shows that the deformation of the soil varies.
8 pag.

The necessity taking into account to compaction in the calculation of the settlement piles in clay stone

UDK: 624.154.1
E.N. Sychkina, N.L. Volgareva
This article deals with the problem of forecasting settlement piles in clay stone in the design of pile foundations. Reviewed the question of necessity of the account of compaction in the calculation of the settlement of single piles. Defined zone of compaction, forming as a result of pile driving. We analyzed data of full-scale field tests of piles static load experimental site Perm. The calculation of the settlement of single piles considering the areas of the seals by numerical methods in Plaxis 2D and analytical method SP 24.13330.2011. The results of settlement calculation of single piles by numerical methods using the different models are compared with the results of calculation the analytical method and the data of natural experiments. Recommendations on forecast settlement single piles in clay stone.
11 pag.

Comparison the results of vertical foundation settlement calculation received by the analytical method and the finite element method

UDK: 624.044
A.A. Cheremnykh
Various software systems are often used nowadays. They are applied to solve different geotechnical problems. It is explained by next that in our time there is a need for the efficiency of design. PLAXIS is one of such programs, which allows us to solve various problems fast and reasonably at different stages of construction. The program represents a complex of final elements, which is intended for the two-dimensional analysis of deformation and stability of geotechnical constructions. This article shows the calculations results of the foundation settlement of a mast of lighting. These values were defined by two methods. The first is the analytical method, and the second - the method of final elements. The analytical method of calculation was made on the basis of the normative document, which acts on the territory of the Russian Federation. While the finite element method was calculated using the PLAXIS 2D program. Comparison of the received results has shown the efficiency of use of this software system for calculation of the foundation on soft ground.
9 pag.

Evaluation of technology of vertical soil freezing

UDK: Evaluation of technology of vertical soil freezing
K.S. Yadovina, S.S. Lashova, S.V. Kaloshina
In this article the technology of natural and artificial freezing of soil, in particular freezing of vertical workings of small depth, is considered step by step. This topic is highly relevant in areas of permafrost and under the conditions of the urban underground construction on difficult soil. Thus, the main problems associated with natural and artificial soils freezing and their possible solutions are designated. The vertical process of artificial freezing of soils during excavation of pits and trenches is presented. Possible ways of freezing are described: brine, unbrine and combined. Traditional and new options of the working refrigerating substances for each method with the indication of their applicability are given. The analysis of dependence of time spent for works on freezing, and its overall cost from distance between the freezing wells is carried out on the example of a construction ditch. The ratio between change of heat conductivity of the frozen soil and expenses of time and cost of works is similarly revealed. The estimation of efficiency of application of natural and artificial soils freezing is given.
10 pag.

The efficiency of affort indentation of prefabricated reinforced concrete piles in urban environments

UDK: 624.151.2
S.S. Nuykin
The article discusses the pile indentation equipment for dive prefabricated reinforced concrete piles which is used in clay soils in urban environments. Different modifications have been prepared during the period of equipment’s exploitation. The article describes a structure of the device and its operating principle. The principle of device based on the conversion parameters of pressure hydraulic system of pile indentation equipment during the pile diving into an electrical signal that is converted to digital information. The article performed an analysis and the generalization of the results of experimental research and economic efficiency.
7 pag.

Numerical modelling of dynamic impact from a single vehicle on a building foundation section

UDK: 624.131
V.V. Antipov, O.A. Shutova, V.G. Ofrikhter
Automobile traffic is one of the main sources of technogenic vibrational impact on nearby buildings and structures, along with construction works and manufacturing equipment. But now in Russia there is no standardization of the vibrational impact from vehicles, therefore research of such impact on the foundations is actual. The article describes the numerical modelling of the dynamic impact from a single vehicle on the existing building of the learning campus of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of PNRPU. Numerical simulation was carried out based on data obtained during the application of multichannel analysis of surface waves in the upper section of nearby sites. The results of numerical simulation are compared with the results of a full-scale experiment of determination of vertical and horizontal components of vibration acceleration from a single vehicle.
8 pag.

