Колонка редактора - Eng


The study of the soil destruction forms if indentation in it of the pile foundations models

UDK: 624.131

P.A. Lyashenko, I.O. Eshchenko, P.E. Babkin, Y.S. Safronov

This article provides an experience indentation in the clay soil pile foundation model. The experiment was conducted in the framework of the scientific-pedagogical practice at Masters of Civil Engineering Faculties of theta Kuban State Agrarian University in the Department of bases and foundations. The following tasks were set before the Masters: 1. To study the forms of soil destruction indentation in his models of pile foundations. 2. Compare the visible destruction with record rainfall patterns. 3. Formulate a working hypothesis about the causes and mechanism of the destruction of the soil at the going-Lebanon in his model. All objectives were met. Description of the experience and the findings are presented below.

Файл: П.А. Ляшенко, И.О. Ещенко, П.Е. Бабкин, Ю.С. Сафронов.pdf, 8 pag.

Рубрика: Геотехника и геотехнологии
Выпуск №6: По материалам VIII Всероссийской молодежной конференции аспирантов, молодых ученых и студентов «СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ. ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИКА», (Часть I ,июнь, 2016)

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