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Рубрика: Строительная механика. Моделирование физических процессов строительства. Строительные конструкции зданий и сооружений


UDK: 624.131.22
R.O. Botalov, Y.L. Tonkov
At perfection of reinforced concrete constructions and constructive decisions the important role belongs to realisation of positions of new size standards on designing of reinforced concrete constructions which reflect achievements of a domestic science and practice of designing of reinforced concrete constructions.
3 pag.

Стеклопластиковая арматура

UDK: 624.014
Kurbatov Y.E. Surkin A.S. Sukhanova N.P., S.V. Klimov
In this report we talk about glass-plastic armature, about it’s property, the it could be used, comparison with casual armature and construction in which it use.
5 pag.


UDK: 624.012.45
Medvedev. D.P., Tonkov I.L.
In 2003-2004, changes were made to the design standards, resulting in SNiP 2.03.01-84"Concrete and Concrete Structures" has been replaced by SNiP 52-01-2003 "Concrete and reinforced concrete design "with developments in the form of SP 52-101-2003" Concrete and reinforced concrete structures without reinforcement stress "and SP 52-102-2004" Prestressedconcrete structures. "The purpose of this article - quantitatively compare the results ofcalculations for II-nd group of limit states according to the methods SNiP 2.03.01-84 and SP 52-102-2004
5 pag.


UDK: 69+624.042.4
Medvedev D.P., Abasheva L.P.
In article are considered changes in the section «Wind loadings» brought in the staticized edition SNiP 2.01.07-85* «Loadings and influences»
5 pag.


UDK: 711.1
Olenkov V.D., Ivantsova E.S., Sharova M.Y.
This article is devoted to derelict land, negative consequences and also with due account taken of construction objects on resoil territories.
3 pag.


UDK: 624.131.22
Osokin A.S., Tonkov Y.L.
In the article application questions beamless floor for flights of the big length, various variants of designing of such overlappings are considered.
4 pag.


UDK: 624.131.22
Pimenova N.B., Tonkov Y.L.
In current publication it is described how important is the topic of no beam overlaps and features of its reinforcement. This topic deserves attention, because questions of improvement of overlaps quality and esthetic characteristics become topical nowadays.
4 pag.

THE OUTPUT OF RATIONAL METHOD OF CALCULATION STATICALLY INDETERMINATE ARCHES The method of calculation statically indeterminate arch designs with lines of influence

UDK: 69.04
Tatyannikov D.A., Son M.P.
In the present study analyzes existing methods of calculating arch designs. The aim of this study is the choice of method of calculation, which meets all requirements and is more sustainable than the existing. Also in the paper presents a method for calculating the output with lines of influence for example, once statically indeterminate arches. This topic deserves attention, as arch structures are used and distributed widely throughout the country and need highquality calculations.
6 pag.


UDK: 69+624.042.4
Khamaeva A.R., Abasheva L.P.
In article are considered changes in the section «Snow loadings» brought in the staticized edition SNiP 2.01.07-85* «Loadings and influences»
5 pag.


UDK: 691.328
Tonkov Y.L., Chekmareva A.N.
In the presented publication discusses the various types of modern armatures for conventional concrete. This article describes the characteristics of fiberglass, composite and steel reinforcement, their advantages, disadvantages, comparison of these types of armatures for various characteristics.
5 pag.

Стальные винтовые стержни крестообразного поперечного сечения для соединения и ремонта элементов строительных конструкций

UDK: 624.011.1
Аркаев М.А., Столповский Г.А.
Разработан новый тип соединительных связей элементов деревянных конструкций в виде витых стержней крестообразного поперечного сечения, указаны их преимущества перед существующими типами соединительных элементов. Пред-ставлены результаты опытных испытаний образцов, определены их наиболее оптимальные параметры. Приведены примеры применения разработанного типа стержней, разработаны варианты усиления с их использованием.
7 pag.

Экспериментальное исследование сдвиговой податливости комбинированных деревопенобетонных балок

UDK: 624.016
Великанов Д. А.
Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований сдвиговой податли-вости на примере тавровых деревопенобетонных балок. Для этого были проведе-ны испытания двух серии балок
7 pag.