Physical simulation of a single foundation with ground cushion

UDK: 624.15
N.O. Babarykin
Pile-slab foundations are used in construction to transfer large loads from buildings and structures to the ground. The separation of the foundation slab and piles with a ground cushion allows solving the problem of redistribution of forces between piles and ground, reducing the effect of seismic forces on piles. Simulation of the pile-foundation foundation with a soil cushion was carried out in a laboratory tray with natural soils - loam of broken structure and sand. Used reduced models of piles, slabs and soil cushions. The sediments of the soil cushion, its reaction to the base of the slab, external force were measured. Photoregistration of work of the model of the base was made through the transparent wall of the tray. The soil cushion sediment values ​​and reactive forces on the bottom of the slab were obtained, the force applied to the foundation model, and its total sediment were also measured.
7 pag.

Solving test problems for carrying out a numerical experiment evaluating the mutual influence of two energy-efficient piles

UDK: 69.059
Bakieva I.D., Zaharov A.V.
In this article, studies are given of the relationship between the interference of two energy-efficient piles during the selection of low-potential heat from a soil massif from the distance between piles and their geometric parameters. The article presents the results of a numerical experiment planning. Selected plan identifies the main factors, the number of levels, and varying boundaries. With the purpose of obtaining the required dependence, the experimental planning matrix is compiled. A two-factor three-level numerical experiment is planned. As the input parameters of the numerical experiment, the radius of the piles and the distance between them are assumed. As an output parameter – the average value of the heat flux density through the contact surface of piles with soil during the heating period. A numerical experiment is planned to be carried out in the GeoStudio software package. Climatic, geological, time parameters (duration of the heating season) were taken for the conditions of the Perm region. In the article the basic positions on modeling in a program complex GeoStudio module TEMP/W are resulted. For the selection of time and geometric parameters of numerical simulation, the solution of the test problem is given. Time parameters were evaluated by comparing the magnitude of the heat flux during the heating season for a number of years of energy-efficient pile. According to the results it found that the duration of the simulation must be at least 10 years. Geometric parameters of the numerical model were selected by estimating the change in the temperature regime of the soil massif during the operation of an energy efficient pile for several years. According to the results it is established that the size of the numerical model should be at least 50x50 m for the given conditions.
9 pag.

Analysis of Stresses in Two-layered Soils under Ring Footings

UDK: 624.131.5
А.I. Vayngolts, S.A. Kalinovsky, E.A. Kachalkina, О.A. Fomkina
This paper utilizes finite element analysis to study stresses under ring footings resting on two-layered soils. The upper layer differs from the underneath layer in values of the deformation modules. The objective of this research is analysis of the effects of two factors: stiffness ratio and the upper layer depth. The ring footing is numerically modelled as strip load. It is found that the stresses decrease as the value of stiffness ratio increases. But the stiffness ratio effect decreases as the upper layer depth increases. Also, there is a limit value of stiffness ratio for each the upper layer depth. When this ratio exceeds a limit value the effect of stiffness ratio to stresses is insignificant.
10 pag.

Evaluation of applicability of the static piling method for the construction of pile foundations

UDK: 624.15
E.O. Erzhakovskiy, D.N. Sursanov
The purpose of this article is to study technologies related to the installation of pile foundations. The article describes the main technologies and directions for the development of methods for pilling. The review of patents on this topic is given. Positive and negative sides of the static indentation method are indicated on the example of the VS-6 VDU piling press. A technique for performing a feasibility study based on generally accepted formulas and relationships has been developed. The calculation and comparative analysis of technical and economic parameters of machines for pilling are made. The dependences of the effectiveness of the static stump method are determined. The conditions under which it is recommended to arrange pile foundations by this method are determined.
13 pag.

Selection of load-lifting equipment and determination of the depth of anchoring of the base with the device of a regulated foundation

UDK: 624.151.2
A.D. Kazakov, E.N. Sychkina
This article is devoted to the problem of eliminating uneven building sludge with the help of regulated foundations. The article is an overview of the problem of selecting lifting equipment and determining the depth of anchoring of the base when constructing a controlled foundation in the conditions of Perm. The authors solve the following problems: 1) selection of the most optimal lifting equipment; 2) depth of fixing the base. To achieve these tasks, the authors encounter such issues as: 1) collecting loads from the object under study; 2) selection of jacks and pumping station; 3) determination of the depth of the core. Much attention is paid to the selection of lifting equipment, since the hydraulic jack and pump station should work as a single part of the adjustable foundation, as well as a technical and economic comparison of different models.
8 pag.

