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Выпуск №5: По материалам VII Всероссийской молодежной конференции аспирантов, молодых ученых и студентов «СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ. ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИКА», (Часть II.Ноябрь, 2015)


Строительная механика. Моделирование физических процессов строительства. Строительные конструкции зданий и сооружений

Possible shear deformations in bolted Connections of normal accuracy

UDK: 624.014
V.N. Snigireva, I.A. Lebedeva, I.I. Zueva
Consider a construction in which bolts are used normal accuracy. Shows the possible deformation for different connections: odnosreznye dvuhboltovye and three-bolt, dvuhsreznye two-bolt. On the basis of the conducted research is defined random variable compliance of each type of bolted connection, was found possible values of their deformability, which can be used to determine the stress-strain state of statically indeterminate systems, including structural designs with bolted con-nections.
5 pag.

The main types and characteristics Of dome structures

UDK: 624.013/.014
A.С. Kharlamov, F.V. Pavlyukov , I.I. Zueva
Considered the basic types of metal domes, advantages and disadvantages of dome systems. Examples of the most interesting objects with the use of dome structures in the domestic and foreign construction practice.
6 pag.

Certain technical condition of building constructions By expert system

UDK: 658.012.1: 624.01
Y. L. Tonkov, M. N. Fursov
Mechanism of fussy sets theory is the useful tool when creating decision-making models. A prototype expert system module diagnostics of building constructions, designed to estimation the category of the technical condition of reinforced concrete beam is presented. These articles gives an analytical overview of the two methods for constructing membership functions (direct method and method based on Saaty’s pairwise comparison method), and determine the most rational of them to solve the problem of estimation of technical condition of construction.
6 pag.

Геотехника и геотехнологии

Road embankment calculation on the weak base by the analytical method and the method of finite elements

UDK: 625.731.1
O.V. Moiseeva, K.R. Kashapova, V.I. Kleveko
The results of the calculation of road embankment on soft ground in specific geotechnical conditions. The calculations were performed by an analytical method based on benefits to the SNIP 2.05.02-85 and the finite element method in the program PLAXIS 2D.
6 pag.

Reconstruction of the rubble stone footing of residential buildings for the purpose of more rational use of underground space.

UDK: 624.159.4; 69.059.7
K.O.Mukhin, D.G.Zolotozubov
Most of the buildings built during the 40s-60s of the XX century has tape rubble foundations. During reconstruction of buildings foundations are in most cases require major repairs or reconstruction. When choosing a method of repair or reconstruction is first necessary to assess the condition of the Foundation. In the reconstruction are the most common methods of broadening the Foundation, the use of inclined or tapered piles. To select more rational decisions necessary to conduct the trial design.
5 pag.

The analysis of results of model tests and mathematical modelling of cylindrical covers on the bases subject to karstoobrazovaniya′s processes

UDK: 624.157.2
V. V. Novikov, T.M. Bochkaryova, V. I. Kleveko
The calculation of the bases in carstified territories on a method of final elements realized in the Plaxis 2D personal computer is presented. Calculations of the tape base and base cover on the basis with a karst cavity are executed. The comparative analysis of results the shtampovykh of tests with results of calculations on the basis of schedules of dependence "pressure deposit" is carried out. Isolines of the maximum vertical tension under a sole of the bases are given.
8 pag.

Calculation of the flexible grillage using geosynthetics in the construction of road embankment on the weak basestrengthening grouting elements

UDK: 624.138.2
V.O. Pikuleva, O.S. Karmanova, V.I. Kleveko
This article presents the calculation of flexible grillage road embankment by creating geomassiva on weak basis in accordance with the provisions of relevant regulations. The calculation was selected the most appropriate version of a flexible raft foundation.
10 pag.

Theoritical bases of calculation of soil piles in the composition of the foundation

UDK: 624.154.51
S. V. Piskotin R. I. Shenkman
Conditions of use of ground piles with geosynthetic membrane as hanging piles as part of the foundations, analysis and design of this system. This article provides an overview of the research on the development of analytical methods of calculation as the stress-strain state of soil piles with geosynthetic membrane, and as the stress-strain state of pile foundations with a different type of piles
9 pag.

Verification of simulation results in the software package Plaxis

UDK: 69.04
Rumyantsev S. D., Birin A. S., Sychkina E. N.
Now most of the calculations are performed of usage software packages. One of popular software products for today is program complex Plaxis. In the article reviewed various verifications methods available for ordinary users.
5 pag.

Interaction of a long bored pile with a soil

UDK: 624.154.5
A.S. Hodyrev, A.A. Semenova
The author considers methods of an assessment of the intense deformed condition of soil, necessary for the scientifically based choice of designs of the pile bases, including diameter and lengths of piles, distances between them depending on the engineering geological conditions of a building site.
5 pag.