Металлические конструкции для объектов олимпиады в г. Сочи

UDK: 624.014
К.А.Миллер, И.И.Зуева
Рассмотрены конструктивные особенности объектов Олимпиады в г.Сочи, для строительства которых были применены металлические конструкции, основные планировочные и конструктивные решения зданий, основные габаритные размеры конструкций, сечения и узлы.
13 pag.

Применение структурных конструкций в гражданских и промышленных зданиях

UDK: 624.078.4
Е.Ю. Николаева, И.И Зуева
В представленной работе рассмотрены области применения структурных конструкций, анализируются достоинства и недостатки структур. Приведен краткий обзор узловых соединений, расположений опор структурных блоков, методов расчета. Показаны методы монтажа структурных покрытий и примеры применения структур в Пермском крае и в Беларуси.
12 pag.

Стальной профилированный настил и его влияние на работу несущих конструкций покрытия

UDK: 669.14-423.69:006.354
В.В. Новиков, И.И. Зуева
Рассмотрены стальные профилированные настилы, применяемые для гражданских и промышленных зданий. Проведен анализ существующих подходов к включению стального профилированного настила в работу покрытий зданий.
7 pag.

Современная технология усиления изгибаемых железобетонных конструкций при помощи композиционных материалов

UDK: 624.012.454
Оленев М.А., Быков А.А.
В работе выполнен обзор особенностей технологии усиления железобетонных конструкций композиционными материалами. Рассмотрены возможные механизмы отказа изгибаемых ж.б. конструкций, усиленных внешним армированием композитами. Показано, что традиционные конструктивные решения по усилению изгибаемых конструкций композитами не позволяют использовать полную прочность полимеров. Отмечается, что использование конструктивных мер, препятствующих преждевременному отслоению композита, возможно после дополнительных исследований.
6 pag.

Особенности перераспределение усилий в неразрезных балках с комбинированным армированием

UDK: 624.012.454
Рахмонов А.Д.
В статье приведено условия перераспределения усилий в неразрезных балках при использовании композитной арматуры в зонах действия отрицательных моментов.
4 pag.

О поиске новых технических решений строительных конструкций

UDK: 658.512
Рязанов В.С., Дмитриев А.Е.
Рассмотрены вопросы поиска новых ТР (технических решений) конструкций на основе методики использования приемов решения конструкторско-изобретательских задач. Приведен пример получения конструкции шпунтовой сваи, на которую выдан патент на полезную модель.
3 pag.

Олимпийский стадион «Фишт» в г. Сочи

UDK: 624.014
Д.В. Заозерский, И.И. Зуева
Рассмотрены основные планировочные решения Олимпийского стадиона «Фишт», построенного к XXII зимним Олимпийским играм в Сочи в 2014 году; конструктивные особенности объекта, для несущих конструкций по-крытия которого применены металлические конструкции; приведены этапы строительства здания; основные габаритные размеры конструкций, сечения и узлы.
10 pag.

Матералы для конструкции олимпийского стадиона «Фишт» в г. Сочи

UDK: 624.014
Д.В. Заозерский, И.И. Зуева
Рассмотрены основные материалы, использованные для строительства Олимпийского стадиона «Фишт», построенного к XXII зимним Олимпий-ским играм в Сочи в 2014 году, применение которых должно было реализо-вать весь архитектурный замысел данного объекта в полной мере, обеспечив при этом эстетичность и надежность всех элементов конструкций.
6 pag.

Современные решения сборно-монолитных перекрытий

UDK: 69.05
Исакова Е.А.
В данной статье рассмотрены передовые технологии монтажа сборно-монолитных плит перекрытий, такие как «Airdeck», «Bubble Deck», «U-boot» и пр.
6 pag.

Numerical modelling of deflagration explosion of gas in industrial build-ings. Location of safety constructions.

UDK: 699.8
Budnik E.V., Pepelyaev A.A.
The failures caused by explosions of gas, occur regularly. The main reason for these failures is the human factor, to exclude which and to foresee emergence of failure it is almost impossible. At failures of gas in the closed rooms of buildings there is a so-called deflagration explosion. Such an explosion can damage or destroy a building and cause serious injures to people. In the work is simulated explosion in the industrial building with regard to different gas concentration in order to understand the dependence of the maximum excess pressure from this fac-tor. Discusses optimal location of safety constructions. In the work for calculation of intensity of explosive loading and identification of influence of the gas concen-tration we used the domestic multi-purpose program FlowVision complex.
8 pag.