Bearing capacity of soil foundations subject to metro facilities (for example, the ventilation tunnel)

UDK: 624.131
G.G. Karyan
The increasing density of urban development, along with active development of underground space, leads to the need for a detailed accounting of the mutual influence of foundations of existing (designed) structures with slightly deepened underground facilities for various purposes. Mainly, it is important to consider the impact of underground structures on the bearing capacity of the Foundation soil. For this purpose, the author used methods of the theory of limit equilibrium of soils. The solution of the problem under consideration is shown by the example of the influence of the ventilation tunnel of the subway on the bearing capacity of the Foundation soil. In the course of the research the regularities of changes in bearing capacity of Foundation depending on soil characteristics, location of the tunnel and its size. For the effective solution of the problem considered, the design of the specific sites proposed apparatus "lines of influence". The article presents practical guidelines for determining limit loads on the Foundation structure. Special attention is paid to verification used for the numerical calculations of bearing capacity of Foundation software package. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the plots of the limit pressure at the base of the Foundation proves the necessity of considering whether the base of the underground facilities.
10 pag.

Technique of conducting an experiment to determine the dependence of the strength characteristics of sandy soils on temperature

UDK: 692.115
A.Y. Kolechkina, A.V. Zakharov
The technique of carrying out the experiment to determine the dependence of the strength characteristics of sandy soils on temperature is considered in the article. The physical characteristics of the investigated soil are determined - moisture, particle size distribution and particle density. The boundary conditions of humidity for soil samples were found. Strength characteristics of the soil were determined with the help of ASIS systems. The sequence of sample formation is considered - setting the sample to moisture, sealing it, forming, cooling and testing in a single-plane cutter. Cooling was carried out to temperatures of t2 ° C and 12 ° C, the remaining samples were tested at room temperature (about 22 ° C). The article contains illustrations with a sequence of carrying out this experiment. In the course of the experiment, the temperature of the samples was measured two times - before testing in a single-plane cutter and after. All the obtained values ​​of the specific cohesion, the angle of internal friction and temperature are tabulated.
7 pag.

Monitoring of the geotechnical situation at the construction of the underground part of high-rise residential building

UDK: 624.131
Ya.A. Kuznetsova, K.S. Lezina
For the construction of tall buildings requires reliable forecasts of the additional deformation, a possible precipitate of the existing development in the "zone of influence". Without a complete geotechnical complex, complex urban renewal turns into a dangerous and destructive activity. The article presents the main stages of forecasting of development of the geotechnical situation.
6 pag.

Analysis of deformation characteristics of the foundation in the construction of high-rise buildings

UDK: 624.131
K.S. Lezina, Ya.A.Kuznetsova
In the construction of high-rise buildings with a developed underground part of the main task is the evaluation of building properties, foundations for the entire life of the structure. Evaluate the possibility of using soft water-saturated clayey soils for use as grounds and the forecast of change of their physical-mechanical characteristics.
4 pag.

Variant design of shallow foundations

UDK: 624.15
MiroshinA.N., VajnshtejnV.M., MoskvinaO.S.
The article is devoted to the designs of shallow foundations, which are widely used in domestic and foreign building practice. The problem of finding an optimal design of shallow foundations always pressing, especially in low-rise construction. Defined constructive solutions to shallow foundations for homogeneous geological stratification of soil. Detailed and designed constructive selected foundations and magnitude of sediment foundations that meet all regulatory requirements. Calculated quantities of work and materials for each constructive version of the foundation. The estimated cost is defined for each version of the foundation. On the basis of this conclusion on the optimally foundation for this homogeneous geological formation of soils. This article is intended for specialists in the field of industrial and civil construction engineers and designers, students and postgraduates.
6 pag.

