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Construction methods and advantages of dome buildings

UDK: 69.036.3

P.S. Shanko, A.V. Shishkina, S.V. Kaloshina.

This article contains information about the history and origin of the idea of the construction of the dome. Consider the feasibility of building domed buildings of any purpose. It raises questions about the strength, economic, environmental, and aesthetic and other advantages and disadvantages of small domed structure. Visually calculated the volume and surface area of the dome of the building and the building in the shape of the box, in order to prove greater energy efficiency geodoma, in terms of compactness of the building. Some characteristics of the dome - house in comparison with a conventional building of the cubic type. Characteristics are compared with each other and are summarized in the table for the evaluation and comparison of the most important parameters in the construction. Also in the article describes the following technology of erection of buildings dome: the dome construction on the basis of a geodesic sphere, the construction of buildings on the basis pneumoframework, methods of building dome homes on the basis of permanent formwork and building factory production.

Файл: П.С. Шанько, А.В. Шишкина, С.В. Калошина.pdf, 8 pag.

Рубрика: Технологии и организация строительного производства. Ресурсосбережение
Выпуск №7: По материалам VIII Всероссийской молодежной конференции аспирантов, молодых ученых и студентов «СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ. ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИКА», (Часть II ,сентябрь, 2016)

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