Current methodologies of protecting residential buildings from internal explosions.

UDK: 699.8
Vedernikov A.N., Pepelyaev A.A.
This article presents the basic documents and methods, which, according to the author, it is necessary to draw when dealing in matters of protection and explosion prevention.
6 pag.

The two-stage model of the concrete composite fatigue work

UDK: 539.431
Y.E. Kurbatov
The paper deals with the problem of forecasting the fatigue life of concrete structures, buildings and constructions. The authors propose the two-stage phenomenological model of damage accumulation for the numerical simulation of the fatigue life of concrete composite.
4 pag.

Constructive solutions to spatial truss of metal coatings (structural design)

UDK: 624.078.4
A.V. Pirutskaya, I.I. Zueva
Considered domestic and foreign experience in the application of spatial metal structures - structures, systems design features, the main advantages of constructive solutions, the comparative analysis of the nodal connections of structural designs. As an example of the structural unit of the "CNIISK" dimensions 18 x 12 m the analysis of the output of the individual elements of the system. Keywords: structural design, the nodal connection of structural designs, the stress-strain state.
8 pag.

Physicochemical aspects of the conversion of chrysotile asbestos fibers in the process of forming fiber-reinforced concrete based on Portland cement

UDK: 691+669.9
Shchetkova E., Sevastianov R.
The present work is devoted to the physical and chemical aspects of the conversion of chrysotile fibers in the formation of fiber-reinforced concrete based on Portland cement binders. This knowledge will allow to model composite structure at the micro level and to manage its effective physical and mechanical properties. Based on the criteria of efficiency particulate reinforcement fiber-reinforced concrete and the requirements for reinforcing fibers analyzed the structure and physicomechanical properties of chrysotile. The paper summarizes and analyzes the interaction between the chemistry of chrysotile fibers with the components of the concrete matrix. The mechanisms of interaction between the components and the impact on the final characteristics of the fibers of chrysotile fiber-reinforced concrete, especially for strength. The facts presented lead to the conclusion about the effectiveness of chrysotile asbestos as a reinforcing agent for reinforcing fiber-reinforced concrete. It is shown that chrysotile fibers have good mechanical and environmental properties subject to the rules of industrial safety.
0 pag.

Possible shear deformations in bolted Connections of normal accuracy

UDK: 624.014
V.N. Snigireva, I.A. Lebedeva, I.I. Zueva
Consider a construction in which bolts are used normal accuracy. Shows the possible deformation for different connections: odnosreznye dvuhboltovye and three-bolt, dvuhsreznye two-bolt. On the basis of the conducted research is defined random variable compliance of each type of bolted connection, was found possible values of their deformability, which can be used to determine the stress-strain state of statically indeterminate systems, including structural designs with bolted con-nections.
5 pag.

The main types and characteristics Of dome structures

UDK: 624.013/.014
A.С. Kharlamov, F.V. Pavlyukov , I.I. Zueva
Considered the basic types of metal domes, advantages and disadvantages of dome systems. Examples of the most interesting objects with the use of dome structures in the domestic and foreign construction practice.
6 pag.

Certain technical condition of building constructions By expert system

UDK: 658.012.1: 624.01
Y. L. Tonkov, M. N. Fursov
Mechanism of fussy sets theory is the useful tool when creating decision-making models. A prototype expert system module diagnostics of building constructions, designed to estimation the category of the technical condition of reinforced concrete beam is presented. These articles gives an analytical overview of the two methods for constructing membership functions (direct method and method based on Saaty’s pairwise comparison method), and determine the most rational of them to solve the problem of estimation of technical condition of construction.
6 pag.

Possibilities of joint laminated wood and carbon fiber reinforced plastics use in an aggressive environment

UDK: 624.154.5
M.A. Vodiannikov1, G.G. Kashevarova1
The opportunities of carbon fiber reinforced plastics and laminated wood as basic structures are considered. The foreign and Russian experience of use and a great variety of industrial shapes that are made of laminated wood is studied. The ways of production, properties and special features of laminated constructions are shown. The existing problems of development and exploitation are discussed. The present place and a role of carbon fiber reinforced plastics in the foreign and Russian industry, physical properties, special features and production technology are shown. An analysis of existing ways of joint use of carbon and wood is made. Experimental research data of material aging under static loads are described. The conclusions around the possibility of discussed methods extension for improving the reliability and durability are made.
9 pag.