Study of sealing of sandy basement

UDK: 624.15
E.V. Ruchkina, E.G. Frolova
Sealing of the sand base under the influence of the load from the foundation occurs unevenly in space and in time. This is expressed in the uneven settlement of the base as the load increases with a constant speed. The basement foundation settlement is an integral reaction to the loading, to which the processes of deformation of the sandy soil below the basement base are affected in a complex manner. Physical modeling showed that the greatest compaction occurs directly in the area beneath the base of the foundation in the upper layer of the ground. Under loading, compression ratio is lower, but these changes are distributed more evenly along the depth.
6 pag.

Analysis of reinforcing methods of strip foundations on clay soils during buildings reconstruction

UDK: 624.159.4
A.V. Spirin, A.S. Grishina
At the present time it's necessary to modernize existing buildings. The purpose of this article is review and comparison of reinforcing technologies of foundations during building reconstruction. Superstructure of existing buildings often causes the need to expand the foundation base or reinforce the soil base. The article presented modern technologies of reinforcing of foundation on clay soils that are common in Perm. Described methods main features, advantages and disadvantages are examined. As an example calculation of additional vertical deformations of foundation of the existing secondary school building in Perm for various reinforcing methods of its foundations in PLAXIS software package is produced. The results of the technical and economic comparison of the various reinforcing methods are presented. Equal effectiveness of foundation base expansion, use of injection piles and the electrochemical anchoring of the ground base is demonstrated.
12 pag.

To the question of slope stability estimating by numerical methods

UDK: 624.137
A.A. Timshina, E.N. Sychkina
The article is dedicated to the calculation of slope stability by numerical methods. In particular the authors analyzed four variants of the situation. The purpose of the work is to identify the factors that have had the most negative impact on the slope and to determine the feasibility of using various methods to anchoring of soil. Besides the authors identified the convergence of the results obtained by numerical and analytical methods. In the article is offered recommendations to address the emergency. In the future, calculations by other numerical methods of variants with various combinations of measures to secure the slope and the choice of the most
9 pag.

Problems of strengthening and reconstruction of prefabricated foundations

UDK: 624.159.4
A.S. Asanova, D.G. Zolotozubov
To date, а significant part of housing stock needs a reconstruction today. Despite the part of this housing stock is in solid buildings which don’t require the overhaul it doesn’t meet requirements of operation and requires reorganization. Reconstruction consists of a complex of construction works and organizational arrangements which entail an increase the load on the foundation which is the most important element of the building ensuring its durability. That’s why issues of strengthening and reconstruction of foundations are important. The relevance of this article is due to the need to generalize knowledge which related to strengthening and reconstruction of prefabricated shallow foundations which have been used in construction since 1950. Advantages and disadvantages of these foundations are considered in this article. Traditional and modern technologies to increase the bearing capacity of prefabricated foundations are described. Advantages and disadvantages of these methods are analyzed.
7 pag.

The comparison of Mohr-Coulomb model and hardening soil model in the software package Plaxis

UDK: 624.131
M.I. Kudasheva, S.V. Kaloshina Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
During construction in the conditions of the existing historical buildings, one of the main tasks is to reduce the impact on the buildings located near the construction site. Currently, different software systems are used to solve complex geotechnical problems in most cases. Plaxis is one of the most widely used software complexes for creating complex soil models. This article considers the problem of choice a soil model for geotechnical calculations. In particular, it produced an analytical comparison of elastoplastic soil Mohr-Coulomb model and most complex Hardening Soil model, offered in the program Plaxis complex. Also in the article are given all the input parameters used for these soil models. Accumulation of data on the successful use of these soil models can help in modeling new tasks.
9 pag.

Design of experiments to determine the thermal conductivity of clay soils

UDK: 692.115
I.V. Ofrikhter, A.V. Zakharov Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
Nowadays, the need for thermal energy is provided mainly by non-renewable sources. The cost of energy resources is constantly growing. In this regard, great interest is turned to such methods as the generation of thermal energy with the use of a thermal ground pumps. However, for the calculation of such systems, thermal properties of soils are required. In existing domestic regulatory documents there is no method of determining thermal properties of soils. This paper is devoted to the problem of determining the thermal properties of unfrozen clay soils under laboratory conditions. The existing methods of conducting laboratory experiments are presented and one of them is chosen. Materials and equipment necessary for testing are described. A technological sequence of experiments to determine the thermal conductivity of clay soil was developed.
6 pag.

