Колонка редактора - Eng


Increasing the energy efficiency of buildings through the use of low-potential energy

UDK: 697.7

А.Ю. Колечкина, А.В. Захаров

Currently, there is a tendency to improve energy efficiency of buildings. The greatest preference is given to the use of alternative sources: wind, water, sun and soil. This article discusses the increase in energy efficiency of buildings through the use of ground power, low-grade geothermal energy. This energy can not be used directly, so for heating buildings should use a heat pump system. This system consists of a primary circuit (ground collector) of the heat pump (TN) and the secondary circuit (system of heat consumption). The aim of this work is the study of heat pump (the history of, the design features, the operating principle, species) and various systems of heat consumption. Produced review of Russian companies Commodity producers. As heat consumption systems considered floor, wall and ceiling systems.

Файл: А.Ю. Колечкина, А.В. Захаров.pdf, 11 pag.

Рубрика: Геотехника и геотехнологии
Выпуск №6: По материалам VIII Всероссийской молодежной конференции аспирантов, молодых ученых и студентов «СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ. ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИКА», (Часть I ,июнь, 2016)

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