Modeling the stress-strain state of masonry which reinforced by pre-stressed rods because of temperature effects

UDK: 69.059.38
D.O. Demakov, I.L. Tonkov
Object of research is the brick wall damaged by cracks strengthened by system from previously strained belts. The method of calculation of prestrained belts doesn't consider change of the intense deformed condition of a stone laying owing to temperature influences. Solution of this problem is the idealized model of a fragment of a wall of real object is created. The model consists of two settlement schemes, first of which displays change of the intense deformed condition of a stone laying owing to change of efforts of a tension of belts, the second displays change of efforts of intense belts owing to temperature influences. Change of a tension of cores also affects on results of calculation of a stone laying on collapse. The formula which includes change of efforts of a tension of belts from temperature is as a result received.
6 pag.

Volga State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia; Research of strained condition compo-concrete beam under the reaction of long-time load

UDK: 69.04
D.I. Kalinin, F.A. Sabantsev
The aim of this work is research of strained condition compo-concrete beam – it is the concrete beam reinforced by basalt-plastic rods. Experiment by loading compo-concrete beam was produced In time of researching. Also analytical calculation of beam strains was performed. Analysis and comparison of experimental and analytical results was made. At the end of research, was established that composite reinforcement beam shows creep. Creep was derived in increase of deflection and rise of cracks width. The load corresponding of long-time reinforcement resistance is close to experimental.
8 pag.

Influence of Local Buckling on Loaded Capability of Plates with Complex Configuration

UDK: 624.154.5
П.А. Косых, Г.Г. Кашеварова
The article focuses on the approach of defining plates loaded capability of the complex configuration through profile “ATLANT” web. The main points of creating the design model are described, including the finite element type choice, the determine boundary conditions, defining material characteristics, etc. Special attention is given to buckling modes and the value of initial geometric imperfections. Calculating principles of the full “unreduced” cross sectional area are presented. The comparative analysis with the results of identified stresses which define bearing capability exhausting was done. The series of calculations of various configurations of the web under study are done. The principles of obtained results unification are considered with the aim of approximating curve fitting. Eventually the required relation connecting actual load with maximum stresses is defined. All calculations were done by means of finite-element software ANSYS.
11 pag.

Analysis of modern blast protection designs for industrial buildings

UDK: 614.839.52
M.N. Kochepanova
Relevance of explosion protection of industrial buildings, the main reasons for emergence of the situations leading to explosion are noted. Types of the safety designs reducing excessive pressure at explosion are considered. The analysis of the modern easily dumped designs is made.
7 pag.

Analysis of ways to combine concrete and steel in steel-concrete composite bridges

UDK: 624.21
A.V. Lykova, L.P. Abasheva
The article presents features of different ways of combining reinforced concrete slabs and steel main beams in steel-concrete composite span structures of bridges. On the basis of domestic and foreign experience of construction bridges is analyzed advantages and disadvantages used in steel-concrete composite bridges rigid and flexible abutments, a flexible inclined anchors, joins on high-strength bolts and bolt-adhesive joining, including developments of recent years. The analysis of existing methods of calculation of the basic ways of combining, presented in the normative literature, the results of which indicate the need for additional experimental and theoretical studies of the flexible and rigid abutments at various operating conditions bridge spans. Special consideration should be given to the behavior of abutments under dynamic loads and improvement of their calculation of endurance.
6 pag.

