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Design quality public space based on the formation of the functional content (for example, Extreme Park in Perm)

UDK: 711.558

А.K. Trofimova

The article discusses the features of the public space, as well as the criteria for determining the quality of public space. Particular attention is paid to filling the space functions. It determines the nature of the functional content of the processes occurring in the public space, as well as the dynamics of the life of the territory. The object of investigation was selected Perm Extreme Park as an area having potential for development, as well as the opportunity to become a bright symbol of the city. The aim of the study was to identify the main and related functions for the area, which will help to attract more athletes to improve the quality of this unique public space, as well as revitalize the territory, which is empty most of the year. To answer the questions of a sociological survey method was applied, which was conducted through questionnaires in the Internet space. The bulk sample were young people who are fond of extreme sports. The article presents the results of the survey, the findings of the parameters of the existing and the desired use.

Файл: А.К. Трофимова.pdf, 8 pag.

Рубрика: Градостроительство. Теория развития города. Теория и история архитектуры, реконструкция и реставрация архитектурного наследия
Выпуск №7: По материалам VIII Всероссийской молодежной конференции аспирантов, молодых ученых и студентов «СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ. ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИКА», (Часть II ,сентябрь, 2016)

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