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Modeling of the emergency mode of electrical heating of concrete using heating wire in the software environment ElectronicsWorkbench 5.12

UDK: 693.547.32

S.A. Koryagin, S.I. Vahrushev Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation

Monolithic construction is faced with the problems of providing the necessary temperature regime for hardening and recasting of concrete in winter. One of the technologies of winter concreting is electric heating with the use of heating wire. The article considers the technology of concrete heating by electric wire during winter concreting of thin-walled structures, the criteria for choosing equipment and materials for heating are determined. Recommendations are given on the choice of heating elements and connection schemes, based on the requirements for improving the production of work, optimizing and rational use of labor and material resources, reducing the time for additional work. Within the framework of the work, the risks associated with winter concreting technology using heating wire were assessed. In particular, simulation in the ElectronicsWorkbench 5.12 software environment of an emergency of a heating element break in the overlap area.

Файл: С.А. Корягин.pdf, 9 pag.

Рубрика: Технологии и организация строительного производства. Ресурсосбережение
Выпуск №9: По материалам IX Всероссийской молодежной конференции аспирантов, молодых ученых и студентов «СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ. ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИКА», (Часть II ,октябрь, 2017)

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