Accounting for thermal strains in the monitoring and development of technical solutions for the overhaul of load-bearing walls

UDK: 69.059.22
R.R. Sadykova, I.L. Tonkov
In carrying frameless building brick walls and buildings with incomplete frame during operation for various reasons arise of damage in the form of cracks which affect the performance and durability of the building. Identification of such damage masonry - the process responsible and time-consuming. From the final conclusion depends largely on the alleged rationality of repair measures, their effectiveness and cost. As a result of complex engineering survey of a building with an incomplete skeleton in the city of Perm, external non-reinforced brick walls which damaged numerous through-cracks, as the main causes of damage to the operation of these base uneven deformation in the first years due to insufficient bearing capacity of the soil, and recommended monitoring the technical state. During the eight month of observation it was noticed that the opening width of cracks existing in the outer walls was varied in a larger and smaller side only with the onset of the cold season, particularly as a result of extreme temperatures. At the same time the emergence of new cracks have been recorded, which casts doubt on the effect only of geological factors. According to regulatory documents calculations outer brick wall on temperature effects were produced. Calculations confirmed that from the temperature difference in the masonry walls of buildings surveyed achieved tensile force sufficient for the formation of cracks. Also cracking calculated value coincides with the actual value obtained as a result of building monitoring. The performed studies have shown that the oscillation width of cracks in the masonry is directly related to the change in linear dimensions of each array of masonry, separate adjacent cracks. Accordingly, for preventing the disclosure of significant cracks after repair by injecting it is advisable to carry out an external wall insulation. Thereby not only to improve the insulating properties of the wall, but also decrease multiple oscillation outer surface of the wall temperature and consequently cracks repeated opening width does not exceed the standard values.
7 pag.

Finite-element model of columns and floor connection and analysis of them

UDK: 624.04
V. I. Sykulev, M. P. Son
The article considers three ways of modeling the columns and floor connection in-situ reinforced concrete buildings. The first model is linear finite element that has a common node with shell of floor slab. In the second model connection is carried by dint of absolutely rigid element. In the third model, columns modeled by dint of volume element. Calculation of all models was done using the software package Lira SAPR 2015. Calculation of all models was done using decreasing meshes: 1000, 500, 200, 150 mm. The results of calculations were supporting and interjacent moments in the floor slab. On the basis of the numerical experiment was performed analysis of calculation results - was performed analysis the impact of the selected method on the convergence of the results, were selected possible reasons for the difference between the results.
6 pag.

Assessment of a dynamic component of loading from a contact network of electrotransport in total the reasons of a collapse of an inhabited apartment house on Kuibyshev street, 103 in Perm

UDK: 624.042.8
I.L. Tonkov, T.S. ZyryanovaI.L.
The hypothesis of dynamic impact on a bricklaying of an external wall of the fallen angular part of the house on Kuibysheva street, 103 in Perm in places of anchor fastening of suspension brackets of wires of a contact network of electrotransport, served as one of factors in total of causes of accident is made. The object of this study is to plot fell upon the outer wall of a five-story apartment building, located at the address: Perm, Sverdlovsk district, Kuibysheva street, 103. The aim of the study is to determine the dynamic loads on the anchors suspension catenary wires municipal electric exhaustive reason for the destruction of the outer walls of the building or masonry is one of the factors that triggered in conjunction with other defects and stress. For achievement of a research objective analytical approach of determination of the pulling-out force from a contact network with calculation of the bearing ability of a bricklaying on a cut on not tied up section is used.
6 pag.

Determination of defects and damage of reinforced concrete structures to the categories of technical condition

UDK: 658.012.1: 624.01
Y.L.Tonkov, A.Z.Chepulis, K.L.Sinani
The object of study is defects and damage of concrete constructions (types, classes, and options), which share in the civil and industrial building occupies a significant place. The purpose is systematize the information in the field of diagnostics and checking of reinforced concrete structures, identification of current methods of solving conflicts between different sources of information. The results of analysis and classification of information on the parameters of defects and damage of concrete constructions are presented in the work. This parameters define a category of technical state of constructions, buildings and structures, which obtained by studying the data of normative and technical documents, manuals and guidelines. As a result of the work creating a systematic, generalized and updated knowledge in the field of diagnostics of damage of reinforced concrete structures and automation of information in this area through the creation of intelligent systems to support decision-making has been identified.
8 pag.

Overview of methods for artificially enhanced bases and vertical geotechnical barriers 

UDK: 69.059.22
Babeshko E.S., Zakharova M.S., Karpinskiy K.D.
The article provides an overview of methods for artificially enhanced grounds stacked on soft water-saturated clay soils. The technology using an intermediate sand pits, soil piles, devices, sand drains, jet grouting of the soil. The article provides an overview of methods for vertical geotechnical barriers. The technology immersion metal pile, the device "wall in soil" technology, CFA piling, jet grouting of the soil. Estimated geological conditions of the use of technology.
7 pag.