Research of the status of the test on improving foundation mattress of buildings and structures.

UDK: 692.115
D. V. Oshchepkov, T. M. Bochkareva Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
At the stage of the foundation work, one of the important activities of which depends largely on the quality of the foundations and load transmission from the foot to the base of the foundation, it is the contrivance foundation mattress. The article deals with the existing methods of ballast for foundations, projected as a constructive, in the case of sand, crushed stone and lean concrete, and training that reduce foundation settlement of buildings and structures, to increase their stableness and bearing capability. The authors developed a classification of methods for ballasts device 3 main types: "classic" ballasts under the foundation, ballasts using geosynthetic materials and slabby. The recommendations for the use of the materials used for the creation of ballast, and methods of contrivance, depending on the geological conditions of the construction area, types of foundations and lack of space of building area. Based on the study and analysis of the test question formulated reasons for the low applicability of geosynthetic materials and designs of plate used as preparations for foundations; formulated directions for further research in this area.
6 pag.

The planning and preparation of tests of horizontally reinforced soil samples on triaxial test system

UDK: 624.131.37
M.V. Rubtsova, V.I. Kleveko Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
Today geosynthetic materials have an important role in geotechnics. Depending on the type (geotextile, geogrid, geomat, geomembrane and others) geosynthetics can perform different functions: reinforcement, filtration, drainage, waterproofing, separation. The study of the influence of geosynthetic materials on soil characteristics is conducted by scientists from different cities of the world. Many of them pay special attention to tests of reinforced sand soil on triaxial test system. While scientific papers on triaxial testing of reinforced clay soil are much less common. The paper a technique for conducting an experiment using triaxial test system is presented. Moreover, preparatory measures to determine the physical characteristics of the soil of future samples are described. Also, the paper contains a brief analysis of the study of this area.
8 pag.

Derivation of the dependence of the relative elongation arising in the strain gauge sensor on its geometric parameters

UDK: 539.3
S.S. Lashova, V.I. Kleveko Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
To assess the stress-strain state of the reinforcing layer, it is necessary to directly measure stresses in geosynthetic interlayers. When measuring the stress-strain state of structures and materials, the tensometric method is often referred to. The current strain gages have a lower maximum elongation than the elongation occurring in the geosynthetic interlayer, therefore, there is a need to develop an appropriate load cell. In this paper, a constructive scheme of a tensometric sensor designed to measure deformation in geosynthetic material under tensile stresses is selected, its calculation is carried out in alphabetic form, internal forces arising from stretching of geotextile are revealed, the formula for the dependence of the relative elongation on the geometric parameters of the sensor is derived. An analysis is made of the influence of geometric characteristics on the immediate dimensions of the structure.
7 pag.

The planning of the experiments to study the thermal properties of seasonal freezing soils in laboratory conditions

UDK: 624.139
K.S. Yadovina, A.V. Mashcenko Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
When studying the thermal regime of soil masses, features and predicting the process of heat exchange in soils, it is necessary to know the thermophysical characteristics of soils. At present time, the study of the thermal properties of soils is carried out with reference to permafrost soils, seasonal freezing soils remain insufficiently studied. The article describes the plan and methodology for conducting a series of experiments to study the thermal properties of clay soils in frozen and thawed states at different values ​​of the flow index: IL=0,4; 0,6 and 0,8. Described in detail the necessary equipment. After realization the laboratory tests, it is planned to perform analytical calculations of thermal properties by different methods of foreign and Russian authors to compare the data obtained. In addition, the article presents conclusions are drawn on the need to continue research into the thermal physics of seasonal freezing soils.
6 pag.


Руководитель секции - Пономарев А.Б.,
В разделе приведены статьи посвященные вопросам геотехнического строительства.
153 pag.


Руководители секции : проф., д. т. н. Пономарев А. Б., доцент, к. т. н. Клевеко В. И.
В разделе приведены статьи посвященные вопросам геотехнического строительства.
98 pag.

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