Колонка редактора - Eng


Determination of heat losses of enclosing structures of buildings of Perm universities

UDK: 727.3

N.B. Kuryakova, T.Y. Zapolskikh, A.V. Pirutskaya, I.A. Balashov, Z.D. Popyvanova

In the article, an experimental method for determining the heat losses enclosing structures of buildings using the thermal imager is considered. Relevance of determining heat losses enclosing structures of buildings is proved. Relevance of the problem of comfort educational buildings of higher educational institutions and the impact on her indoor climate and heat losses the building envelope is proved. Certain object of study - educational buildings of Perm universities. Subject of research is the heat losses of enclosing structures of buildings. The purpose of research is formulated as a definition of heat losses enclosing structures buildings universities of Perm experimental method using a thermal imager. Thermal imaging survey chosen buildings was conducted between December 2015 on February 2016. Conditions of thermal imaging survey buildings are presented. Survey results are presented and analyzed. The largest the heat losses are observed through the windows.

Файл: Н.Б. Курякова, Т.Ю. Запольских, А.В. Пируцкая, И.А. Балашов, З.Д. Попыванова.pdf, 6 pag.

Рубрика: Градостроительство. Теория развития города. Теория и история архитектуры, реконструкция и реставрация архитектурного наследия
Выпуск №7: По материалам VIII Всероссийской молодежной конференции аспирантов, молодых ученых и студентов «СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ. ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИКА», (Часть II ,сентябрь, 2016)

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