Use of artificial intelligence systems for evaluation of certain technical condition of building constructions

UDK: 658.012.1: 624.01
Domnina A. O., Tonkov Y. L.
The object of study is defects and damage steel beams and columns. The purpose is analysis of information on the principles of the work of expert systems for evaluation of building constructions certain technical condition, the assignment of the main tools for the development of the knowledge base, input parameters definition of program for evaluation of certain technical condition of steel constructions. Analysis of certain technical condition of building constructions is difficult task even for experts. On this basis expert systems could be tools that facilitate the work of the surveyors. Advantage of this program is processing of a set of parameters taking into account their importance relative to each other and acceptance of construction conclusions. As a result of the work the basic principles of development a knowledge base are defined, and steel constructions parameters are extracted, according to which their technical condition will be determined.
7 pag.

Experience in determining the explosive load using modern software systems and calculation techniques

UDK: 614.839.52
M.N. Kochepanova, V.D. Bosov
The actuality of the numerical modeling of the propagation of a blast wave in the air is noted, both in the design of buildings and structures of explosive industries, and in evaluating the consequences of explosions on building structures and predetermining the scale of destruction due to the high cost of full-scale tests. The author describes the difficulties that arise in modeling using modern foreign software products with a world-wide name. The results of simulation of an explosion in a certain calculation area are presented. Modeling was carried out using the AUTODYN module of the software complex Ansys Workbench. The main purpose of the paper is to study the shock-wave structure that arises from a detonation explosion using C4 from the materials library as an explosive. Numerical simulation was carried out under normal atmospheric conditions.
7 pag.

The progress of deformations in brick buildings with a decrease in the characteristics of the ground base 

UDK: 69.059.22
В.V. Tarasevich, D.A. Nuzhina
Most of the multi-apartment buildings of the Perm housing stock were built in 1940-1980s. In the exploitation of buildings, their technical condition changes, which is expressed in a quantitative change in the strength characteristics of load-bearing structures and the ground base. As a result, various types of damage appear in the bearing structures of the building. In the typical buildings of series 1-447, II-03 considered the main pronounced damage is through cracks in the outer brick walls. Causes of cracks could be caused by various factors, however, characteristic inclined cracks were recorded in most of the surveyed buildings of these series, which indicates a common cause for all such buildings. For a sufficiently long period of operation of such buildings, due to climatic and technogenic factors, significant changes in the characteristics of the ground base could occur. Reducing the characteristics of the base could lead to uneven foundation sediments in different parts of the building, depending on the location and degree of variation of some characteristics of the base. 
12 pag.

Application of the Ansys Workbench software package to account for temperature deformations of damaged brick building walls

UDK: 69.059.22
R.R.Sadykova, I.L. Tonkov
In the process of monitoring the technical condition of the external brick walls of the five-story building in Perm, made during the cold period of the year, it became necessary to take into account the change in the width of the opening of existing cracks due to air temperature fluctuations [1,2]. The main cause of the existing wall damage is the uneven deformation of the base in the first years of operation due to the insufficient bearing capacity of the soil [3]. During the observations of the building, the width of the opening of existing cracks in the outer walls changed both in the larger and smaller directions. At the same time, the appearance of new cracks was not fixed, which cast doubt on the version of the negative effect of geological processes at the base of the foundations. To confirm the hypothesis of temperature deformations of walls, an accurate quantitative assessment of changes in the width of crack opening was required by computer simulation of the stressed state of walls due to air temperature fluctuations with subsequent comparison of results with monitoring data. In the software complex Ansys Workbench, the walls of the building are calculated for the temperature effects. Calculations confirmed that from the temperature drop in the brickwork of the walls of the surveyed building there are tensile stresses, the concentration of which coincides in localization with the actual trajectories of cracks. The calculated values of crack opening, obtained as a result of computer simulation, are very close to the actual values measured during monitoring.
8 pag.