Analysis of external stability of retaining walls, reinforced by geogrid.

UDK: 624.164.3
K.L. Sinani, O.V. Solov′eva, V.I. Kleveko
Calculations for design of retaining wall’s reinforcing by geogrids are presented in this article. Calculations are accomplished on the basis of a method of the external stability’s analysis for reinforced soil walls. Results of reckoning open special aspects and adaptability of method.
7 pag.

Study of soil features applications eluvial as the base foundations for structures

UDK: 624.154.1
Smirnov R.S., Gorodnichenko V.O., Sychkina E.N.
The article is dedicated to the issue of eluvial soils. The authors mention on following problems:1 physical and mechanical properties of soils of eluvial; 2 characteristics of the soil in Perm; 3 emergencies arising on eluvial soils. Much attention is given to eluvial soil properties. It is reported that eluvial soils are complex profile, as well as a complex structure. The article is of interest for organizations that are building on the eluvial soils.
5 pag.

Using the finite element method for modeling reinforced soil retaining walls

UDK: 624.164.3
V.D. Sokolova, V.I. Kleveko
The paper presents calculations reinforced soil retaining wall analytical methods and the finite element method using the software package PLAXIS.
12 pag.

The analysis of traffic circle in the Leninsky district of Perm.

UDK: 711.73
V.G. Telegin, V.I. Kleveko
The paper deals with the traffic circle in the Leninsky district of Perm near Sosnovyiy bor. The evaluation of this junction against capacity requirements of traffic flows and safety of traffic for all road users was held.
10 pag.


UDK: 624.164.3
A.Z. Chepulis, V.R. Shahverdieva, V.I. Kleveko
Results of calculations of reinforced ground retaining walls on influence of roll’s vertical loadings during compression of backfill are presented in this article. Calculations are accomplished on the basis of a method of the internal stability’s analysis for reinforced soil walls. Also possibility of application of this method in case when the soil wall is reinforced by geogrids are analyzed in this article.
8 pag.

Тhe question about use the geosynthetics to improve the mechanical properties of clay soils

UDK: 624.131
T.B.Yushkov, A.V. Mashchenko
This article is devoted to the study of clay soils. The authors note the following issues: 1) the physical and mechanical features of clay soils; 2) the characteristics of the soil in Perm; 3) reinforcement of geosynthetic materials of clay soils. Much attention is paid to the features of clay soils. It is reported that clay soils have complex profile, as well as a complex structure. The article is of great interest for organizations that are involved in building on clay soils.
5 pag.

Application of geogrid in the construction of temporary roads on soft soils

UDK: 625.814.3
K.R. Kashapova, V.I. Kleveko, O.V. Moiseeva
This paper presents a calculation of the temporary road construction reinforced with geogrid, on low ground. Powered by geotechnical modeling of framing grid in a difficult terrain heavy tracked and wheeled vehicles.
10 pag.


UDK: 625.74
Lavrikov M.N., Shutova O.A.
The present article aims to review the most frequent examples of road interchanges, both flatten and multilevel.
11 pag.

Research into the causes of anisotropic properties of natural soils

UDK: 624.131.4
Bobeshko E.S., Zakharova M.S., Sychkina E.N.
: the article focuses on the anisotropy. The authors analyzed the causes of the anisotropic properties of natural soils, characterized types of anisotropy and pro-vides a method to assess it.
7 pag.

Технологии и организация строительного производства. Ресурсосбережение

The method of reduced static and dynamic loading metal structures construc-tion machinery with hydraulic drive

UDK: 624.042.12
Kudasheva M.I., Vahrushev S.I.
A method of reducing the static and dynamic loading of metal construction machinery hydraulic based on the creation of a metal construction machine additional efforts of the opposite external load and commensurate largest external force. As a result, there is a redistribution of stresses in the cross section in the whole metal that provides stress relief in general. Unloading system may be applied to all cases of loading designs of construction machinery
9 pag.

Comparative analysis of permanent formwork different types

UDK: 69.057.592:69.057.593
Lashova S.S., Kaloshina S.V.
The paper describes different types of permanent formwork. Identified the advantages and disadvantages of each type. The comparative analysis was conducted according to following criteria: environmental compatibility, price, and fire safety, conclusions.
11 pag.

Analysis of pile foundation technology devices by static indentation.

UDK: 624.154
A.V. Melnikov O.S. Turova S.V. Kaloshina
The technology of the device of pile foundations by static indentation. The range of this technology. Considered the machinery. Conducted a feasibility analysis of the most popular ways of piling on the method of static indentation.
7 pag.


