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Why pedestrian street didn’t take place in Perm city?

UDK: 711.01/09

D.A. Davydovа, E.P. Kuznetsova, S.V. Maksimova

In the article circomstances and reasons owing to which Permskaya street in Leninsky district of Perm city didn’t take place as a popular pedestrian zone are giving. The place and an important meaning of public spaces and pedestrian streets in a city’s structure are describing: influence on city’s brend, demand among the tourists, development of the local business. Necessity in estetic embodiment of public spaces and careful relation to historical cultural heritage are pointing. The aim of the article is to understand the reasons of unsuccessful experience of pedestrian zone on Permskaya street creation and to give recommendations on how to eliminate theese reasons. In the article there is a short information about Permskaya street’s history and architectural monuments. History of creating and functioning of pedestrian zone on Permskaya street since 2011 to 2016 have described. The main reasons why Perm’s Arbat didn’t become popular are determing: climate’s specifics, not profitable position in the city and transportation, infrastructure, which doesn’t suit citizens’ needs, the lack of individuality, which contributes to appeal and demand. At the end there is a conclusion, that Permskaya street could be popular pedestrian zone in a case of filling its existance of sense, uniqueness of an idea and a balanced approach of accepted decisions.

Файл: Д.А. Давыдова.pdf, 10 pag.

Рубрика: Градостроительство. Теория развития города. Теория и история архитектуры, реконструкция и реставрация архитектурного наследия
Выпуск №8: По материалам IX Всероссийской молодежной конференции аспирантов, молодых ученых и студентов «СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ. ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИКА», (Часть I ,июнь, 2017)

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