Monitoring of a horizontal geotechnical barrier in conditions of constrained building

UDK: 624.154.5
Bobeshko E.S., Makovetsky O.A. Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the question of constructing an artificial foundation "structural geomass" as a horizontal geotechnical barrier in conditions of constrained construction. The authors considered possible causes of additional sedimentation of neighboring buildings, technology of jet cementation, its main parameters and advantages. The problems of designing the "structural geomass" have been identified the urgency of the application of the geotechnical barrier to exclude sediments, additional deformations of the bases and bearing structures of the neighboring building has been analyzed. The goals and objectives of the research are defined, the object and subject of research are identified, as well as monitoring methods as the very design of the geotechnical barrier, which consist in determining the geometric dimensions and physico-mechanical characteristics of the material of ground-cement elements GCE and the condition of the buildings near the new construction site.
11 pag.

Deformability and bearing capacity of joints of wooden structures on steel and carbon fiber dowels

UDK: 624.154.5
M. A. Vodiannikov, G. G. Kashevarova, P. S. Shtro Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
This article gives an overview of the existing problems with the long-term operation of glued wooden structures and components of their interface in an aggressive environment. Comparison of the experiments on the determination of the ultimate load on the nugget joint. This paper includes calculation results for dowel connections of wood structures using steel and carbon fiber reinforced plastic cylindrical dowel pins in accordance with applicable regulatory documents. Determination of bearing load capacity of connections is defined. The comparative characteristic is based on the theory of deformability and load-bearing capacity of the joint when the wood of the middle element is destroyed or the dowel pins. Dependence diagrams are shown; comparative analysis of the results obtained is conducted. Conclusions on the possibility and expediency of graphite composites in the design of joints glued wooden structures are done.
8 pag.

Calculation of the flying structure of peshekhodny bridge from polymeric composite materials

UDK: 624.011.78
E.V. Zakonova, V.I. Kleveko Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
One of the solutions to the problem of pedestrian safety in the streets of modern cities is the construction of pedestrian crossings. The process of their construction, often accompanied by the need for overlapping roads. This leads to disruption of traffic, the appearance of traffic jams. The period of installation of the span structure directly depends on its weight. To reduce the value of the latter by a factor of several by completing the construction of a span structure from modern polymer composite materials (PCM). A study was made of a pedestrian span standing in the form of a truss made of fiberglass pipes, the experimental design of which was taken from existing metal trusses. This article presents the procedure for conducting research work: selection of dimensions, basic calculations and results for each of them. At the end, the total weight of the calculated fiberglass truss is compared with its analog of steel profiles.
9 pag.

Monitoring of a vertical geotechnical barrier in the conditions of the constrained urban development

UDK: 624.1
Zakharova M.S., Makovetsky O.A. Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation;
The article is devoted to the issue of monitoring the behavior of a vertical geotechnical barrier made using the diaphragm wall technology. The authors consider the methods of the device and the conditions for securing the diaphragm wall. The principle of geodetic monitoring of the diaphragm wall has been studied in cramped conditions. The effectiveness of this method of control in ensuring the safety of the construction site and the environment is assessed. The object and subject of the research are defined, the goals and objectives of the research are outlined, as well as methods for achieving the stated goal.
9 pag.

Modeling of the flange connection in the settlement complex Ansys

UDK: 624.078.4
М.P. Son, А.D. Zemlyanukhin Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
As the world practice of construction shows, flange connections are the most practical solution from the point of view of economy, speed of installation and evaluation of connection quality of elements. However, in Russia there is no established base for designing and testing flange connections. Also produced in Russia long products do not allow you to design a flange connection without additional reinforcement of the connected elements. That also increases labor costs and complicates the design. At the moment, a new assortment of I-beams is being developed, which will allow designing flanged connections with high loads. In parallel with this, the problem of lack of normative literature arises, and the use of foreign literature contradicts the established design principles in Russia, namely, the use of metal in the zone of plastic deformations. If there is plastic deformation in the nodes, the deformability of the whole frame of the building will increase, which also cannot be ignored. To develop new normative literature, it will be necessary to conduct various studies related to field trials, analysis of foreign experience and mathematical models performed in various computational complexes.
8 pag.


Руководители секции : проф., д. т. н. Кашеварова Г.Г.., доцент, к. т. н. Зуева И.И.

20 pag.

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