UDK: 691.131
Nekrasova M.V., Serebrennikov S.A.
The article contains a comparison of ways of connecting rods reinforcement in concrete structures. Considered methods such as threaded coupling, crimp fittings ( by crimping couplings hydraulic equipment manufactured by "BIS-2"), the connection weld, splice site. A comparative analysis of economic efficiency of overlap joints, welding, crimping fittings.
6 pag.

System of contactless magnetic-pulse technology of construction machines repair based on a combined matching device

UDK: 621.318.4
Olenyova A.A., Vahrushev S.I.
The article considers the system of contactless magnetic-pulse repair of carcass parts of construction machines. The results of experimental research of combined matching devices – a primary component of the tool to repair dents in sheet metal are brought. Analytic forms for the component of the vector of electromagnetic field, excited in the system, and currents induced in the metal of the secondary coil of the device are obtained.
10 pag.

Analysis of mortgage lending programs by banks in perm krai

UDK: 69.003.13
E.D. Osterman, O.V. Petreneva
In Perm Krai, Russia, wages of young families don’t allow them to purchase real estate. They are simply unable to make a lump sum funds for the purchase of housing. Young families have to save money in order to purchase apartment and at the same time must rent housing. Because of this situation, people are forced to use a mortgage lending to solve their housing problems. This article analyzes the pro-gram of Perm City banks that provide mortgages, as well as the pros and cons of mortgage lending.
10 pag.

Technical and economic comparison of modern coatings for playground

UDK: 691.17
E.D. Osterman, O.A. Shutova
On playgrounds children are very susceptible to injury, so we should refer meticulous to the selection of coating for playground. Earlier courtyards were simply covered with sand, gravel or asphalt. Recently appeared a huge number of artificial types of coating sand it's difficult to navigate in a variety of their assort-ment. The article deals with four new artificial coatings for playgrounds.
9 pag.

Problems of introduction of innovative technologies and materials in construction

UDK: 69.003.13
Petreneva O.V., Pikuleva V.O., Umshanov A.V.
The paper presents various innovative technologies and building materials used in the Russian construction industry. The problems of innovation in the construction market. Considered the risks of construction companies related to innovation and pricing issues and determining the estimated cost of innovative works.
7 pag.

Determination of intensions and displacements arising in arrow mobile crane with a structural mechanics rod systems equations complete system without taking into account geometrical and physical nonlinearities

UDK: 62-237
Rumyantsev S. D., Vakhrushev S. I.
Currently design calculations are fully automated. This imposes a requirement for the engineer which is to check results of the automated structure calculation. This article shows connections between classical and software mobile crane arrow calculations.
8 pag.

Finishing technology of ventilated facades

UDK: 692.232.45
Tarasova T.V., Ismagilova Y.R., Kaloshina S.V.
This article describes a phased technology device ventilated facade , highlighted all the requirements to them , a comparative analysis with other kind of facades ( "wet" facade ) and identified the advantages and disadvantages of this technology .
7 pag.

Performance evaluation of loose material transportation

UDK: 69.002.5
Snigireva V.N., Vakhrushev S.I.
In the article are considered three modern and actual technological decisions of loose material transportation. Patent research is carried out and a list of technical and economic indicators, such as performance improvement, increase the angle of transport, increase in transportation distance, decrease in depreciation of fixed nodes and universal technological solutions, is found. To evaluate the effectiveness of the technology were identified comparison criteria: distance transportation of bulk materials, average performance conveyors, the maximum angle of lifting and simplicity of constructive solutions. According to the analysis of the results, advantages and disadvantages and estimated the efficiency of all technological decisions were established.
8 pag.

Comparison of basis-index and resource methods of calculate the estimated building cost

UDK: 69.003.12
Compilation of estimates is one of the important stages of building. In this paper, based on local estimates for the replacement of floor linoleum on parquet floor. Compare two methods: basis-index and resource. The results obtained are structured in a table highlights the main advantages and disadvantages of each method, to facilitate the selection of a method of estimating specific work.
6 pag.

Analysis of accidenta and emergencies of the use towe cranes

Shilyaev T.A., Kolesova E.N., Kaloshina S.V.
the article describes the main types of accidents tower cranes and analysis reasons of their occurrence. The examples of accidents tower cranes. Carried out collection of information of the number of accidents in Privolzhsky and Ural Federal districts. Identified the major methods of removing the causes of accidents.
6 pag.

The main types and technology of membrane roofing

UDK: 692.415
Yadovina K.S., Chepkasova V.V., Kaloshina S.V.
: This article is devoted to the research of the features, advantages and disadvantages of the main types of membrane roofing materials. Key stages of the technology of bracing and joining of polymeric materials are considered in it. A comparison of membranes with other types of roll roofing and comparison of different methods of installation the roll material roof are based on the studied data. Research results permit to generalize extend the knowledge of the application and features of the assembling of membrane roofs.
8 pag.

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